Upcoming Releases of 1.12.0 & 2.4.0

Andrew Hughes gnu.andrew at redhat.com
Mon Jan 21 08:14:48 PST 2013

Hi all,

I'd like to do a couple of new releases of both 6 & 7 by the end of
this week (Friday the 25th of January, 2013).  This will enable us
to get some fixes out to users that are lurking only in HEAD.
This is particularly true of 6 where the last major release is nearly
a year ago (30th of January, 2012).  Note that 2.4.0 is already tagged
in the forest, so any remaining changes prior to release will only
take place in IcedTea7.

These release will also make the upcoming security release [1] easier,
as we will then update them rather than the aging 1.10 and 2.2,
as stated in [2].  In particular, is becoming painful to maintain
as it has two HotSpot releases.  Others are, of course, welcome to update
these releases if they so wish.

I intend to delay creating branches for these releases until after the
release, as neither repository is particularly high traffic at the
moment.  Please bear this in mind if you intend to commit work this
week, and perhaps consider delaying it until the week after if it will
be fairly disruptive.

If anyone has objections to the release of 1.12 and 2.4 this Friday,
please reply to this mail as soon as possible.  I'm unwilling to delay
them much further as we get closer to the update, and I'd rather not
be bundling feature updates with security updates.

The security update will still bring updates for 1.11, 2.1 and 2.3
(2.1 being for the ARM32 port), so an option remains between the new
releases and the old.

[1] http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/security/alerts-086861.html
[2] http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/ReleasePolicy

Andrew :)

Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

PGP Key: 248BDC07 (https://keys.indymedia.org/)
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