[rfc][icedtea-web] centre of dialogues to centre of active monitor

Adam Domurad adomurad at redhat.com
Wed Jan 9 10:53:25 PST 2013

On 01/08/2013 10:54 AM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
> All dialogues in ITW are centred into middle of ALL monitors, which is 
> really nasty.
> During splashscreen development I have centred into middle of default 
> screen. Well better but not perfect.
> That time Omair suggested to centr into middle of active screen - 
> active here is the one where is cursor.
> Well I have finally come with something like this:)
This looks OK to me, although I still get the dialog pop-ups flashing on 
the wrong screen sometimes, before appearing on the correct one.

Comments on impl class:
> +public class ScreenFinder {
> +
> +    public static GraphicsDevice getCurrentScreen() {
> +        Point p = MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation();
> +        return getScreenOnCoords(p);
> +
> +    }
> +    public static Rectangle  getCurrentScreenSizeWithoutBounds() {
> +        Point p = MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation();
> +        return getScreenOnCoordsWithutBounds(p);
> +
> +    }
> +
> +     public static void  centerWindowsToCurrentScreen(Window w) {
> +        Rectangle bounds = getCurrentScreenSizeWithoutBounds();
> +        w.setLocation(bounds.x + (bounds.width - w.getWidth())/2,
> +                bounds.y + (bounds.height - w.getHeight())/2);
> +
> +    }
> +
> +    public static GraphicsDevice getScreenOnCoords(Point point) {
> +        GraphicsEnvironment e = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
> +        GraphicsDevice[] devices = e.getScreenDevices();
> +        GraphicsDevice result = null;
> +        //now get the configuration(s) for each device
> +        for (GraphicsDevice device : devices) {
> +            //GraphicsConfiguration[] configurations = device.getConfigurations();
> +            //or?

If you've settled on default device, I'd prefer to just simply use it.

> +            GraphicsConfiguration[] configurations = new GraphicsConfiguration[]{device.getDefaultConfiguration()};
> +            for (GraphicsConfiguration config : configurations) {
> +                Rectangle gcBounds = config.getBounds();
> +                if (gcBounds.contains(point)) {
> +                    result = device;
> +                }
> +            }
> +        }
> +        if (result == null) {
> +            //not found, get the default display
> +            result = e.getDefaultScreenDevice();
> +        }
> +        return result;
> +    }
> +
> +    public static Rectangle getScreenOnCoordsWithutBounds(Point p) {
> +        GraphicsDevice device = getScreenOnCoords(p);
> +        Rectangle screenSize = device.getDefaultConfiguration().getBounds();
> +        Insets insets = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenInsets(device.getDefaultConfiguration());
> +        return new Rectangle((int)screenSize.getX()+insets.left, (int)screenSize.getY()+insets.top, (int)screenSize.getWidth()-insets.left, (int)screenSize.getHeight()-insets.bottom);

I'd prefer 4 temporary variables for these coordinates.

> +    }
> +
> +
> +}

OK to push otherwise, though.


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