[SECURITY] IcedTea 2.4.1 for OpenJDK 7 Released!

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at member.fsf.org
Mon Jul 8 07:19:32 PDT 2013

The IcedTea project provides a harness to build the source code from
OpenJDK using Free Software build tools, along with additional
features such as a PulseAudio sound driver and support for alternative
virtual machines.

This release updates our OpenJDK 7 support to include the latest
security updates. As mentioned in the notes for the 2.4.0 release,
we also continue to track the upcoming u40 release upstream and
this update synchronises IcedTea with 7u40 b31.

The security fixes are as follows:

 * S6741606, CVE-2013-2407: Integrate Apache Santuario
 * S7158805, CVE-2013-2445: Better rewriting of nested subroutine calls
 * S7170730, CVE-2013-2451: Improve Windows network stack support.
 * S8000638, CVE-2013-2450: Improve deserialization
 * S8000642, CVE-2013-2446: Better handling of objects for transportation
 * S8001032: Restrict object access
 * S8001033, CVE-2013-2452: Refactor network address handling in virtual machine identifiers
 * S8001034, CVE-2013-1500: Memory management improvements
 * S8001038, CVE-2013-2444: Resourcefully handle resources
 * S8001043: Clarify definition restrictions
 * S8001308: Update display of applet windows
 * S8001309: Better handling of annotation interfaces
 * S8001318, CVE-2013-2447: Socket.getLocalAddress not consistent with InetAddress.getLocalHost
 * S8001330, CVE-2013-2443: Improve on checking order (non-Zero builds only)
 * S8003703, CVE-2013-2412: Update RMI connection dialog box
 * S8004288, CVE-2013-2449: (fs) Files.probeContentType problems
 * S8004584: Augment applet contextualization
 * S8005007: Better glyph processing
 * S8006328, CVE-2013-2448: Improve robustness of sound classes
 * S8006611: Improve scripting
 * S8007467: Improve robustness of JMX internal APIs
 * S8007471: Improve MBean notifications
 * S8007812, CVE-2013-2455: (reflect) Class.getEnclosingMethod problematic for some classes
 * S8007925: Improve cmsStageAllocLabV2ToV4curves
 * S8007926: Improve cmsPipelineDup
 * S8007927: Improve cmsAllocProfileSequenceDescription
 * S8007929: Improve CurvesAlloc
 * S8008120, CVE-2013-2457: Improve JMX class checking
 * S8008124, CVE-2013-2453: Better compliance testing
 * S8008128: Better API coherence for JMX
 * S8008132, CVE-2013-2456: Better serialization support
 * S8008585: Better JMX data handling
 * S8008593: Better URLClassLoader resource management
 * S8008603: Improve provision of JMX providers
 * S8008607: Better input checking in JMX
 * S8008611: Better handling of annotations in JMX
 * S8008615: Improve robustness of JMX internal APIs
 * S8008623: Better handling of MBeanServers
 * S8008744, CVE-2013-2407: Rework part of fix for JDK-6741606
 * S8008982: Adjust JMX for underlying interface changes
 * S8009004: Better implementation of RMI connections
 * S8009008: Better manage management-api
 * S8009013: Better handling of T2K glyphs
 * S8009034: Improve resulting notifications in JMX
 * S8009038: Improve JMX notification support
 * S8009057, CVE-2013-2448: Improve MIDI event handling
 * S8009067: Improve storing keys in KeyStore
 * S8009071, CVE-2013-2459: Improve shape handling
 * S8009235: Improve handling of TSA data
 * S8009424, CVE-2013-2458: Adapt Nashorn to JSR-292 implementation change
 * S8009554, CVE-2013-2454: Improve SerialJavaObject.getFields
 * S8009654: Improve stability of cmsnamed
 * S8010209, CVE-2013-2460: Better provision of factories
 * S8011243, CVE-2013-2470: Improve ImagingLib
 * S8011248, CVE-2013-2471: Better Component Rasters
 * S8011253, CVE-2013-2472: Better Short Component Rasters
 * S8011257, CVE-2013-2473: Better Byte Component Rasters
 * S8012375, CVE-2013-1571: Improve Javadoc framing
 * S8012421: Better positioning of PairPositioning
 * S8012438, CVE-2013-2463: Better image validation
 * S8012597, CVE-2013-2465: Better image channel verification
 * S8012601, CVE-2013-2469: Better validation of image layouts
 * S8014281, CVE-2013-2461: Better checking of XML signature
 * S8015997: Additional improvement in Javadoc framing

IcedTea includes the usual IcedTea patches to allow builds against
system libraries and to support more esoteric architectures. In these
releases, use of the system version of LCMS is disabled by default to
ensure the most secure version is used. Before using the system
version, please ensure it is version 2.5 or above, or it has the
S8007925, S8007926, S8007927, S8007929 and S8009654 updates listed

If you find an issue with the release, please report it to our bug
database (http://icedtea.classpath.org/bugzilla) under the appropriate
component. Development discussion takes place on the
distro-pkg-dev at openjdk.java.net mailing list and patches are always

Full details of the release can be found below. Note that the
unusually large number of OpenJDK changes is due to the upstream
synchronisation mentioned above.

What's New?
New in release 2.4.1 (2013-07-05):

* Security fixes
  - S6741606, CVE-2013-2407: Integrate Apache Santuario
  - S7158805, CVE-2013-2445: Better rewriting of nested subroutine calls
  - S7170730, CVE-2013-2451: Improve Windows network stack support.
  - S8000638, CVE-2013-2450: Improve deserialization
  - S8000642, CVE-2013-2446: Better handling of objects for transportation
  - S8001032: Restrict object access
  - S8001033, CVE-2013-2452: Refactor network address handling in virtual machine identifiers
  - S8001034, CVE-2013-1500: Memory management improvements
  - S8001038, CVE-2013-2444: Resourcefully handle resources
  - S8001043: Clarify definition restrictions
  - S8001308: Update display of applet windows
  - S8001309: Better handling of annotation interfaces
  - S8001318, CVE-2013-2447: Socket.getLocalAddress not consistent with InetAddress.getLocalHost
  - S8001330, CVE-2013-2443: Improve on checking order (non-Zero builds only)
  - S8003703, CVE-2013-2412: Update RMI connection dialog box
  - S8004288, CVE-2013-2449: (fs) Files.probeContentType problems
  - S8004584: Augment applet contextualization
  - S8005007: Better glyph processing
  - S8006328, CVE-2013-2448: Improve robustness of sound classes
  - S8006611: Improve scripting
  - S8007467: Improve robustness of JMX internal APIs
  - S8007471: Improve MBean notifications
  - S8007812, CVE-2013-2455: (reflect) Class.getEnclosingMethod problematic for some classes
  - S8007925: Improve cmsStageAllocLabV2ToV4curves
  - S8007926: Improve cmsPipelineDup
  - S8007927: Improve cmsAllocProfileSequenceDescription
  - S8007929: Improve CurvesAlloc
  - S8008120, CVE-2013-2457: Improve JMX class checking
  - S8008124, CVE-2013-2453: Better compliance testing
  - S8008128: Better API coherence for JMX
  - S8008132, CVE-2013-2456: Better serialization support
  - S8008585: Better JMX data handling
  - S8008593: Better URLClassLoader resource management
  - S8008603: Improve provision of JMX providers
  - S8008607: Better input checking in JMX
  - S8008611: Better handling of annotations in JMX
  - S8008615: Improve robustness of JMX internal APIs
  - S8008623: Better handling of MBeanServers
  - S8008744, CVE-2013-2407: Rework part of fix for JDK-6741606
  - S8008982: Adjust JMX for underlying interface changes
  - S8009004: Better implementation of RMI connections
  - S8009008: Better manage management-api
  - S8009013: Better handling of T2K glyphs
  - S8009034: Improve resulting notifications in JMX
  - S8009038: Improve JMX notification support
  - S8009057, CVE-2013-2448: Improve MIDI event handling
  - S8009067: Improve storing keys in KeyStore
  - S8009071, CVE-2013-2459: Improve shape handling
  - S8009235: Improve handling of TSA data
  - S8009424, CVE-2013-2458: Adapt Nashorn to JSR-292 implementation change
  - S8009554, CVE-2013-2454: Improve SerialJavaObject.getFields
  - S8009654: Improve stability of cmsnamed
  - S8010209, CVE-2013-2460: Better provision of factories
  - S8011243, CVE-2013-2470: Improve ImagingLib
  - S8011248, CVE-2013-2471: Better Component Rasters
  - S8011253, CVE-2013-2472: Better Short Component Rasters
  - S8011257, CVE-2013-2473: Better Byte Component Rasters
  - S8012375, CVE-2013-1571: Improve Javadoc framing
  - S8012421: Better positioning of PairPositioning
  - S8012438, CVE-2013-2463: Better image validation
  - S8012597, CVE-2013-2465: Better image channel verification
  - S8012601, CVE-2013-2469: Better validation of image layouts
  - S8014281, CVE-2013-2461: Better checking of XML signature
  - S8015997: Additional improvement in Javadoc framing
* OpenJDK
  - S2223192: [macosx] "opposite" seems always null in focus events
  - S4504275: CORBA boolean type unions do not generate compilable code from idlj
  - S6337518: Null Arrow Button Throws Exception in BasicComboBoxUI
  - S6429204: (se) Concurrent Selector.register and SelectionKey.interestOps can ignore interestOps
  - S6436314: Vector could be created with appropriate size in DefaultComboBoxModel
  - S6443505: Ideal() function for CmpLTMask
  - S6470730: Disconnect button leads to wrong popup message
  - S6725714: par compact - add a table to speed up bitmap searches
  - S6761744: Hotspot crashes if process size limit is exceeded
  - S6843375: Debuggee VM crashes performing mark-sweep-compact
  - S7038105: File.isHidden() should return true for pagefile.sys and hiberfil.sys
  - S7053526: Upgrade JDK 8 to use Little CMS 2.4
  - S7056447: test/java/lang/management/ManagementFactory/MBeanServerMXBeanUnsupportedTest.java fails in agentvm
  - S7066063: CMS: "Conservation Principle" assert failed
  - S7068740: If you wrap a JTable in a JLayer you can't use the page up and page down cmds
  - S7105030: [TEST_BUG] [macosx] The tests never finishes
  - S7109087: gc/7072527/TestFullGCCount.java fails when GC is set in command-line
  - S7109977: [macosx] MixingInHwPanel.java test fails on Mac trying to click in the reserved corner
  - S7115383: TEST_BUG: some jtreg tests fail because they explicitly specify -server option
  - S7124520: [macosx] re:6373505 Toolkit.getScreenResolution() != GraphicsConfiguration.getNormalizingTransform()
  - S7132378: Race in FutureTask if used with explicit set ( not Runnable )
  - S7142919: TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/AsyncCloseAndInterrupt.java failing intermittently [sol11]
  - S7151823: The test incorrectly recognizing OS
  - S7152798: TEST_BUG: sun/management/HotspotClassLoadingMBean/GetClassLoadingTime.java does not compile
  - S7152866: Tests not run because they are missing the @run tag
  - S7157656: (zipfs) SeekableByteChannel to entry in zip file always reports its position as 0
  - S7158350: [macosx] Strange results of SwingUIText printing
  - S7160084: javac fails to compile an apparently valid class/interface combination
  - S7163898: add isLoggable() check to doLog()
  - S7164256: EnumMap clone doesn't clear the entrySet keeping a reference to the original Map
  - S7174966: With OCSP enabled on Java 7 get error 'Wrong key usage' with Comodo certificate
  - S7176220: 'Full GC' events miss date stamp information occasionally
  - S7176479: G1: JVM crashes on T5-8 system with 1.5 TB heap
  - S7179050: [macosx] Make LWAWT be able to run on AppKit thread
  - S7179353: try-with-resources fails to compile with generic exception parameters
  - S7181710: [macosx] jawt_md.h shipped with jdk is outdated
  - S7183520: [macosx]Unable to print out the defined page for 2D_PrintingTiger/JTablePrintPageRangesTest
  - S7183800: TEST_BUG: Update tests to run on Ubuntu 12.04 (localhost is
  - S7184908: TEST_BUG: [macosx] closed/com/sun/java/swing/plaf/gtk/4928019/bug4928019.java fails
  - S7184945: [macosx] NPE in AquaComboBoxUI since jdk7u6b17, jdk8b47
  - S7186737: Unable to allocate bit maps or card tables for parallel gc for the requested heap
  - S7190897: (fs) Files.isWritable method returns false when the path is writable (win)
  - S7194902: [macosx] closed/java/awt/Button/DoubleActionEventTest/DoubleActionEventTest failed since jdk8b49
  - S7196080: assert(max_heap >= InitialHeapSize) in arguments.cpp
  - S7196277: JSR 292: Two jck/runtime tests crash on java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle.invokeExact
  - S7197666: java -d64 -version core dumps in a box with lots of memory
  - S7198229: Painting during resizing of the frame should be more smooth
  - S7199143: RFE: OCSP revocation checker should provide possibility to specify connection timeout
  - S8000435: [macosx] Button painting error under Java 7 on Mac
  - S8000450: Restrict access to com/sun/corba/se/impl package
  - S8000529: Regression: SimpleDateFormat incorrectly parses dates formatted with Z and z pattern letters
  - S8000629: [macosx] Blurry rendering with Java 7 on Retina display
  - S8000973: SA on windows thread inspection is broken
  - S8002070: Remove the stack search for a resource bundle for Logger to use
  - S8002308: [macosx] 7198229 should be applied to the user action only
  - S8002390: (zipfs) Problems moving files between zip file systems
  - S8003169: [macosx] JVM crash after disconnecting from projector
  - S8003173: [macosx] Fullscreen on Mac leaves an empty rectangle
  - S8003268: SharedRuntime::generate_native_wrapper doesn't save all registers across runtime tracing calls for JNI critical native methods
  - S8003992: File and other classes in java.io do not handle embedded nulls properly
  - S8004821: Graphics2D.drawPolygon() fails with IllegalPathStateException
  - S8004866: [macosx] HiDPI support in Aqua L&F
  - S8005032: G1: Cleanup serial reference processing closures in concurrent marking
  - S8005405: [macosx] Drag and Drop: wrong animation when dropped outside any drop target.
  - S8005527: [TEST_BUG] console.sh failed Automatically with exit code 1.
  - S8005555: TEST_BUG: java/io/Serializable/accessConstants/AccessConstants.java should be removed
  - S8005956: C2: assert(!def_outside->member(r)) failed: Use of external LRG overlaps the same LRG defined in this block
  - S8005997: [macosx] Printer Dialog opens an additional title bar
  - S8006008: Memory leak in hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/archDesc.cpp
  - S8006014: Memory leak in hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/dfa.cpp
  - S8006016: Memory leak at hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/output_c.cpp
  - S8006242: G1: WorkerDataArray<T>::verify() too strict for double calculations
  - S8006328: Improve robustness of sound classes
  - S8006423: SA: NullPointerException in sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.bsd.BsdThread.getContext(BsdThread.java:67)
  - S8006611: Improve scripting
  - S8006634: Unify LWCToolkit.invokeAndWait() and sun.awt.datatransfer.ToolkitThreadBlockedHandler
  - S8006894: G1: Number of marking threads missing from PrintFlagsFinal output
  - S8007028: java/util/NavigableMap/LockStep hit assert(flat != TypePtr::BOTTOM) failed: cannot alias-analyze an untyped ptr
  - S8007036: G1: Too many old regions added to last mixed GC
  - S8007150: Event based tracing is missing truncated field in stack trace content type
  - S8007221: G1: concurrent phase durations do not state the time units ("secs")
  - S8007333: [launcher] removes multiple back slashes
  - S8007458: [findbugs] One more beans issue, with ReflectionUtils
  - S8007699: Move some tests from test/sun/security/provider/certpath/X509CertPath to closed repo
  - S8007703: Remove com.sun.servicetag API
  - S8008289: DefaultButtonModel instance keeps stale listeners in html FormView
  - S8008301: G1: guarantee(satb_mq_set.completed_buffers_num() == 0) failure
  - S8008366: [macosx] ActionListener called twice for JMenuItem using ScreenMenuBar
  - S8008391: Incorrect metadata for event based tracing
  - S8008454: test/runtime/NMT/PrintNMTStatistics is broken
  - S8008535: JDK7 Printing : CJK and Latin Text in a string overlap
  - S8008660: Failure in 2D Queue Flusher thread on Mac
  - S8008738: Issue in com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serializer.Encodings causes some JCK tests to fail intermittently
  - S8008744: Rework part of fix for JDK-6741606
  - S8008804: file descriptor leak in src/windows/native/java/net/DualStackPlainSocketImpl.c
  - S8008916: G1: Evacuation failed tracing event
  - S8009012: [macosx] DisplayChangedListener is not implemented in LWWindowPeer/CGraphicsEnvironment
  - S8009125: Add NMT tests for Virtual Memory operations
  - S8009152: A number of jtreg tests need review/improvement
  - S8009199: Printed text become garbage on Mac OSX
  - S8009217: REGRESSION: test com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/transforms/ClassLoaderTest.java fails to compile since 7u21b03
  - S8009259: TEST_BUG: sun/misc/Cleaner/exitOnThrow.sh failing intermittently
  - S8009302: Mac OS X: JVM crash on infinite recursion on Appkit Thread
  - S8009536: G1: Apache Lucene hang during reference processing
  - S8009638: Wrong comment for PL in LocaleISOData, 1989 forward Poland is Republic of Poland
  - S8009751: (se) Selector spin when select, close and interestOps(0) invoked at same time (lnx)
  - S8009911: [macosx] SWT app freeze when going full screen using Java 7 on Mac
  - S8009928: PSR:PERF Increase default string table size
  - S8009940: G1: assert(_finger == _heap_end) failed, concurrentMark.cpp:809
  - S8009996: tests javax/management/mxbean/MiscTest.java and javax/management/mxbean/StandardMBeanOverrideTest.java fail
  - S8009999: Test sun/tools/jcmd/jcmd-f.sh failing after JDK-8008820
  - S8010009: [macosx] Unable type into online word games on MacOSX
  - S8010090: GC ID has the wrong type
  - S8010118: Annotate jdk caller sensitive methods with @sun.reflect.CallerSensitive
  - S8010151: nsk/regression/b6653214 fails "assert(snapshot != NULL) failed: Worker should not be started"
  - S8010213: Some api/javax_net/SocketFactory tests fail in 7u25 nightly build
  - S8010309: Improve PlatformLogger.isLoggable performance by direct mapping from an integer to Level
  - S8010399: Test8009761.java "Failed: init recursive calls: 5498. After deopt 5494".
  - S8010437: guarantee(this->is8bit(imm8)) failed: Short forward jump exceeds 8-bit offset
  - S8010463: G1: Crashes with -UseTLAB and heap verification
  - S8010514: G1: Concurrent mode failure tracing event
  - S8010714: XML DSig API allows a RetrievalMethod to reference another RetrievalMethod
  - S8010721: In JDK7 the menu bar disappears when a Dialog is shown
  - S8010727: WLS fails to add a logger with "" in its own LogManager subclass instance
  - S8010770: Zero: back port of 8000780 to HS24 broke JSR 292
  - S8010780: G1: Eden occupancy/capacity output wrong after a full GC
  - S8010913: compiler/6863420 often exceeds timeout
  - S8010927: Kitchensink crashed with SIGSEGV, Problematic frame: v ~StubRoutines::checkcast_arraycopy
  - S8011102: Clear AVX registers after return from JNI call
  - S8011128: (fs) Files.createDirectory fails if the resolved path is exactly 248 characters long
  - S8011139: (reflect) Revise checking in getEnclosingClass
  - S8011154: java/awt/Frame/ShapeNotSetSometimes/ShapeNotSetSometimes.java failed since 7u25b03 on windows
  - S8011161: NMT: Memory leak when encountering out of memory error while initializing memory snapshot
  - S8011186: [TEST_BUG] java/awt/Focus/OverrideRedirectWindowActivationTest/OverrideRedirectWindowActivationTest.java failed on windows 8
  - S8011200: (coll) Optimize empty HashMap and ArrayList
  - S8011218: Kitchensink hanged, likely NMT is to blame
  - S8011313: OCSP timeout set to wrong value if com.sun.security.ocsp.timeout not defined
  - S8011380: FX dependency on PlatformLogger broken by 8010309
  - S8011425: NPE in TestObjectCountAfterGCEvent.java on Linux32
  - S8011557: Improve reflection utility classes
  - S8011653: Upgrade to JAXP 1.5
  - S8011686: [macosx] AWT accidentally disables the NSApplicationDelegate of SWT, causing loss of OS X integration functionality
  - S8011695: [tck-red] Application can not be run, the Security Warning dialog is gray.
  - S8011806: 7u25-b05 hotspot fastdebug build failure
  - S8011882: Replace spin loops as back off when suspending
  - S8011891: The vm/gc/heap/heap_summary_after_gc event for CMS contains old data
  - S8011901: Unsafe.getAndAddLong(obj, off, delta) does not work properly with long deltas
  - S8011947: new hotspot build - hs24-b41
  - S8011952: Missing ResourceMarks in TraceMethodHandles
  - S8011968: Kitchensink crashed with SIGSEGV in MemBaseline::baseline
  - S8011986: [corba] idlj generates read/write union helper methods that throw wrong exception in some cases
  - S8011990: TEST_BUG: java/util/logging/bundlesearch/ResourceBundleSearchTest.java fails on Windows
  - S8011992: java/awt/image/mlib/MlibOpsTest.java failed since jdk7u25b05
  - S8012004: JInternalFrame not being finalized after closing
  - S8012019: (fc) Thread.interrupt triggers hang in FileChannelImpl.pread (win)
  - S8012037: Test8009761.java "Failed: init recursive calls: 7224. After deopt 58824"
  - S8012044: Give more information about self-suppression from Throwable.addSuppressed
  - S8012082: SASL: auth-conf negotiated, but unencrypted data is accepted, reset to unencrypt
  - S8012086: The object count event should only send events for instances occupying more than 0.5% of the heap
  - S8012102: CollectedHeap::ensure_parsability is not always called during heap inspection
  - S8012112: java/awt/image/mlib/MlibOpsTest.java fails on sparc solaris
  - S8012182: Add information about class loading and unloading to event based tracing framework
  - S8012210: Make TracingTime available when INCLUDE_TRACE = 0
  - S8012212: Want to link against kstat on solaris x86 as well as sparc
  - S8012243: about 30% regression on specjvm2008.serial on 7u25 comparing 7u21
  - S8012265: VM often crashes on solaris with a lot of memory
  - S8012330: [macosx] Sometimes the applet showing the modal dialog itself loses the ability to gain focus
  - S8012335: G1: Fix bug with compressed oops in template interpreter on x86 and sparc.
  - S8012381: [macosx]  Collation selection ignored when printing on MacOSX
  - S8012453: (process) Runtime.exec(String) fails if command contains spaces [win]
  - S8012455: Missing time and date stamps for PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime and PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime
  - S8012558: new hotspot build - hs24-b42
  - S8012586: [x11] Modal dialogs for fullscreen window may show behind its owner
  - S8012617: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with some fonts using LineBreakMeasurer
  - S8012683: Remove unused, obsolete ObjectFactory classes
  - S8012714: Assign the unique traceid directly to the Klass upon creation
  - S8012715: G1: GraphKit accesses PtrQueue::_index as int but is size_t
  - S8012933: Test closed/java/awt/Dialog/DialogAnotherThread/JaWSTest.java fails since jdk 7u25 b07
  - S8013057: assert(_needs_gc || SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint()) failed: only read at safepoint
  - S8013117: Thread-local trace_buffer has wrong type and name
  - S8013120: NMT: Kitchensink crashes with assert(next_region == NULL || !next_region->is_committed_region()) failed: Sanity check
  - S8013140: Heap corruption with NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress() and long i/f name
  - S8013196: TimeZone.getDefault() throws NPE due to sun.awt.AppContext.getAppContext()
  - S8013214: BigApps fails due to 'fatal error: Illegal threadstate encountered: 6'
  - S8013226: new hotspot build - hs24-b43
  - S8013228: Create new system properties to control allowable OCSP clock skew and CRL connection timeout
  - S8013370: Null pointer exception when adding more than 9 accelators to a JMenuBar
  - S8013380: Removal of stack walk to find resource bundle breaks Glassfish startup
  - S8013398: Adjust number of stack guard pages on systems with large memory page size
  - S8013416: Java Bean Persistence with XMLEncoder
  - S8013557: XMLEncoder in 1.7 can't encode objects initialized in no argument constructor
  - S8013651: NMT: reserve/release sequence id's in incorrect order due to race
  - S8013799: new hotspot build - hs24-b44
  - S8013810: PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices() does not return consistent result
  - S8013827: File.createTempFile hangs with temp file starting with 'com1.4'
  - S8013900: More warnings compiling jaxp.
  - S8013917: Kitchensink crashed with SIGSEGV in BaselineReporter::diff_callsites
  - S8013934: Garbage collection event for CMS has wrong cause for System.gc()
  - S8014048: Online user guide of jconsole points incorrect link
  - S8014129: makefile changes to allow integration of new features
  - S8014189: JVM crash with SEGV in ConnectionGraph::record_for_escape_analysis()
  - S8014196: ktab creates a file with zero kt_vno
  - S8014205: Most of the Swing dialogs are blank on one win7 MUI
  - S8014278: new hotspot build - hs24-b45
  - S8014326: [OSX] All libjvm symbols are exported
  - S8014408: G1: crashes with assert assert(prev_committed_card_num == _committed_max_card_num) failed
  - S8014411: Decrease lock order rank for event tracing locks
  - S8014420: Default JDP address does not match the one assigned by IANA
  - S8014423: [macosx] The scrollbar's block increment performs incorrectly
  - S8014427: REGRESSION: closed/javax/imageio/plugins/bmp/Write3ByteBgrTest.java fails since 7u25 b09
  - S8014478: EnableTracing: output from multiple threads may be mixed together
  - S8014611: reserve_and_align() assumptions are invalid on windows
  - S8014669: arch specific flags not passed to some link commands
  - S8014676: Java debugger may fail to run
  - S8014718: Netbeans IDE begins to throw a lot exceptions since 7u25 b10
  - S8014721: TEST_BUG: java/awt/TrayIcon/DragEventSource/DragEventSource.java fails with java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
  - S8014724: Broken 7u-dev build
  - S8014745: Provide a switch to allow stack walk search of resource bundle
  - S8014759: new hotspot build - hs24-b46
  - S8014811: loopTransform.cpp assert(cmp_end->in(2) == limit) failed
  - S8014821: Regression: Focus issues with Oracle WebCenter Capture applet
  - S8014863: Line break calculations in Java 7 are incorrect
  - S8014891: Redundant setting of external access properties in setFeatures
  - S8014924: JToolTip#setTipText() sometimes (very often) not repaints component.
  - S8014941: make jdk7u40 the default jprt release for hs24
  - S8014968: OCSP and CRL connection timeout is set to four hours by default
  - S8014969: Use open man pages for non commercial builds
  - S8015016: Improve JAXP 1.5 error message
  - S8015275: Resolve ambiguity in OCSPChecker & CrlRevocationChecker
  - S8015303: [macosx] Application launched via custom URL Scheme does not receive URL
  - S8015304: new hotspot build - hs24-b47
  - S8015334: Memory leak when kerning is used on Windows.
  - S8015375: Edits to text components hang for clipboard access
  - S8015556: [macosx] surrogate pairs do not render properly.
  - S8015604: JDP packets containing ideographic characters are broken
  - S8015606: Text is not rendered correctly if destination buffer is custom
  - S8015683: object_count_after_gc should have the same timestamp for all events
  - S8015689: new hotspot build - hs24-b48
  - S8015972: Refactor the sending of the object count after GC event
  - S8016046: (process) Strict validation of input should be security manager case only [win].
  - S8016063: getFinalAttributes should use FindClose
  - S8016065: Write regression test for 7167142
  - S8016077: new hotspot build - hs24-b49
  - S8016153: Property http://javax.xml.XMLConstants/property/accessExternalDTD is not recognized.
  - S8016170: GC id variable in gcTrace.cpp should use typedef GCId
  - S8016187: assert(nbits == 32 || (-(1 << nbits-1) <= x && x < ( 1 << nbits-1))) failed: value out of range
  - S8016556: G1: Use ArrayAllocator for BitMaps
  - S8016566: new hotspot build - hs24-b50
  - S8016735: Remove superfluous EnableInvokeDynamic warning from UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions check
  - S8016814: sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass returns the frame off by 1

The tarball can be downloaded from:


SHA256 checksum:

65142e19ee14c28106345b30b6181f5a4926dd20be599c536d778e31a8a5812a  icedtea-2.4.1.tar.gz

The tarball is accompanied by a digital signature available at:


This is produced using my public key. See details below.

    PGP Key: 248BDC07 (https://keys.indymedia.org/)
    Fingerprint = EC5A 1F5E C0AD 1D15 8F1F 8F91 3B96 A578 248B DC07

The following people helped with these releases:

* Andrew Hughes (synchronisation with upstream and release management)

We would also like to thank the bug reporters and testers!

To get started:

$ tar xzf icedtea-2.4.1.tar.gz
$ mkdir icedtea-build
$ cd icedtea-build
$ ../icedtea-2.4.1/configure
$ make

Full build requirements and instructions are available in the INSTALL file.

Happy hacking!
Andrew :)

Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

PGP Key: 248BDC07 (https://keys.indymedia.org/)
Fingerprint = EC5A 1F5E C0AD 1D15 8F1F  8F91 3B96 A578 248B DC07
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