Icedtea 2.4.0, build CACAO/OpenJDK -> 'ERROR: You seem to not have installed ALSA 0.9.1 or higher.'

Peter Neubauer peterneubauer2 at
Wed Jun 12 17:47:13 PDT 2013


I'm trying to build the CACAO JVM + OpenJDK with IcedTea 2.4.0 on Arch 
Linux. However, at one point during the OpenJDK part of the build I get 
an error that ALSA is missing. In fact, ALSA 1.0.26-1 is installed and 
working fine. The package is alsa-lib and includes headers.

Here's the steps to reproduce:

$ tar -xzvf ~/downloads/icedtea-2.4.0.tar.gz
$ cd icedtea-2.4.0
$ ./configure --disable-bootstrap --enable-cacao 
--with-jdk-home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk --with-parallel-jobs
$ make

Configure output:
Make output:

     At this point there is an error message saying that the macro 
'AM_CONFIG_HEADER' in CACAO's is obsolete.
     autoconf version: 2.69-1
     automake version: 1.13.1-1

     I replaced it with 'AC_CONFIG_HEADERS' according to the error 
message and try again:
     $ make

Make output #2, part 1:
Make output #2, part 2: (contains error 
message at the end).

For the record, I don't mind loss of features (like sound), as long as 
the build gets done. What should I do?


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