Moving applet from Oracle jre: first tries

Deepak Bhole dbhole at
Wed Sep 26 08:45:13 PDT 2012

* helpcrypto helpcrypto <helpcrypto at> [2012-09-26 10:59]:
> Hi all
> If this is not the correct place to ask, please tell me.
> We have developed an applet actually running on OSX and Windows (even
> on Linux using Oracle JRE), but doesnt run properly on
> icedtea-plugin/openjdk-7.
> I have enabled logging this way:
>   ICEDTEAPLUGIN_DEBUG=true firefox 2>&1 | tee plugin.log
> Is that correct?
> The output log is spplited in plugin.log, java.stdout and java.stderr.
> Is there any way to get a full trace on a file where i can see the
> complete sequence?
> Looking in more detail i have an NullPointerException cause
> System.getProperty(""); is not
> working.
> Which property should i use to get JRE keystore? Should i file a bug for that?


That property looks correct to me. It is odd that it is null.
java.stderr should have the full trace unless it is being swallowed
unintentionally somewhere.

Why do you need to access the trust store via the applet by the way?


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