IcedTea 1.12.5 windows build errors

Alex Kasko alex.kasko.lists at
Mon Jun 17 15:20:44 PDT 2013

I've built IcedTea 1.12.5 for windows-i586 successfully. If anybody want 
to test it, j2sdk-image is here - 
(sha1: 25998c275159622bc22137f36ce1925da905e530). Tested with "make 
test" (on windows 2000) and running "bin/jconsole.exe" on (windows 2000 
and windows 2003 x64). windows-amd64 build is in progress.

I applied some patches, most of them are straightforward (use bundled 
zip/gif/png/jpeg, exclude rhino) only one is non-obvious (windows 
specific AWT problem, patched it "blindly", will look at it thoroughly). 
Patches are quite messy right now, I'll publish them later.

I'm interesting in maintaining windows builds for IcedTea, is it 
possible to have windows-specific changes upstreamed into IcedTea?

On 06/14/2013 03:16 AM, Alex Kasko wrote:
> On 06/13/2013 07:18 PM, Alex Kasko wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to build IcedTea 1.12.5 for windows-i586. Ultimate goal is to
>> get jdk6 GPL binaries for windows and linux with latest bugfixes. I have
>> a virtual machine with proper environment for building openjdk6 [1] (it
>> builds openjdk6-build27 successfully).
>> I thought, that most IcedTea changes are linux-related, and
>> windows-specific part should be close to openjdk6 build 27. So I ran
>> "./configure" (in Linux) without specific options, abort the build after
>> patching step and copy "icedtea6-1.12.5/openjdk" contents to windows
>> machine.
>> During the build on windows corba, jaxp, jaxws and hotspot modules works
>> fine but jdk module aborted the build with AWT-related error [2] .
> Fixed this particular "Wheel95GetMsg" AWT error, have other AWT problems
> now, will report them later.
>> Comparing AWT sources between IcedTea 1.12.5 and current openjdk6
>> mercurial tip I found a lot of windows-specific changes (Direct3D etc)
>> in IcedTea.
>> Questions about all that:
>> 1) Is there something like "$ ./configure ; make download-openjdk" for
>> IcedTea 1.12.5 to get patched openjdk sources?
>> 2) Is there a switch (in 1.12.5) for using bundled zlib instead of
>> system one (I changed makefiles to use bundled one)?
>> 3) Am I understand right, that windows changes are the parts of jdk7
>> backports and may not work properly with older compiler (jdk6 is built
>> with MSVS2003)? Or what are they for, giving that windows is not
>> supported platform for icedtea?
>> 4) Is it a good idea (for windows builds) to try to revert some windows
>> specific AWT-related patches in IcedTea-1.12.5 to make it closer to
>> openjdk6-build27? Or changes are too big for that?
>> [1]
>> [2]

Alex Kasko

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