[rfc][icedtea-web] Provide names for all unnamed threads

Adam Domurad adomurad at redhat.com
Thu Jan 31 13:49:19 PST 2013

Simple patch, but very nice for debugging/ tooling. This will make it 
easier to track down specific threads while debugging or using 
Thermostat. An absolute must IMO for sane debugging of problems 
occurring in multiple threads.

2013-XX-XX  Adam Domurad  <adomurad at redhat.com>

     Name threads for easier debugging/tooling. Remove 2 erroneous
     VoidPluginCallRequest header comments.
     * netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/NetxPanel.java:
     Provide name for thread that calls (run).
     * netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/runtime/JNLPRuntime.java:
     Provide name for shutdown hook thread.
     * plugin/icedteanp/java/sun/applet/PluginMessageConsumer.java:
     Remove erroneous VoidPluginCallRequest comment. Provide name for
     ConsumerThread thread.
     * plugin/icedteanp/java/sun/applet/PluginMessageHandlerWorker.java:
     Provide name for worker thread.
     * plugin/icedteanp/java/sun/applet/PluginStreamHandler.java:
     Remove erroneous VoidPluginCallRequest comment. Provide name for
     stream listener thread.

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Url : http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/distro-pkg-dev/attachments/20130131/1e5bd8f4/thread-naming.patch 

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