[rfc][icedtea-web] a new reproducer LiveConnect "overloaded function resolution" tests

Jana Fabrikova jfabriko at redhat.com
Wed Jan 23 05:56:04 PST 2013


I have rewritten also the JSToJFuncResol reproducer with respect to 
Adam's comments, thank you for any comments on the attached patch,


2013-01-23  Jana Fabrikova  <jfabriko at redhat.com>

adding 11 testcases based on the interactive Liveconnect JS->Java 
overloaded function resolution tests, tests with JSObject were already 

* /tests/reproducers/simple/JSToJFuncResol/srcs/JSToJFuncResol.java:
the applet whose methods are invoked from JS during the tests

* /tests/reproducers/simple/JSToJFuncResol/resources/JSToJava_FuncResol.js:
the JavaScript code for calling the applet methods from JS

* /tests/reproducers/simple/JSToJFuncResol/resources/jstoj-funcresol.jnlp:
java network launch protocol file for displaying applet in the html page

* /tests/reproducers/simple/JSToJFuncResol/resources/JSToJFuncResol.html:
the html page with java applet embedded, displayed in browser during the 

On 10/15/2012 03:03 PM, Jana Fabrikova wrote:
> 2012-10-15  Jana Fabrikova  <jfabriko at redhat.com>
>      * /tests/reproducers/simple/JSToJFuncResol:
>      adding a new reproducer for the fifth LiveConnect
>      test (Tests for overloaded function resolution when calling Java
>      functions from JS.)
> I would like to ask for review of the attached patch,
> thank you,
> Jana

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