IcedTea 1.12.5 windows build errors

Alex Kasko alex.kasko.lists at
Tue Jun 18 06:21:21 PDT 2013

On 06/18/2013 03:25 PM, Stefan Ring wrote:
>>> And I guess you did a non-bootstrap build?
>> I'm not sure, what exactly is "bootstrap build"? I copied patched openjdk
>> sources into windows and built them calling "make" from the top directory (I
>> guess this is called "control build").
> icedtea can build an intermediate jdk, usually using gcj or ecj, and
> only after that, uses it to build the real jdk. I think that's the
> default behavior. It is controlled by --disable-bootstrap. The
> purposes of this intermediate step are to purge the resulting binaries
> of all proprietary stuff that might have crept in, and also to
> facilitate building on platforms where there was no Sun-provided JDK.
Got it. Yes this is a non-bootstrap build. OpenSCG's GPL 
openjdk6-build24 is used as a bootstrap jdk for all windows builds -

>>> I'd try make extract.
>> On the quick glance "make extract" leave "icedtea6-1.12.5/openjdk" directory
>> unpatched.
> make patch
> looks more promising ;)
This one really patches openjdk directory. But results have some 
differences with openjdk directory obtained by running icedtea build 
with "make" and aborting it when patches are applied and actual openjdk 
build is started.

I collected the differences and not sure how to interpret them (most of 
them are binary files):
  - different files list -
  - actual diff for these files -

Alex Kasko

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