[icedtea-web] Idea - do not start ITW applets automatically

Adam Domurad adomurad at redhat.com
Mon Jan 21 09:01:32 PST 2013

On 01/21/2013 08:32 AM, helpcrypto helpcrypto wrote:
>> I kind of like how Oracle handled this, with a checkbox 'remember this
>> option'. So yes + check = always, no + check = never.
> like++
>> Ya good point, should be per-applet. The white/black-list will need to be
>> per-applet too (only setting for iteration 1 at least), which I hadn't
>> considered. We'll probably have to use the concept of applet 'unique key'
>> here.
> Will this mean the warning will appear after each applet new release?
> We do some minor bug correction in our code, but don't want to annoy
> users each time!

applet 'unique key' = codebase attribute + cache archive attribute + 
archive attribute. So updating should be fine unless a new jar is 

> (Although, to be honest, we use a signed applet, so this is not for us...)

Yep, signed applets are not affected.


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