[rfc][icedtea-web] tests for hanging firefox

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Thu Jan 31 05:29:06 PST 2013

Following tests are testing now fixed, hanging of firefox after the LaunchExceeption.
To achieve this I have missused AddShutDown test. It was one of the most stable test... So I'm 
looking forward how my changes will destabilize it :) (not expected!)

2013-01-31  Jiri Vanek  <jvanek at redhat.com>

	Added test for hanging firefox by LaunchException and Improved AddShutdownHookTest
	* tests/reproducers/simple/AddShutdownHook/resources/AddShutdownHook.html:
	new file to launch applet with RuntimeException as result.
	* tests/reproducers/simple/AddShutdownHook/resources/AddShutdownHook_wrong.html:
	new file to launch applet with LaunchException as result.
	* tests/reproducers/simple/AddShutdownHook/srcs/AddShutdownHook.java: is
	now also applet.
	* tests/reproducers/simple/AddShutdownHook/testcases/AddShutdownHookTest.java:
	Added test (AddShutdownHookApplet)for applet, removed duplicate code by rules.
	* tests/reproducers/simple/AddShutdownHook/testcases/HangFirefoxTests.java:
	New test set which is launching exception throwing applet, and after exception
	is thrown then it tries jsut stdou-ing applet. Second applet have to be
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