[rfc] [icedtea-web] renaming Messages_cs_CZ to Messages_cs (was Re:ITW tranlsation)

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Fri Apr 26 05:17:27 PDT 2013

On 04/26/2013 02:01 PM, Jacob Wisor wrote:
> "Jiri Vanek"<jvanek at redhat.com>  wrote:
>> On 04/26/2013 12:57 PM, Jacob Wisor wrote:
>>> "Jiri Vanek"<jvanek at redhat.com>   wrote:
>>>> Forwarding Alexander's "new" cz_CS transaltion.
>>>> I will do review, merge and push. No new code is epxected.
>>>> J.
>>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>>> Subject: 	Re: ITW tranlsation
>>>> Date: 	Fri, 26 Apr 2013 09:12:15 +0200
>>>> From: 	skolnag at gmail.com<skolnag at gmail.com>
>>>> To: 	Jiri Vanek<jvanek at redhat.com>
>>>> Ahoj,
>>>> OK, tak tady to m&#225;&#353;. Nen&#237; p&#345;elo&#382;eno to pov&#237;d&#225;n&#237;. To dod&#283;l&#225;m jindy, te&#271; na to nebyl&#269;as.
>>>> &#268;au
>>>> Sa&#353;a
>>> I have just one minor note on the cs_CZ localization. Would you consider renaming Messages_cs_CZ.properties to Messages_cs.properties, as long there are no specifics to the Czech Republic in it? This would solve the problem for minorities using the Czech language outside of the Czech Republic or users who's computers are configured for a country other than the Czech Republic but use Czech language. As far as I can tell, with cs_CZ one is going to get Czech messages only if the location or country of the computer is the Czech Republic as well (although I am not entirely sure about that).
>> I'm not sure if this is even possible.
>> Czech language is used only In Czech republic. But the same could one  say  about pl...
>> Damn I have no idea :)
> I would not be so sure that Czech is not used elsewhere. What about Slovakia? Infact, in Poland for example there are German, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Romani, Russian, Lemko, Lithuanian, Slovak, Jewish and Armenian minorities that have legal status. Some of them also use corresponding languages officially. Similar is true about minorities in Germany. Similar applies probably to the Czech Republic and Slovakia, as they are EU members and also have signed the "Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities".

Slovakia have their own language :))
We (cz x sk) understand each other just little bit more then to polish :)

> Anyhow, users should be able to choose a configuration that fits them best.

>> Imho there does not exists any enhacning locale for cs (aas do for de eg)
>> there is just cs_CZ, nothing else.
>> Eg for de there is:
>> de
>> de_CH
>> de_AT
>> ....
>> For Poland  i think there is also *only* pl_PL. Nothing else
>> Some googling suggest that cs only and pl only should be supported and valaid...
> It is true that the ISO only lists cs_CZ and pl_PL in their language code standards. But that standard is primarily focused on languages only and does not take computer configurations, minorities or political and social progress into account. Infact, there have been discussions and work is in progress in the Java community to make the Locale class more flexible because of the above mentioned limitations.
> I for myself sometimes use a sort of pl_DE configuration. That is, I have Polish messages with German time, currency (especially because of the Euro as the default currency), mesurements etc. But as I mentioned earlier, I do not know the behavior of Java under these circumstances for sure, I have not tested it yet. Maybe Java implementations behaive even differently across OSes.

I see.. well java is really lacking here. It consider pl_DE as invalid one and tooks english messages (and it is not jsut ITW). But it looks like JDK8 should have some improvements here.
>From above I think the renaming is good idea. but I will wait for one more ack on this.

Thank you once more time,

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