IcedTea 2.4.0 Released!

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Sun Jun 9 15:33:36 PDT 2013

The IcedTea project provides a harness to build the source code from
OpenJDK using Free Software build tools, along with additional
features such as a PulseAudio sound driver and support for alternative
virtual machines.

This release is the next major release supporting OpenJDK 7.  It is based
on what will eventually become the upstream u40 release.  As u40 is not yet
final, a later release in the 2.4.x series will bring in the remaining
changes from upstream.  However, we are releasing 2.4.0 now as we feel that
a major release is already long overdue (2.3.0 was released on the 15th of
August, 2012) and the myriad of bug fixes listed below should be made more
 widely available.

In addition to OpenJDK, IcedTea includes the usual IcedTea patches to allow
builds against system libraries and to support more estoric architectures.

If you find an issue with one of these releases, please report it at under the appropriate component.
Development discussion takes place on distro-pkg-dev at
and patches are always welcome.

Full details of the releases can be found below.

What's New
New in release 2.4.0 (2012-06-09):

  - PR1209, S7170638: Use DTRACE_PROBE[N] in JNI Set and SetStatic Field.
  - PR1206, S7201205: Add Makefile configuration option to build with unlimited crypto in OpenJDK
  - S2202276: Swing HTML parser can't properly decode codepoints outside the Unicode Plane 0 into a surrogate pair
  - S2223196: [macosx] Situation when KeyEventDispatcher doesn't work on AWT but does on Swing
  - S4310381: Text in multi-row/col JTabbedPane tabs can be truncated/clipped
  - S4631925: JColor Chooser is not fully accessible
  - S4988100: oop_verify_old_oop appears to be dead
  - S6183404: Many eudc characters are incorrectly mapped in MS936 and GBK converter
  - S6294277: java -Xdebug crashes on SourceDebugExtension attribute larger than 64K
  - S6310967: SA: jstack -m produce failures in output
  - S6340864: Implement vectorization optimizations in hotspot-server
  - S6444286: Possible naked oop related to biased locking revocation safepoint in jni_exit()
  - S6512101: Incorrect encoding in NetworkInterface.getDisplayName()
  - S6550588: java.awt.Desktop cannot open file with Windows UNC filename
  - S6610897: New constructor in builds a path using File.separator instead of File.pathSeparator
  - S6625113: Add the normalize and rmkw perl script to the openjdk repository or openjdk site?
  - S6633549: (dc) Include-mode filtering of IPv6 sources does not block datagrams on Linux
  - S6658428: C2 doesn't inline java method if corresponding intrinsic failed to inline.
  - S6671481: NPE at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI$Handler.handleSelection
  - S6677625: Move platform specific flags from globals.hpp to globals_<arch>.hpp
  - S6711908: JVM needs direct access to some annotations
  - S6720349: (ch) Channels tests depending on hosts inside Sun
  - S6736316: Timeout value in java/util/concurrent/locks/Lock/ is insufficient
  - S6776144: java/lang/ThreadGroup/ fails with Thread group is not destroyed ,fastdebug LINUX
  - S6789984: JPasswordField can not receive keyboard input
  - S6818464: TEST_BUG: java/util/Timer/ failing intermittently
  - S6818524: G1: use ergonomic resizing of PLABs
  - S6860309: TEST_BUG: Insufficient sleep time in java/lang/Runtime/exec/
  - S6871190: Don't terminate JVM if it is running in a non-interactive session
  - S6877495: JTextField and JTextArea does not support supplementary characters
  - S6910461: Register allocator may insert spill code at wrong insertion index
  - S6910464: Lookupswitch and Tableswitch default branches not recognized as safepoints
  - S6921087: G1: remove per-GC-thread expansion tables from the fine-grain remembered sets
  - S6924259: Remove String.count/String.offset
  - S6938583: Unexpected NullPointerException by InputContext.endComposition()
  - S6948101: java/rmi/transport/pinLastArguments/ failing intermittently
  - S6952814: sun/security/ssl/com/sun/net/ssl/internal/ssl/InputRecord/ failing in PIT
  - S6953455: CookieStore.add() cannot handle null URI parameter, contrary to the API
  - S6957683: test/java/util/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutor/ failing
  - S6963102: Testcase failures sun/tools/jstatd/ and sun/tools/jstatd/
  - S6963841: java/util/concurrent/Phaser/ fails intermittently
  - S6965150: TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/AsynchronousSocketChannel/ takes too long
  - S6983728: JSR 292 remove argument count limitations
  - S6983966: remove lzma and upx from repository JDK7u
  - S6984705: JSR 292 method handle creation should not go through JNI
  - S6988099: jvmti demos missing Publisher (COMPANY resource) in dlls/exes on windows
  - S6995781: Native Memory Tracking (Phase 1)
  - S6997116: The case automatically failed due to java.lang.ClassCastException.
  - S7017818: NLS: cannot be handled by translation team
  - S7021010: java/lang/Thread/ fails intermittently
  - S7023639: JSR 292 method handle invocation needs a fast path for compiled code
  - S7023898: Intrinsify AtomicLongFieldUpdater.getAndIncrement()
  - S7024118: possible hardcoded mnemonic for JFileChooser metal and motif l&f
  - S7025938: Add bitmap mime type to
  - S7030573: test/java/io/FileInputStream/ fails when there is insufficient disk space
  - S7032018: The file list in JFileChooser does not have an accessible name
  - S7032247: java/net/InetAddress/ fails if hostname resolves to loopback address
  - S7032436: When running with the Nimbus look and feel, the JFileChooser does not display mnemonics
  - S7041879: G1: introduce stress testing parameter to cause frequent evacuation failures
  - S7042126: (alt-rt) HashMap.clone implementation should be re-examined
  - S7044870: java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/ failed on SUSE Linux 10
  - S7049024: DnD fails with JTextArea and JTextField
  - S7053586: TEST: runtime/7020373/ fails on 64-bit platforms
  - S7054918: jdk_security1 test target cleanup
  - S7055065: NullPointerException when sorting JTable with empty cell
  - S7055362: jdk_security2 test target cleanup
  - S7055363: jdk_security3 test target cleanup
  - S7056731: Race condition in CORBA code causes re-use of ABORTed connections
  - S7057320: test/java/util/concurrent/Executors/ failing intermittently
  - S7058630: JSR 292 method handle proxy violates contract for Object methods
  - S7058651: JSR 292 unit tests need a refresh
  - S7063674: Wrong results from basic comparisons after calls to Long.bitCount(long)
  - S7068471: NPE in sun.font.FontConfigManager.getFontConfigFont() when is not installed
  - S7068625: Testing 8 bytes of card table entries at a time speeds up card-scanning
  - S7072120: No mac os x support in several regression tests
  - S7073295: TEST_BUG: test/java/lang/instrument/ causing havoc (win)
  - S7076756: TEST_BUG: com/sun/jdi/ fails to cleanup in Cygwin
  - S7076791: closed/javax/swing/JColorChooser/ failed on windows
  - S7077259: [TEST_BUG] [macosx] Test work correctly only when default L&F is Metal
  - S7078386: NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces() may return corrupted results on linux
  - S7081476: test/java/net/InetSocketAddress/ failing intermittently
  - S7083664: TEST_BUG: test hard code of using c:/temp but this dir might not exist
  - S7084033: TEST_BUG: test/java/lang/ThreadGroup/ fails intermittently
  - S7084560: Crash in net.dll
  - S7087357: JSR 292: remove obsolete code after 7085860
  - S7087658: MethodHandles.Lookup.findVirtual is confused by interface methods that are multiply inherited
  - S7087969: GarbageCollectorMXBean notification contains ticks vs millis
  - S7089131: test/java/lang/invoke/ does not compile
  - S7089914: Focus on image icons are not visible in javaws cache with high contrast mode
  - S7092905: C2: Keep track of the number of dead nodes
  - S7093328: JVMTI: jvmtiPrimitiveFieldCallback always report 0's for static primitives
  - S7094176: (tz) Incorrect TimeZone display name when DST not applicable / disabled
  - S7100054: (porting) Native code should include fcntl.h and unistd.h rather than sys/fcntl.h and sys/unistd.h
  - S7102106: TEST_BUG: sun/security/util/Oid/ should be modified
  - S7102300: performance warnings cause results diff failure in Test6890943
  - S7103665: HeapWord*ParallelScavengeHeap::failed_mem_allocate(unsigned long,bool)+0x97
  - S7103957: NegativeArraySizeException while initializing class IntegerCache
  - S7104161: test/sun/tools/jinfo/ fails on Ubuntu
  - S7104209: Cleanup and remove librmi (native library)
  - S7104577: Changes for 7104209 cause many RMI tests to fail
  - S7104594: [macosx] Test closed/javax/swing/JFrame/4962534/bug4962534 expects Metal L&F by default
  - S7105640: Unix printing does not check the result of exec'd lpr/lp command
  - S7105929: java/util/concurrent/FutureTask/ fails on solaris sparc
  - S7107135: Stack guard pages are no more protected after loading a shared library with executable stack
  - S7107613: scalability blocker in javax.crypto.CryptoPermissions
  - S7107616: scalability blocker in javax.crypto.JceSecurityManager
  - S7107957: AWT: Native code should include fcntl.h and unistd.h rather than sys/fcntl.h and sys/unistd.h
  - S7109096: keytool -genkeypair needn't call -selfcert
  - S7109274: Restrict the use of certificates with RSA keys less than 1024 bits
  - S7109878: The instanceKlass EnclosingMethhod attribute fields can be folded into the _inner_class field.
  - S7110104: It should be possible to stop and start JMX Agent at runtime
  - S7110151: Use underlying platform's zlib library for Java zlib support
  - S7110720: Issue with vm config file loadingIssue with vm config file loading
  - S7113017: Use POSIX compliant include file headers in sun/awt/medialib/mlib_types.h
  - S7114678: G1: various small fixes, code cleanup, and refactoring
  - S7115070: (fs) lookupPrincipalByName/lookupPrincipalByGroupName should treat ESRCH as not found
  - S7116786: RFE: Detailed information on VerifyErrors
  - S7117167: Misc warnings in java.lang.invoke and sun.invoke.*
  - S7118280: The gbyc00102 JCK7 test causes an assert in JVM 7.0 fastdebug mode
  - S7118907: InetAddress.isReachable() should return false if sendto fails with EHOSTUNREACH
  - S7119644: Increase superword's vector size up to 256 bits
  - S7120481: storeStore barrier in constructor with final field
  - S7121314: Behavior mismatch between AbstractCollection.toArray(T[] ) and its spec
  - S7123170: JCK vm/jvmti/ResourceExhausted/resexh001/resexh00101/ tests fails since 7u4 b02
  - S7123767: Wrong tooltip location in Multi-Monitor configurations
  - S7123926: Some CTW test crash: !_control.contains(ctrl)
  - S7124209: [macosx] SpringLayout issue. BASELINE is not in the range: [NORTH, SOUTH]
  - S7124242: [macosx] Test doesn't work because of the frame round corners in the LaF
  - S7124244: [macosx] Shaped windows support
  - S7124347: [macosx] java.lang.InternalError: not implemented yet on call Graphics2D.drawRenderedImage
  - S7124375: [macosx] Focus isn't transfered as expected between components
  - S7124513: [macosx] Support NSTexturedBackgroundWindowMask/different titlebar styles to create unified toolbar
  - S7124525: [macosx] No animation on certain Swing components in Aqua LaF
  - S7127687: MethodType leaks memory due to interning
  - S7127697: G1: remove dead code after recent concurrent mark changes
  - S7127792: Add the ability to change an existing PeriodicTask's execution interval
  - S7128512: Javadoc typo in java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle
  - S7129029: (fs) Unix file system provider should be buildable on platforms that don't support O_NOFOLLOW
  - S7129034: VM crash with a field setter method with a filterArguments
  - S7129401: PPC: runtime/7100935/ fails
  - S7129715: MAC: SIGBUS in nsk stress test
  - S7129723: MAC: Some regression tests need to recognize Mac OS X platform
  - S7129724: MAC: Core file location is wrong in crash report
  - S7129742: Unable to view focus in Non-Editable TextArea
  - S7129800: [macosx] Regression test OverrideRedirectWindowActivationTest fails due to timing issue
  - S7130404: [macosx] "os.arch" value should be "x86_64" for compatibility with Apple JDK6
  - S7130915: File.equals does not give expected results when path contains Non-English characters on Mac OS X
  - S7130974: G1: Remove G1ParCopyHelper
  - S7131629: Generalize the CMS free list code
  - S7132070: Use a mach_port_t as the OSThread thread_id rather than pthread_t on BSD/OSX
  - S7132247: java/rmi/registry/readTest/ failing with Cygwin
  - S7132385: [macosx] IconifyTest of RepaintManager could use some delay
  - S7132889: (se) AbstractSelectableChannel.register and configureBlocking not safe from asynchronous close
  - S7132924: (dc) DatagramChannel.disconnect throws SocketException with IPv4 socket and IPv6 enabled [macosx]
  - S7133111: libsaproc debug print should be printed as unsigned long to fit large numbers on 64bit platform
  - S7133857: exp() and pow() should use the x87 ISA on x86
  - S7140868: TEST_BUG: jcmd tests need to use -XX:+UsePerfData
  - S7141244: build-infra merge: Include $(SPEC) in makefiles and make variables overridable
  - S7141246: build-infra merge: Introduce new JVM_VARIANT* to control which kind of jvm gets built
  - S7142596: RMI JPRT tests are failing
  - S7142641: -Xshared:on fails on ARM
  - S7143490: G1: Remove HeapRegion::_top_at_conc_mark_count
  - S7143511: G1: Another instance of high GC Worker Other time (50ms)
  - S7143858: G1: Back to back young GCs with the second GC having a minimally sized eden
  - S7144328: Improper commandlines for -XX:+-UnlockCommercialFeatures require proper warning/error messages
  - S7144833: sun/tools/jcmd/ failing intermittently
  - S7144861: speed up RMI activation tests
  - S7145024: Crashes in ucrypto related to C2
  - S7145358: SA throws ClassCastException for partially loaded ConstantPool
  - S7145441: G1: collection set chooser-related cleanup
  - S7146246: G1: expose some of the -XX flags that drive which old regions to collect during mixed GCs
  - S7146424: Wildcard expansion for single entry classpath
  - S7146442: assert(false) failed: bad AD file
  - S7146506: (fc) Add EACCES check to the return of fcntl native method
  - S7146572: enableInputMethod(false) does not work in the TextArea and TextField on the linux platform
  - S7146636: compiler/6865265/ fails due to changed stack minimum
  - S7146700: new hotspot build - hs24-b01
  - S7146763: Warnings cleanup in the sun.rmi and related packages
  - S7147064: assert(allocates2(pc)) failed: not in CodeBuffer memory: 0xffffffff778d9d60 <= 0xffffffff778da69c
  - S7147075: JTextField doesn't get focus or loses focus forever
  - S7147408: [macosx] Add autodelay to fix a regression test
  - S7147416: LogCompilation tool does not work with post parse inlining
  - S7147464: Java crashed while executing method with over 8k of dneg operations
  - S7147724: G1: hang in SurrogateLockerThread::manipulatePLL
  - S7147740: add assertions to check stack alignment on VM entry from generated code (x64)
  - S7147744: CTW: assert(false) failed: infinite EA connection graph build
  - S7147806: G1: Crash in vm bootstrap when running with -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:-UsePerfData
  - S7148109: C2 compiler consumes too much heap resources
  - S7148126: ConstantPoolCacheEntry::print prints to wrong stream
  - S7148152: Add whitebox testing API to HotSpot
  - S7148486: At a method handle call returning with an exception may call the runtime with misaligned stack (x64)
  - S7148488: Whitebox tests for the Diagnostic Framework Parser
  - S7148664: new hotspot build - hs24-b02
  - S7149068: java/awt/Window/Grab/ failed
  - S7150046: SIGILL on sparcv9 fastdebug
  - S7150051: incorrect oopmap in critical native
  - S7150058: Allocate symbols from null boot loader to an arena for NMT
  - S7150327: new hotspot build - hs24-b03
  - S7150390: JFR test crashed on assert(_jni_lock_count == count) failed: must be equal
  - S7150454: add release jdk7u4 to
  - S7150594: VM chash in JCK api/java_awt/Image/ConvolveOp/ tests for 64 bit jdk8 on linux.
  - S7150899: remove unused build.targets lines from
  - S7151089: PS NUMA: NUMA allocator should not attempt to free pages when using SHM large pages
  - S7151348: Build breaks due to warning clean up in sun.rmi.*(7146763)
  - S7151427: Fix the potential memory leak in error handling code in X11SurfaceData.c
  - S7151434: java -jar -XX crashes java launcher
  - S7151532: DCmd for hotspot native memory tracking
  - S7152007: Fix warnings in sun/rmi/rmic
  - S7152031: Hotspot needs updated xawt path [macosx]
  - S7152121: Krb5LoginModule no longer handles keyTabNames with "file:" prefix
  - S7152183: TEST_BUG: java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ failing intermittently [sol]
  - S7152206: anti-delta the fix for 7152031
  - S7152519: Dependency on non-POSIX header file <link.h> causes portability problem
  - S7152700: new hotspot build - hs24-b04
  - S7152791: wbapi tests fail on cygwin
  - S7152796: TEST_BUG: java/net/Socks/ does not terminate
  - S7152800: All tests using the attach API fail with "well-known file is not secure" on Mac OS X
  - S7152811: Issues in client compiler
  - S7152856: TEST_BUG: sun/net/www/protocol/jar/ failing on Windows
  - S7152948: DatagramDispatcher.c should memset msghdr to make it portable to other platforms
  - S7152954: G1: Native memory leak during full GCs
  - S7152955: print_method crashes with null root
  - S7152957: VM crashes with assert(false) failed: bad AD file
  - S7152961: InlineTree::should_not_inline may exit prematurely
  - S7153339: InternalError when drawLine with Xor and Antialiasing
  - S7153343: Dependency on non-POSIX header file <link.h> causes portability problem
  - S7153374: ARM ONLY .. linking problem with new compilers.. Need to use -fPIC
  - S7153702: [TEST_BUG] [macosx] Synchronization problem in test javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6827786/
  - S7154030: java.awt.Component.hide() does not repaint parent component
  - S7154114: jstat tests failing on non-english locales
  - S7154333: JVM fails to start if -XX:+AggressiveHeap is set
  - S7154517: Build error in hotspot-gc without precompiled headers
  - S7154638: Change to in jdk/make/docs/Makefile
  - S7154641: Servicability agent should work on platforms other than x86, sparc
  - S7154670: The instanceKlass _implementors[] and _nof_implementors are not needed for non-interface klass.
  - S7154706: new hotspot build - hs23-b05
  - S7154724: jdk7u4 test properties missing from
  - S7154778: [macosx] NSView-based implementation of sun.awt.EmbeddedFrame
  - S7154997: assert(false) failed: not G1 barrier raw StoreP
  - S7155168: java/util/TimeZone/ expected Asia/Tokyo
  - S7155298: Editable TextArea/TextField are blocking GUI applications from exit
  - S7155300: Include pthread.h on all POSIX platforms except Solaris to improve portability
  - S7155453: [macosx] re-enable jbb tests in JPRT
  - S7155887: ComboBox does not display focus outline in GTK L&F
  - S7156659: new hotspot build - hs24-b06
  - S7156729: PPC: R_PPC_REL24 relocation error related to some libraries built without -fPIC
  - S7156764: Remove unused size parameter from some CollectedHeap methods
  - S7156873: (zipfs) FileSystems.newFileSystem(uri, env) fails for uri with escaped octets
  - S7156960: Incorrect copyright headers in parts of the Serviceability agent
  - S7157073: G1: type change size_t -> uint for region counts / indexes
  - S7157141: crash in 64 bit with corrupted oops
  - S7157365: jruby/bench.bench_timeout crashes with JVM internal error
  - S7157695: Add windows implementation of socket interface
  - S7157734: hotspot test scripts not testing 64-bit JVM under JPRT/JTREG.
  - S7158137: new hotspot build - hs24-b07
  - S7158329: NPE in
  - S7158457: division by zero in adaptiveweightedaverage
  - S7158552: The instanceKlsss::_host_klass is only needed for anonymous class for JSR 292 support.
  - S7158682: G1: Handle leak when running nsk.sysdict tests
  - S7158807: Revise stack management with volatile call sites
  - S7158988: jvm crashes while debugging on x86_32 and x86_64
  - S7159041: Fix for 7152519 causing build breakage.
  - S7159772: instanceKlass::all_fields_count() returns incorrect total field count
  - S7159842: new hotspot build - hs24-b08
  - S7159982: ZipFile uses static for error message when malformed zip file encountered
  - S7160161: Missed safepoint in non-Counted loop
  - S7160252: (prefs) NodeAddedEvent was not delivered when new node add when new Node
  - S7160467: Fix test for 7158988
  - S7160539: JDeveloper crashes on 64-bit Windows
  - S7160570: Intrinsification support for tracing framework
  - S7160609: [macosx] JDK crash in libjvm.dylib ( C [GeForceGLDriver+0x675a] gldAttachDrawable+0x941)
  - S7160610: Unknown Native Code compilation issue
  - S7160613: VerifyRememberedSets doesn't work with CompressedOops
  - S7160677: missing else in fix for 7152811
  - S7160728: Introduce an extra logging level for G1 logging
  - S7160757: Problem with hotspot/runtime_classfile
  - S7160924: jvmti: GetPhase returns incorrect phase before VMInit event is issued
  - S7160951: ActionListener called twice for JMenuItem using ScreenMenuBar
  - S7160951: [macosx] ActionListener called twice for JMenuItem using ScreenMenuBar
  - S7161229: PriorityBlockingQueue keeps hard reference to last removed element
  - S7161282: Move test/sun/tools/classpath/ to a more appropriate location
  - S7161437: [macosx] awt.FileDialog doesn't respond appropriately for mac when selecting folders
  - S7161545: G1: Minor cleanups to the G1 logging
  - S7161732: Improve handling of thread_id in OSThread
  - S7161759: TEST_BUG: java/awt/Frame/WindowDragTest/ fails to compile, should be modified
  - S7161796: PhaseStringOpts::fetch_static_field tries to fetch field from the Klass instead of the mirror
  - S7162063: libsaproc debug print should format size_t correctly on 64bit platform
  - S7162094: LateInlineCallGenerator::do_late_inline crashed on uninitialized _call_node
  - S7162111: TEST_BUG: change tests run in headless mode [macosx]
  - S7162144: Missing AWT thread in headless mode in 7u4 b06
  - S7162385: TEST_BUG: sun/net/www/protocol/jar/ failing again
  - S7162488: VM not printing unknown -XX options
  - S7162726: Wrong filter predicate of visible locals in SA JSJavaFrame
  - S7162955: Attach api on Solaris, too many open files
  - S7163117: Agent can't connect to process on Mac OSX
  - S7163193: new hotspot build - hs24-b09
  - S7163198: Tightened package accessibility
  - S7163534: VM could crashes assert(false) failed: infinite EA connection graph build
  - S7163848: G1: Log GC Cause for a GC
  - S7163863: Updated projectcreator
  - S7163865: Performance improvement for DateFormatSymbols.getZoneIndex(String)
  - S7163874: InetAddress.isReachable should support pinging
  - S7164144: Fix variable naming style in freeBlockDictionary.* and binaryTreeDictionary*
  - S7164191: properties.putAll API may fail with ConcurrentModifcationException on multi-thread scenario
  - S7164344: enabling ZIP_DEBUGINFO_FILES causes unexpected test failures on Solaris and Windows
  - S7165722: Invalid path in MemoryMonitor demo's README.txt
  - S7165755: OS Information much longer on linux than other platforms
  - S7166048: Remove the embeded epoll data structure.
  - S7166055: Javadoc for WeakHashMap contains misleading advice
  - S7166498: JVM crash in ClassVerifier
  - S7166615: new hotspot build - hs24-b10
  - S7166894: Add gc cause to GC logging for all collectors
  - S7166896: DocumentBuilder.parse(String uri) is not IPv6 enabled. It throws MalformedURLException
  - S7166955: (pack200) JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs needs additional checking
  - S7167069: 6 VM flags crash the VM when queried via jinfo
  - S7167142: Consider a warning when finding a .hotspotrc or .hotspot_compiler file that isn't used
  - S7167254: Crash on OSX in Enumerator.nextElement() with compressed oops
  - S7167266: missing copyright notes in 3rd party code
  - S7167406: (Zero) Fix for InvokeDynamic needed
  - S7167437: Can't build on linux without precompiled headers
  - S7167593: Changed to allow for getting full oracle jdk repo forest
  - S7167625: Adjustments for SE-Embedded build process
  - S7167780: Hang javasoft.sqe.tests.api.javax.swing.Timer.Ctor2Tests
  - S7167976: Fix broken script
  - S7168144: No appropriate CCC request for changes introduced by 7154030
  - S7168172: (fs) Files.isReadable slow on Windows
  - S7168247: new hotspot build - hs24-b11
  - S7168280: Eliminate the generic signature index slot from field array for field without generic signature.
  - S7168294: G1: Some Full GCs incorrectly report GC cause as "No GC"
  - S7168848: Add test to check that humongous object allocation path also checks the heap occupancy.
  - S7169056: Add gigabyte unit to proper_unit_for_byte_size() and byte_size_in_proper_unit()
  - S7169062: CMS: Assertion failed with -XX:+ObjectAlignmentInBytes=64
  - S7169102: 7165060 merge lost changes to make/windows/makefiles/defs.make
  - S7169111: Unreadable menu bar with Ambiance theme in GTK L&F
  - S7169395: Exception throws due to the changes in JDK 7 object tranversal and break backward compatibility
  - S7169409: enabling ZIP_DEBUGINFO_FILES causes unexpected test failures on Windows X86
  - S7169782: C2: SIGSEGV in LShiftLNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN*, bool)
  - S7169934: pow(x,y) or x64 computes incorrect result when x<0 and y is an odd integer
  - S7170006: new hotspot build - hs24-b12
  - S7170010: conditional "ZIP_DEBUGINFO_FILES ?= 0" setting is not reliable on Windows
  - S7170053: crash in C2 when using -XX:+CountCompiledCalls
  - S7170091: Fix missing wait between repo cloning in
  - S7170145: C1 doesn't respect the JMM with volatile field loads
  - S7170197: Update JPRT default build targets to support embedded builds
  - S7170275: os::print_os_info needs to know about Windows 8
  - S7170463: C2 should recognize "obj.getClass() == A.class" code pattern
  - S7170655: Frame size does not follow font size change with XToolkit
  - S7170657: [macosx] There seems to be no keyboard/mouse action to select non-contiguous items in List
  - S7170996: IME composition window does not disappear when file dialog is closed : Japanese WinXP
  - S7171028: dots are missed in the datetime for Slovanian
  - S7171045: [macosx] There are no enter or exit events reported against 8b39 for MouseEventsDuringDrag.
  - S7171422: Change 7161732 breaks SA on Windows
  - S7171703: JNI DefineClass crashes client VM when first parameter is NULL
  - S7171812: [macosx] Views keep scrolling back to the drag position after DnD
  - S7171824: assert(_offset >= 1) failed: illegal call to offset()
  - S7171853: new hotspot build - hs24-b13
  - S7171890: C1: add Class.isInstance intrinsic
  - S7171936: LOG_G incorrectly defined in globalDefinitions.hpp
  - S7172149: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException from Signature.verify
  - S7172177: test/java/util/TimeZone/ failing on all platforms
  - S7172187: [macosx] JAWT native CALayer not positioned over Canvas
  - S7172226: HotSpot fails to build with GCC 4.7 because of stricter c++ argument dependent lookup
  - S7172279: G1: Clean up TraceGen0Time and TraceGen1Time data gathering
  - S7172388: G1: _total_full_collections should not be incremented for concurrent cycles
  - S7172708: 32/64 bit type issues on Windows after Mac OS X port
  - S7172826: (se) Selector based on the Solaris event port mechanism
  - S7172843: C1: fix "assert(has_printable_bci()) failed: _printable_bci should have been set"
  - S7172967: Eliminate constMethod's _method backpointer to methodOop.
  - S7173044: MemoryMonitor hangs if getMax method in MemoryUsage object returns -1
  - S7173340: C2: code cleanup: use PhaseIterGVN::replace_edge(Node*, int, Node*) where applicable
  - S7173438: new hotspot build - hs24-b14
  - S7173460: G1: java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ failes with G1
  - S7173494: some jdk tests are not run in test/Makefile
  - S7173635: should include release jdk7u6
  - S7173712: G1: Duplicated code in G1UpdateRSOrPushRefOopClosure::do_oop_nv()
  - S7173959: Jvm crashed during coherence exabus (tmb) testing
  - S7174218: remove AtomicLongCSImpl intrinsics
  - S7174363: Arrays.copyOfRange leads to VM crash with -Xcomp -server if executed by testing framework
  - S7174510: 19 JCK compiler tests fail with C2 error: memNode.cpp:812 - ShouldNotReachHere
  - S7174532: jdk/test/java/lang/Math/ failing on x86
  - S7174884: C1: failures after 7171890: assert(cur_state != NULL) failed: state_before must be set
  - S7174887: Deadlock in jndi ldap connection cleanup
  - S7174928: JSR 292: unresolved invokedynamic call sites deopt and osr infinitely
  - S7175133: jinfo failed to get system properties after 6924259
  - S7175183: [macosx] Objective-C exception thrown when switching monitor configuration
  - S7175515: new hotspot build - hs24-b15
  - S7175616: Port fix for TimeZone from JDK 8 to JDK 7
  - S7175707: [macosx] PIT: 8 b43 Not running on AppKit thread issue again
  - S7175775: Disable SA options in jinfo/ test until SA updated for new hash and String count/offset
  - S7175914: Usage of gcc with precompiled headers produces wrong build dependencies
  - S7176485: (bf) Allow temporary buffer cache to grow to IOV_MAX
  - S7176856: add the JRE name to the error log
  - S7177003: C1: LogCompilation support
  - S7177040: Deadlock between PostEventQueue.noEvents, EventQueue.isDispatchThread and SwingUtilities.invokeLater
  - S7177128: SA cannot get correct system properties after 7126277
  - S7177144: [macosx] Drag and drop not working (regression in 7u6)
  - S7177173: [macosx] JFrame.setExtendedState(JFrame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) not working as expected in JDK 7
  - S7177307: fix fo CR7158800 doesn't contain
  - S7177409: Perf regression in JVM_GetClassDeclaredFields after generic signature changes.
  - S7177917: Failed test java/lang/Math/
  - S7177923: SIGBUS on sparc in compiled code for java.util.Calendar.clear()
  - S7178079: REGRESSION: Some AWT Drag-n-Drop tests fail since JDK 7u6 b13
  - S7178113: build environment change
  - S7178145: Change constMethodOop::_exception_table to optionally inlined u2 table.
  - S7178280: Failed new vector regression tests
  - S7178324: Crash when compiling for(i : x) try(AutoCloseable x = ...) {}
  - S7178361: G1: Make sure that PrintGC and PrintGCDetails use the same timing for the GC pause
  - S7178363: G1: Remove the serial code for PrintGCDetails and make it a special case of the parallel code
  - S7178649: TEST BUG: needs improvement to ignore the unlikely but possible timeout
  - S7178667: ALT_EXPORT_PATH does not export server jvm on macosx
  - S7178670: runtime/7158800/ fails in SymbolTable::rehash_table
  - S7178703: Fix handling of quoted arguments and better error messages in dcmd
  - S7178741: SA: jstack -m produce UnalignedAddressException in output (Linux)
  - S7178846: IterateThroughHeap: heap_iteration_callback passes a negative size
  - S7179138: Incorrect result with String concatenation optimization
  - S7179305: (fs) Method name sun.nio.fs.UnixPath.getPathForExecptionMessage is misspelled
  - S7179383: MaxDirectMemorySize argument parsing is broken for values >2G
  - S7179759: ENV: Nightly fails during jdk copiyng for solaris platforms after FDS unzipping
  - S7179879: SSLSocket connect times out instead of throwing socket closed exception
  - S7179908: Fork hs23.3 hsx from hs22.2 for jdk7u7 and reinitialize build number
  - S7180621: Hashtable has incorrect alternative hashing threshold default value
  - S7180769: assert(tboth->klass_is_exact()) failed: klass should be exact
  - S7180882: new hotspot build - hs24-b16
  - S7180884: new hotspot build - hs23.2-b09
  - S7180906: Javadoc tool does not apply parameter -nosince
  - S7180907: Jarsigner -verify fails if rsa file used sha-256 with authenticated attributes
  - S7180914: Compilation warning after: 7172967: Eliminate the constMethod's _method backpointer to the methodOop.
  - S7181027: [macosx] Unable to use headless mode
  - S7181175: Enable builds on Windows with MinGW/MSYS
  - S7181199: [macosx] Startup is much slower in headless mode for apps using Fonts
  - S7181200: JVM new hashing code breaks SA in product mode
  - S7181320: javac NullPointerException for switch labels with cast to String expressions
  - S7181353: Update error message to distinguish native OOM and java OOM in net
  - S7181438: [OGL] Incorrect alpha used, during blit from SW to the texture.
  - S7181494: cleanup avx and vectors code
  - S7181632: nsk classLoad001_14 failure and CompileTheWorld crash after 7178145.
  - S7181658: CTW: assert(t->meet(t0) == t) failed: Not monotonic
  - S7181986: NMT ON: Assertion failure when running jdi ExpiredRequestDeletionTest
  - S7181989: NMT ON: Assertion failure when NMT checks thread's native stack base address
  - S7181995: NMT ON: NMT assertion failure assert(cur_vm->is_uncommit_record() || cur_vm->is_deallocation_record
  - S7182152: Instrumentation hot swap test incorrect monitor count
  - S7182226: NLS: jdk7u6 message drop20 integration
  - S7182260: G1: Fine grain RSet freeing bottleneck
  - S7182500: OCSP revocation checking fails if OCSP responce does not contain certificates
  - S7182543: NMT ON: Aggregate a few NMT related bugs
  - S7182902: [macosx] Test api/java_awt/GraphicsDevice/indexTGF.html#SetDisplayMode fails on Mac OS X 10.7
  - S7182971: Need to include documentation content for JCMD man page
  - S7183203: tests intermittent failure
  - S7183209: Backout 7105952 changes for jdk7u
  - S7183251: Netbeans editor renders text wrong on JDK 7u6 build
  - S7183292: HttpURLConnection.getHeaderFields() throws IllegalArgumentException: Illegal cookie name
  - S7183516: [macosx]Can't print-out the defined fonts for PrintFont_2D and AntialiasTableTest.
  - S7183753: [TEST] Some colon in the diff for this test
  - S7183754: Test runtime/6294277/ runs wrong JVM
  - S7184050: new hotspot build - hs24-b17
  - S7184145: (pack200) pack200 --repack throws NullPointerException when JAR file specified without path
  - S7184287: (prefs) BackingStoreException when calling flush on root node[macosx]
  - S7184326: TEST_BUG: java/awt/Frame/7024749/ has a typo
  - S7184365: closed/java/awt/event/TextEvent/TextEventSequenceTest/TextEventSequenceTest fails
  - S7184394: add intrinsics to use AES instructions
  - S7184401: JDk7u6 : Missing main menu bar in Netbeans after fix for 7162144
  - S7184406: Adjust get_source/hgforest script to allow for trailing // characters
  - S7184772: G1: Incorrect assert in HeapRegionLinkedList::add_as_head()
  - S7184815: [macosx] Need to read Kerberos config in files
  - S7184845: Apps6: menu tree bean in form throws npe in jre 7 while closing
  - S7184943: fix failing test com/sun/jndi/rmi/registry/RegistryContext/
  - S7184946: fix failing test com/sun/jndi/rmi/registry/RegistryContext/
  - S7184951: [macosx] Exception at java.awt.datatransfer on headless mode (only in GUI session)
  - S7185245: Licensee source bundle tries to compile JFR
  - S7185280: Jre7cert: focusgained does not get called for all focus req when do alt + tab
  - S7185340: TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/AsynchronousSocketChannel/ failing intermittently [win]
  - S7185471: Avoid key expansion when AES cipher is re-init w/ the same key
  - S7185512: The printout doesn't match image on screen.
  - S7185550: TEST: runtime/7020373/ fails because there is no test/runtime/7020373/testcase.jar
  - S7185614: NMT ON: "check by caller" assertion failed on nsk ThreadMXBean test
  - S7185699: G1: Prediction model discrepancies
  - S7185775: new hotspot build - hs24-b18
  - S7185778: javah error "Not a valid class name" on class names with dollar signs
  - S7185965: Build error in javadoc make stage for bundles not containing crypto package
  - S7186111: fix bugs in java/rmi/activation/ActivationSystem/unregisterGroup/UnregisterGroup
  - S7186278: Build error after CR#6995781 / 7151532 with GCC 4.7.0
  - S7186286: TLS implementation to better adhere to RFC
  - S7186371: [macosx] Main menu shortcuts not displayed (7u6 regression)
  - S7186778: MachO decoder implementation for MacOSX
  - S7186794: Setter not found. PropertyDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor,PropertyDescriptor)
  - S7187046: Crash in ClassFileParser on solaris-ia32 during RetransformClasses.
  - S7187290: nightly failures after JSR 292 lazy method handle update
  - S7187429: NMT ON: Merge failure should cause NMT to shutdown
  - S7187454: stack overflow in C2 compiler thread on Solaris x86
  - S7187463: new hotspot build - hs24-b19
  - S7187618: PropertyDescriptor Performance Slow
  - S7187834: [macosx] Usage of private API in macosx 2d implementation causes Apple Store rejection
  - S7187876: ClassCastException in TCPTransport.executeAcceptLoop
  - S7187882: TEST_BUG: java/rmi/activation/checkusage/ fails intermittently
  - S7188114: (launcher) need an alternate command line parser for Windows
  - S7188168: 7071904 broke the DEBUG_BINARIES option on Linux
  - S7188176: The JVM should differentiate between T and M series and adjust GC ergonomics
  - S7188227: VM should recognize M-series SPARC
  - S7188276: JSR 292: assert(ct == T_OBJECT) failed: rt=T_OBJECT, ct=13
  - S7188594: Print statistic collected by NMT with VM flag
  - S7188612: JTable's AccessibleJTable throws IllegalComponentStateException instead of null
  - S7188708: REGRESSION: closed/java/awt/EventQueue/ fails
  - S7188755: Crash due to missing synchronization on gconf_client in DefaultProxySelector.c
  - S7188852: Move implementation of De/Inflater.getBytesRead/Writtten() to java from native
  - S7188911: nightly failures after JSR 292 lazy method handle update (round 2)
  - S7189086: new hotspot build - hs24-b20
  - S7189103: Executors needs to maintain state
  - S7189112: java.beans.Introspector misses write methods
  - S7189136: Fork hs23.5 hsx from hs23.4 for jdk7u9 and reinitialize build number
  - S7189350: Fix failed for CR 7162144
  - S7189490: More improvements to DomainCombiner checking
  - S7189611: Venezuela current Currency should be Bs.F.
  - S7189729: should include release jdk7u8
  - S7189926: Reduce test size for default run. Add additional run enabling alternative hashing.
  - S7189944: (launcher) test/tools/launcher/ needs a couple of minor fixes
  - S7189946: Incorrect copyright header in
  - S7190089: NMT ON: NMT failed assertion on thread's stack base address
  - S7190118: new hotspot build - hs23.4-b01
  - S7190130: make jdk7u8 the default jprt release for hs23.4
  - S7190219: (bf) CharBuffer.put(String,int,int) modifies position even if BufferOverflowException thrown
  - S7190254: NetworkInterface getFlags implementation should support full integer bit range for flags value
  - S7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
  - S7190416: JSR 292: typo in InvokerBytecodeGenerator.getConstantPoolSize
  - S7190512: Fix for 7181175 broke hotspot/make/windows/create.bat builds
  - S7190550: REGRESSION: Some closed/com/oracle/jfr/api tests fail to compile becuse of fix 7185245
  - S7190666: G1: assert(_unused == 0) failed: Inconsistency in PLAB stats
  - S7190772: new hotspot build - hs24-b21
  - S7191102: nightly failures after JSR 292 lazy method handle update (round 3)
  - S7191124: Optimized build is broken due to inconsistent use of DEBUG_ONLY and NOT_PRODUCT macros in NMT
  - S7191275: Cleanup OS specific blocks in PlainDatagramSocketImpl.c to support more unix-like platforms
  - S7191547: XMLEventFactory.newFactory(String factoryId, ClassLoader loader) does not work as expected
  - S7191556: (fs) UnixNativeDispatcher.getextmntent should be moved into platform specific code
  - S7191587: (se) SelectionKey.interestOps does not defer changing the interest set to the next select [macosx]
  - S7191765: make jdk8 the default jprt release for hs24
  - S7191872: Xrender: No text displayed using 64 bit JDK on solaris11-sparc
  - S7191926: Remove MKS dependency in Hotspot regression tests
  - S7192128: G1: Extend fix for 6948537 to G1's BOT
  - S7192167: JSR 292: C1 has old broken code which needs to be removed
  - S7192406: JSR 292: C2 needs exact return type information for invokedynamic and invokehandle call sites
  - S7192449: fix up tests to accommodate jtreg spec change
  - S7192744: fix up tests to accommodate jtreg spec change
  - S7192847: new hotspot build - hs23.4-b02
  - S7192887: java/awt/Window/Grab/ still failed (fix failed for CR 7149068)
  - S7192916: Hotspot development launcher should use DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on OS X
  - S7192955: Introspector overide PropertyDescriptor for generic type field defined in super class
  - S7192963: assert(_in[req-1] == this) failed: Must pass arg count to 'new'
  - S7192964: assert(false) failed: bad AD file
  - S7192965: assert(is_aligned_sets(size)) failed: mask is not aligned, adjacent sets
  - S7193157: G1: Make some develpflags available in product builds
  - S7193169: The code example in javadoc of misses 'implements' keyword
  - S7193219: JComboBox serialization fails in JDK 1.7
  - S7193318: C2: remove number of inputs requirement from Node's new operator
  - S7193463: Improve registering signal handlers in java.lang.Terminator.setup()
  - S7193946: Move warnings associated with UseMemSetInBOT flag
  - S7193977: REGRESSION:Java 7's JavaBeans persistence ignoring the "transient" flag on properties
  - S7194004: new hotspot build - hs24-b22
  - S7194032: update tests for upcoming changes for jtreg
  - S7194035: update tests for upcoming changes for jtreg
  - S7194184: JColorChooser swatch cannot accessed from keyboard
  - S7194409: os::javaTimeNanos() shows hot on CPU_CLK_UNHALTED profiles
  - S7194469: Pressing the Enter key results in an alert tone beep when focus is TextField
  - S7194472: test fails on Windows
  - S7194612: api/java_lang/invoke/MethodHandles/Lookup/index.html#ExceptionsTests[findVirtualNSME] fails w/ -esa
  - S7194633: G1: Assertion and guarantee failures in block offset table
  - S7194662: JSR 292: PermuteArgsTest times out in nightly test runs
  - S7195063: [TEST] jtreg flags com/sun/corba/cachedSocket/ with Error failure.
  - S7195106: REGRESSION : There is no way to get Icon inf, once Softreference is released
  - S7195151: Multiplatform tescase for 6929067
  - S7195301: XML Signature DOM implementation should not use instanceof to determine type of Node
  - S7195931: UnsatisfiedLinkError on PKCS11.C_GetOperationState while using NSS from jre7u6+
  - S7196045: Possible JVM deadlock in ThreadTimesClosure when using HotspotInternal non-public API.
  - S7196199: java/text/Bidi/ failed: Bidi run count incorrect
  - S7196242: vm/mlvm/indy/stress/java/loopsAndThreads crashed
  - S7196262: JSR 292: java/lang/invoke/ fails on solaris-sparc
  - S7196361: add hotspot/make/closed to
  - S7196547: [macosx] Implement dead key detection for KeyEvent
  - S7197033: missing ResourceMark for assert in Method::bci_from()
  - S7197071: Makefiles for various security providers aren't including the default manifest.
  - S7197100: new hotspot build - hs23.6-b03
  - S7197106: renumber hs23.4 to hs23.6
  - S7197619: Using modifiers for the dead key detection on Windows
  - S7197652: Impossible to run any signed JNLP applications or applets, OCSP off by default
  - S7198073: (prefs) user prefs not saved [macosx]
  - S7198084: NPG: distance is too big for short branches in test_invocation_counter_for_mdp()
  - S7198130: G1: PrintReferenceGC output comes out of order
  - S7198146: Another new regression test does not compile on windows-amd64
  - S7198338: make jdk7u10 the default jprt release for hs23.6
  - S7198499: TraceTypeProfile as diagnostic option
  - S7198529: NPG: assert with NMT code in Thread destructor
  - S7198570: (tz) Support tzdata2012f
  - S7198640: new hotspot build - hs23.6-b04
  - S7198904: (alt-rt) TreeMap.clone is broken
  - S7198988: re-order paramaters for @run
  - S7199010: incorrect vector alignment
  - S7199066: Typo in method name
  - S7199092: NMT: NMT needs to deal overlapped virtual memory ranges
  - S7199180: [macosx] Dead keys handling for input methods
  - S7199219: Proxy-Connection headers set incorrectly when a HttpClient is retrieved from the Keep Alive Cache
  - S7199249: TEST_BUG : Add /othervm to @run main with -D definitions
  - S7199488: [TEST] runtime/7158800/ failed due to false-positive on PID match.
  - S7199637: TEST_BUG: add serialization tests to jdk7u problem list for macosx
  - S7199645: Increment build # of hs23.5 to b02
  - S7199654: Remove LoadUI2LNode
  - S7199669: Update tags in .hgtags file for CPU release rename
  - S7199708: FileChooser crashs when opening large folder
  - S7199742: A lot of C2 OSR compilations of the same method's bci
  - S7199862: Make sure that a connection is still alive when retrieved from KeepAliveCache in certain cases
  - S7200001: failed C1 OSR compile doesn't get recompiled with C2
  - S7200092: Make NMT a bit friendlier to work with
  - S7200145: runtime/7196045/ fails with No class provided for `main'
  - S7200163: add CodeComments functionality to assember stubs
  - S7200233: C2: can't use expand rules for vector instruction rules
  - S7200261: G1: Liveness counting inconsistencies during marking verification
  - S7200264: 7192963 changes disabled shift vectors
  - S7200295: CertificateRequest message is wrapping when using large numbers of Certs
  - S7200297: agent code does not handle multiple boot library path elements correctly
  - S7200720: crash in net.dll during NTLM authentication
  - S7200742: (se) does not block when starting Coherence (sol11u1)
  - S7200762: [macosx] Stuck in sun.java2d.opengl.CGLGraphicsConfig.getMaxTextureSize(Native Method)
  - S7200949: JSR 292: rubybench/bench/time/bench_base64.rb fails with jruby.jar not on boot class path
  - S7201026: add vector for shift count
  - S7201053: Krb5LoginModule shows NPE when both useTicketCache and storeKey are set to true
  - S7201151: Fix Contribution : Java cannot get Windows's IME name correctly
  - S7201156: jar tool fails to convert file separation characters for list and extract
  - S8000102: Resolve include conflicts
  - S8000178: (bf) Backout 7190219 fix for jdk7u (JCK issue)
  - S8000232: NPG: SIGSEGV in Dependencies::DepStream::check_klass_dependency on solaris-x64
  - S8000263: JSR 292: signature types may appear to be unloaded
  - S8000285: Deadlock between PostEventQueue.noEvents, EventQueue.isDispatchThread and SwingUtilities.invokeLater
  - S8000286: [macosx] Views keep scrolling back to the drag position after DnD
  - S8000297: REGRESSION: closed/java/awt/EventQueue/ fails
  - S8000307: Jre7cert: focusgained does not get called for all focus req when do alt + tab
  - S8000311: G1: ParallelGCThreads==0 broken
  - S8000313: C2 should use jlong for 64bit values
  - S8000423: Diacritic is not applyed to a base letter on Linux
  - S8000459: assert(java_lang_String::is_instance(entry)) failure with various mlvm tests.
  - S8000485: Hotspot build fails in Solaris Studio IDE when building dtrace
  - S8000486: REGRESSION: Three java2d tests fail since jdk8b58 on Windows 7 with NullPointerException
  - S8000487: Java JNDI connection library on ldap conn is not honoring configured timeout
  - S8000525: api does not support 2-digit year format
  - S8000592: Improve adlc usability
  - S8000622: Forgot to hg add and check in test for JDK-7170638
  - S8000664: 2 SAX features does not work properly
  - S8000740: remove LinkWellKnownClasses
  - S8000743: docencoding not available to stylesheet
  - S8000780: [Backport from jdk8] Fix zero fail to build in icedtea7-head.
  - S8000805: JMM issue: short loads are non-atomic
  - S8000817: Reinstate accidentally removed sleep() from ProcessBuilder/
  - S8000821: JSR 292: C1 fails to call virtual method (JRUBY-6920)
  - S8000831: Heap verification output incorrect/incomplete
  - S8000955: Hashtable.Entry.hashCode() does not conform to Map.Entry.hashCode() defined behaviour
  - S8000989: smaller code changes to make future JSR 292 backports easier
  - S8001071: Add simple range check into VM implemenation of Unsafe access methods
  - S8001101: C2: more general vector rule subsetting
  - S8001124: jdk7u ProblemList.txt updates (10/2012)
  - S8001161: mac: EmbeddedFrame doesn't become active window
  - S8001174: new hotspot build - hs24-b23
  - S8001175: new hotspot build - hs24-b24
  - S8001183: incorrect results of char vectors right shift operaiton
  - S8001192: allow duplicate bug ids in hs24
  - S8001208: Fix for KRB5CCNAME not complete
  - S8001591: NMT: assertion failed: assert(rec->addr() + rec->size() <= cur->base()) failed: Can not overlap in memSnapshot.cpp
  - S8001592: NMT: assertion failed: assert(_amount >= amt) failed: Just check: memBaseline.hpp:180
  - S8001621: Update awk scripts that check output from jps/jcmd
  - S8001635: assert(in_bb(n)) failed: must be
  - S8001662: new hotspot build - hs24-b25
  - S8001756: Hotspot makefiles report missing OBJCOPY command in the wrong circumstances
  - S8001808: Create a test for 8000327
  - S8001876: Create regtest for 8000283
  - S8002034: Allow Full Debug Symbols when cross-compiling
  - S8002040: Allow Full Debug Symbols when cross-compiling
  - S8002069: Assert failed in C2: assert(field->edge_count() > 0) failed: sanity
  - S8002077: Possible mnemonic issue on JFileChooser Save button on nimbus L&F
  - S8002078: hs_err_pid file should report full JDK version string
  - S8002114: fix failed for JDK-7160951: [macosx] ActionListener called twice for JMenuItem using ScreenMenuBar
  - S8002225: (tz) Support tzdata2012i
  - S8002227: (tz) Support tzdata2012i
  - S8002273: NMT to report JNI memory leaks when -Xcheck:jni is on
  - S8002294: assert(VM_Version::supports_ssse3()) failed
  - S8002297: sun/net/www/protocol/http/ fails intermittently
  - S8002313: TEST_BUG : jdk/test/java/security/Security/ClassLoaderDeadlock/ should run in headless mode
  - S8002344: Krb5LoginModule config class does not return proper KDC list from DNS
  - S8002362: Build fails after integration of 7185280 to jdk7u-dev
  - S8003230: new hotspot build - hs24-b26
  - S8003254: make jdk7u12 the default jprt release for hs24
  - S8003260: [findbug] some fields should be package protected
  - S8003261: static field is public but not final
  - S8003322: Add instrumentation points for tracing of I/O calls
  - S8003333: Regression: java/beans/EventHandler/ fails with ACE
  - S8003487: NMT: incorrect assertion in VMMemPointerIterator::remove_released_region method (memSnapshot.cpp)
  - S8003550: new hotspot build - hs24-b27
  - S8003591: Abstract_VM_Version::internal_vm_info_string needs to stringify FLOAT_ARCH for ease of use
  - S8003597: TEST_BUG: Eliminate dependency on javaweb from closed net tests
  - S8003689: MemTracker::init_tracking_options() reads outside array if commandline argument is empty
  - S8003830: NPE at BasicTreeUI$
  - S8003948: NTLM/Negotiate authentication problem
  - S8003982: new test javax/swing/AncestorNotifier/7193219/ failed on macosx
  - S8004094: Javac compiler error - synthetic method accessor generated with duplicate name
  - S8004114: build environment change
  - S8004131: move jdi tests out of core testset
  - S8004170: G1: Verbose GC output is not getting flushed to log file using JDK 8
  - S8004188: Rename src/share/lib/security/ to
  - S8004317: TestLibrary.getUnusedRandomPort() fails intermittently, but exception not reported
  - S8004337: java/sql tests aren't run in test/Makefile
  - S8004344: Fix a crash in ToolkitErrorHandler() in XlibWrapper.c
  - S8004391: Bug fix in jtreg causes test failures in pre jdk 8 langtools tests
  - S8004640: C2 assert failure in memnode.cpp: NULL+offs not RAW address
  - S8004713: Stackoverflowerror thrown when thread stack straddles 0x80000000
  - S8004748: clean up @build tags in RMI tests
  - S8004802: jcmd VM.native_memory baseline=false crashes VM
  - S8004846: Time-specific certpath validation applies to all certs involved
  - S8004925: java/net/Socks/ failing on all platforms
  - S8005035: new hotspot build - hs24-b28
  - S8005290: remove -showversion from RMI test library subprocess mechanism
  - S8005460: [findbugs] Probably returned array should be cloned
  - S8005556: java/net/Socks/ is missing @run tag
  - S8005646: TEST_BUG: java/rmi/activation/ActivationSystem/unregisterGroup/UnregisterGroup leaves process running
  - S8005920: After pressing combination Windows Key and M key, the frame, the instruction and the dialog can't be minimized.
  - S8005943: (process) Improved Runtime.exec
  - S8006120: Provide "Server JRE" for 7u train
  - S8006309: More reliable control panel operation
  - S8006417: JComboBox.showPopup(), hidePopup() fails in JRE 1.7 on OS X
  - S8006435: Improvements in JMX
  - S8006534: CLONE - TestLibrary.getUnusedRandomPort() fails intermittently-doesn't retry enough times
  - S8006536: [launcher]  removes trailing slashes on arguments
  - S8006560: java/net/ipv6tests/ fails intermittently
  - S8006564: Test sun/security/util/Oid/ fails with timeout on Linux 32-bit
  - S8006669: sun/security/ssl/sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsURLConnection/ fails on mac
  - S8006753: fix failed for JDK-8002415 White box testing API for HotSpot
  - S8006777: Improve TLS handling of invalid messages
  - S8006790: Improve checking for windows
  - S8006795: Improve font warning messages
  - S8007014: Improve image handling
  - S8007406: Improve accessibility of AccessBridge
  - S8007515: TEST_BUG: update ProblemList.txt and TEST.ROOT in jdk7u-dev to match jdk8
  - S8007617: Better validation of images
  - S8007667: Better image reading
  - S8007675: Improve color conversion
  - S8007688: Blacklist known bad certificate
  - S8007701: Hotspot trace allocation events
  - S8007918: Better image writing
  - S8008081: Print outs do not have matching arguments
  - S8008140: Better method handle resolution
  - S8008223: java/net/BindException/ fails rarely
  - S8008249: Sync ICU into JDK :
  - S8008379: TEST_BUG: Fail automatically with java.lang.NullPointerException.
  - S8008737: The trace event vm/gc/heap/summary is missing for CMS
  - S8008815: [TEST_BUG] Add back tests to the Problemlist files post the jdk7u -> 7u-cpu test sync up
  - S8008917: CMS: Concurrent mode failure tracing event
  - S8008920: Tracing events for heap statistics
  - S8009032: Implement evacuation info event
  - S8009165: Fix for 8008817 needs revision
  - S8009305: Improve AWT data transfer
  - S8009399: Bump the hsx build number for APRIL CPU
  - S8009460: C2compiler crash in machnode::in_regmask(unsigned int)
  - S8009463: Regression test test\java\lang\Runtime\exec\ failing.
  - S8009530: ICU Kern table support broken
  - S8009610: Blacklist certificate used with malware.
  - S8009634: TEST_BUG: sun/misc/Version/ handle 2 digit minor in VM version
  - S8009677: Better setting of setters
  - S8009699: Methodhandle lookup
  - S8009750: javax/xml/crypto/dsig/SecurityManager/ should run in other vm mode
  - S8009814: Better driver management
  - S8009857: Problem with plugin
  - S8009881: TEST_BUG: javax/swing/JTree/8004298/ should be modified
  - S8010166: TEST_BUG: fix for 8009634 overlooks possible version strings (sun/misc/Version/
  - S8010294: Refactor HeapInspection to make it more reusable
  - S8010651: create.bat still builds the kernel
  - S8010916: Add tenuring threshold to young garbage collection events
  - S8010939: Deadlock in LogManager
  - S8011021: new hotspot build - hs24-b39
  - S8011400: missing define OPENJDK for windows builds
  - S8011583: new hotspot build - hs24-b40
  - S8011699: CMS: assert( != SharedGCInfo::UNSET_GCID) failed: GC not started?
  - S8011745: Unknown CertificateChoices
  - S8011867: Accept unknown PKCS #9 attributes
  - S8012572: Exclude sun/tools/jmap/ for short term
  - S8014469: (tz) Support tzdata2013c
* Backports
  - PR1197, S8003120, RH868136: ResourceManager.getApplicationResources() does not close InputStreams
  - S8014618, RH962568: Need to strip leading zeros in TlsPremasterSecret of DHKeyAgreement
* Bug fixes
  - PR1212: IcedTea7 fails to build because Resources.getText() is no longer available for code to use
  - Add NSS (commented out) to other platforms.
  - Allow multiple PKCS11 library initialisation to be a non-critical error.
  - Complete switch from local zlib patch to upstream version.
  - Include defs.make in buildtree.make so ZERO_BUILD is recognised and JVM_VARIANT_ZERO set.
  - Provide support for using PKCS11 provider with NSS
  - Remove file apparently removed as part of upstreaming of Zero.
  - Revert 7060849
  - Set UNLIMITED_CRYPTO=true to ensure we use the unlimited policy.
  - PR473: Set handleStartupErrors to ignoreMultipleInitialisation in nss.cfg
  - PR716: IcedTea7 should bootstrap with IcedTea6
  - Expand* imports to avoid conflict when building with OpenJDK 6.
  - Fix indentation on Makefile block not executed when STRIP_POLICY=no_strip is set
  - Fix invalid XSL stylesheets and DTD introduced as part of JEP 167.
  - Include defs.make in buildtree.make so ZERO_BUILD is recognised and JVM_VARIANT_ZERO set.
  - Make sure libffi cflags and libs are used.
  - PR1378: Add AArch64 support to Zero
  - PR1170: Ensure unlimited crypto policy is in place.
  - RH513605, PR1280: Updating/Installing OpenJDK should recreate the shared class-data archive
  - PR1358: Make XRender mandatory
  - PR1360: Check for /usr/lib64 JVMs and generic JPackage alternative
  - PR1435, D657854: OpenJDK 7 returns incorrect TrueType font metrics
  - PR728: GTKLookAndFeel does not honor gtk-alternative-button-order
  - src/vm/jit/x86_64/asmpart.S (asm_abstractmethoderror): Keep stack aligned.
  - src/native/jni.cpp (GetObjectClass): Remove null pointer check.
  - Removing the cache flush was not the brightest idea. Putting it back in.
  - arm: Make md_dcacheflush a compiler barrier, as on x86.
  - src/vm/jit/codegen-common.cpp: Removed superfluous memory barrier
  - CA168: Updating to the new assertion interface of GNU Classpath
  - src/vm/jit/trap.cpp (trap_handle): Print stack trace before aborting.
  - arm: Thumb interworking should work on armv5
  - Fixed using typename declarations for clang
  - src/native/vm/openjdk/sun_misc_Perf.cpp: Implement high resolution timer.
  - CA166: make check-langtools failure:
  - CA167: intern strings in get_StackTraceElement
  - src/native/vm/openjdk/jvm.cpp: Recreate JVM_Available.
  - Export JVM_SetNativeThreadName (noop)
  - src/vm/initialize.cpp: Explicitly initialize java/lang/Class early.
  - Adapt to recent java.lang.String changes in openjdk7
  - jdk_str_ops broke the GNU classpath build.
  - Support class version 51 unconditionally. Also identify as Java 6.
  - Stop creating pseudo files for OpenJDK (, Xusage.txt)
  - src/vm/jit/alpha/asmpart.S: Properly set up GP in asm_abstractmethoderror
  - CA172, PR1266, G453612: ARM hardfloat support
  - Clang fix for the i386 backend
  - Fix rt-timing
  - Moved rt-timing.{c,h} to C++
  - PR1278: Synchronise CACAO versions between IcedTea6/7/8 where possible
  - PR1276: Synchronise CACAO rules between IcedTea6/7/8 where possible
* JamVM
  - JSR 335: (lambda expressions) initial hack
  - JEP 171: Implement fence methods in sun.misc.Unsafe
  - Fix invokesuper check in invokespecial opcode
  - Fix non-direct interpreter invokespecial super-class check
  - When GC'ing a native method don't try to free code
  - Do not free unprepared Miranda method code data
  - Set anonymous class protection domain
  - JVM_IsVMGeneratedMethodIx stub
  - Dummy implementation of sun.misc.Perf natives
* SystemTap
  - Add garbage collection probes

The tarball can be downloaded from:

SHA256 checksums:

be030583f0216151bd4b67b354085bf957b532d7bd2d67f14166bb6a1fc5497a  icedtea-2.4.0.tar.gz

Each tarball is accompanied by a digital signature (available at the
above URL + '.sig').  This is produced using my public key.  See
details below.

The following people helped with these releases:

* Lucas Berk (SystemTap garbage collection patch)
* Andrew John Hughes (all upstream merges & backports, all other bug fixes, PR1278 CACAO update, release management)
* Matthais Klose (Xp check removal)
* Xerxes Rånby (JamVM update)
* Robert Schuster (PR1276 --with-cacao-src-dir support)
* Pavel Tisnovsky (build failure fix)
* Michal Vyskocil (PR1358,  PR1360)

We would also like to thank the bug reporters and testers!
To get started:
$ tar xzf icedtea-2.4.0.tar.gz
$ mkdir icedtea-build
$ cd icedtea-build
$ ../icedtea-2.4.0/configure [--enable-cacao --enable-pulse-java ...]

Full build requirements and instructions are in INSTALL.

Happy hacking!
Andrew :)

PGP Key: 248BDC07 (
Fingerprint = EC5A 1F5E C0AD 1D15 8F1F  8F91 3B96 A578 248B DC07
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