/hg/gfx-test: New tests added into BitBltCropImage.

ptisnovs at icedtea.classpath.org ptisnovs at icedtea.classpath.org
Thu Jun 27 06:09:29 PDT 2013

changeset ac3310860be8 in /hg/gfx-test
details: http://icedtea.classpath.org/hg/gfx-test?cmd=changeset;node=ac3310860be8
author: Pavel Tisnovsky <ptisnovs at redhat.com>
date: Thu Jun 27 15:13:01 2013 +0200

	New tests added into BitBltCropImage.


 ChangeLog                                       |    5 +
 src/org/gfxtest/testsuites/BitBltCropImage.java |  942 +++++++++++++----------
 2 files changed, 534 insertions(+), 413 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 1035 to 500 lines):

diff -r 6d51956c1adb -r ac3310860be8 ChangeLog
--- a/ChangeLog	Wed Jun 26 10:48:01 2013 +0200
+++ b/ChangeLog	Thu Jun 27 15:13:01 2013 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2013-06-27  Pavel Tisnovsky  <ptisnovs at redhat.com>
+	* src/org/gfxtest/testsuites/BitBltCropImage.java:
+	New tests added into BitBltCropImage.
 2013-06-26  Pavel Tisnovsky  <ptisnovs at redhat.com>
 	* src/org/gfxtest/testsuites/BitBltAffineIdentityTransformOp.java:
diff -r 6d51956c1adb -r ac3310860be8 src/org/gfxtest/testsuites/BitBltCropImage.java
--- a/src/org/gfxtest/testsuites/BitBltCropImage.java	Wed Jun 26 10:48:01 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/org/gfxtest/testsuites/BitBltCropImage.java	Thu Jun 27 15:13:01 2013 +0200
@@ -316,405 +316,6 @@
      * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
-     * TYPE_BYTE_BINARY. No crop is performed to that image.
-     * 
-     * @param image
-     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
-     * @param graphics2d
-     *            graphics canvas
-     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-     */
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageTypeByteBinaryNoCrop(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
-    {
-        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
-        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
-     * TYPE_BYTE_BINARY. Image is cropped so only north-west quarter of it is rendered.
-     * 
-     * @param image
-     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
-     * @param graphics2d
-     *            graphics canvas
-     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-     */
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageTypeByteBinaryCropNW(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
-    {
-        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
-        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY,
-                        BitmapCropRegions.CROP_REGION_NW);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
-     * TYPE_BYTE_BINARY. Image is cropped so only north-east quarter of it is rendered.
-     * 
-     * @param image
-     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
-     * @param graphics2d
-     *            graphics canvas
-     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-     */
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageTypeByteBinaryCropNE(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
-    {
-        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
-        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY,
-                        BitmapCropRegions.CROP_REGION_NE);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
-     * TYPE_BYTE_BINARY. Image is cropped so only south-west quarter of it is rendered.
-     * 
-     * @param image
-     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
-     * @param graphics2d
-     *            graphics canvas
-     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-     */
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageTypeByteBinaryCropSW(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
-    {
-        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
-        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY,
-                        BitmapCropRegions.CROP_REGION_SW);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
-     * TYPE_BYTE_BINARY. Image is cropped so only south-east quarter of it is rendered.
-     * 
-     * @param image
-     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
-     * @param graphics2d
-     *            graphics canvas
-     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-     */
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageTypeByteBinaryCropSE(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
-    {
-        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
-        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY,
-                        BitmapCropRegions.CROP_REGION_SE);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type TYPE_INT_RGB.
-     * No crop is performed to that image.
-     * @param image
-     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
-     * @param graphics2d
-     *            graphics canvas
-     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-     */
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageTypeIntRGBNoCrop(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
-    {
-        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
-        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
-     * TYPE_INT_RGB. Image is cropped so only north-west quarter of it is rendered.
-     * 
-     * @param image
-     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
-     * @param graphics2d
-     *            graphics canvas
-     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-     */
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageTypeIntRGBCropNW(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
-    {
-        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
-        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB,
-                        BitmapCropRegions.CROP_REGION_NW);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
-     * TYPE_INT_RGB. Image is cropped so only north-east quarter of it is rendered.
-     * 
-     * @param image
-     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
-     * @param graphics2d
-     *            graphics canvas
-     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-     */
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageTypeIntRGBCropNE(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
-    {
-        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
-        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB,
-                        BitmapCropRegions.CROP_REGION_NE);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
-     * TYPE_INT_RGB. Image is cropped so only south-west quarter of it is rendered.
-     * 
-     * @param image
-     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
-     * @param graphics2d
-     *            graphics canvas
-     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-     */
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageTypeIntRGBCropSW(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
-    {
-        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
-        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB,
-                        BitmapCropRegions.CROP_REGION_SW);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
-     * TYPE_INT_RGB. Image is cropped so only south-east quarter of it is rendered.
-     * 
-     * @param image
-     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
-     * @param graphics2d
-     *            graphics canvas
-     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-     */
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageTypeIntRGBCropSE(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
-    {
-        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
-        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB,
-                        BitmapCropRegions.CROP_REGION_SE);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type TYPE_3BYTE_BGR.
-     * No crop is performed to that image.
-     * @param image
-     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
-     * @param graphics2d
-     *            graphics canvas
-     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-     */
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageType3ByteBGRNoCrop(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
-    {
-        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
-        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
-     * TYPE_3BYTE_BGR. Image is cropped so only north-west quarter of it is rendered.
-     * 
-     * @param image
-     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
-     * @param graphics2d
-     *            graphics canvas
-     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-     */
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageType3ByteBGRCropNW(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
-    {
-        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
-        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR,
-                        BitmapCropRegions.CROP_REGION_NW);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
-     * TYPE_3BYTE_BGR. Image is cropped so only north-east quarter of it is rendered.
-     * 
-     * @param image
-     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
-     * @param graphics2d
-     *            graphics canvas
-     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-     */
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageType3ByteBGRCropNE(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
-    {
-        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
-        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR,
-                        BitmapCropRegions.CROP_REGION_NE);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
-     * TYPE_3BYTE_BGR. Image is cropped so only south-west quarter of it is rendered.
-     * 
-     * @param image
-     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
-     * @param graphics2d
-     *            graphics canvas
-     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-     */
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageType3ByteBGRCropSW(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
-    {
-        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
-        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR,
-                        BitmapCropRegions.CROP_REGION_SW);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
-     * TYPE_3BYTE_BGR. Image is cropped so only south-east quarter of it is rendered.
-     * 
-     * @param image
-     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
-     * @param graphics2d
-     *            graphics canvas
-     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-     */
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageType3ByteBGRCropSE(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
-    {
-        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
-        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR,
-                        BitmapCropRegions.CROP_REGION_SE);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR.
-     * No crop is performed to that image.
-     * @param image
-     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
-     * @param graphics2d
-     *            graphics canvas
-     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-     */
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageType4ByteABGRNoCrop(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
-    {
-        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
-        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
-     * TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR. Image is cropped so only north-west quarter of it is rendered.
-     * 
-     * @param image
-     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
-     * @param graphics2d
-     *            graphics canvas
-     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-     */
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageType4ByteABGRCropNW(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
-    {
-        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
-        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR,
-                        BitmapCropRegions.CROP_REGION_NW);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
-     * TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR. Image is cropped so only north-east quarter of it is rendered.
-     * 
-     * @param image
-     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
-     * @param graphics2d
-     *            graphics canvas
-     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-     */
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageType4ByteABGRCropNE(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
-    {
-        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
-        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR,
-                        BitmapCropRegions.CROP_REGION_NE);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
-     * TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR. Image is cropped so only south-west quarter of it is rendered.
-     * 
-     * @param image
-     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
-     * @param graphics2d
-     *            graphics canvas
-     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-     */
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageType4ByteABGRCropSW(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
-    {
-        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
-        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR,
-                        BitmapCropRegions.CROP_REGION_SW);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
-     * TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR. Image is cropped so only south-east quarter of it is rendered.
-     * 
-     * @param image
-     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
-     * @param graphics2d
-     *            graphics canvas
-     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-     */
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageType4ByteABGRCropSE(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
-    {
-        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
-        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR,
-                        BitmapCropRegions.CROP_REGION_SE);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR_PRE.
-     * No crop is performed to that image.
-     * @param image
-     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
-     * @param graphics2d
-     *            graphics canvas
-     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-     */
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageType4ByteABGR_preNoCrop(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
-    {
-        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
-        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR_PRE);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
-     * TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR_PRE. Image is cropped so only north-west quarter of it is rendered.
-     * 
-     * @param image
-     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
-     * @param graphics2d
-     *            graphics canvas
-     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-     */
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageType4ByteABGR_preCropNW(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
-    {
-        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
-        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR_PRE,
-                        BitmapCropRegions.CROP_REGION_NW);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
-     * TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR_PRE. Image is cropped so only north-east quarter of it is rendered.
-     * 
-     * @param image
-     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
-     * @param graphics2d
-     *            graphics canvas
-     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-     */
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageType4ByteABGR_preCropNE(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
-    {
-        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
-        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR_PRE,
-                        BitmapCropRegions.CROP_REGION_NE);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
-     * TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR_PRE. Image is cropped so only south-west quarter of it is rendered.
-     * 
-     * @param image
-     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
-     * @param graphics2d
-     *            graphics canvas
-     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-     */
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageType4ByteABGR_preCropSW(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
-    {
-        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
-        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR_PRE,
-                        BitmapCropRegions.CROP_REGION_SW);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
      * TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR_PRE. Image is cropped so only south-east quarter of it is rendered.
      * @param image
@@ -732,7 +333,7 @@
      * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
-     * TYPE_BYTE_GRAY. No crop is performed to that image.
+     * TYPE_BYTE_BINARY. No crop is performed to that image.
      * @param image
      *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
@@ -740,15 +341,15 @@
      *            graphics canvas
      * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageTypeByteGrayNoCrop(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
+    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageTypeByteBinaryNoCrop(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
         // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
-        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY);
+        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY);
      * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
-     * TYPE_BYTE_GRAY. Image is cropped so only north-west quarter of it is rendered.
+     * TYPE_BYTE_BINARY. Image is cropped so only north-west quarter of it is rendered.
      * @param image
      *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
@@ -756,7 +357,439 @@
      *            graphics canvas
      * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
-    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageTypeByteGrayCropNW(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
+    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageTypeByteBinaryCropNW(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
+    {
+        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
+        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY,
+                        BitmapCropRegions.CROP_REGION_NW);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
+     * TYPE_BYTE_BINARY. Image is cropped so only north-east quarter of it is rendered.
+     * 
+     * @param image
+     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
+     * @param graphics2d
+     *            graphics canvas
+     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
+     */
+    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageTypeByteBinaryCropNE(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
+    {
+        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
+        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY,
+                        BitmapCropRegions.CROP_REGION_NE);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
+     * TYPE_BYTE_BINARY. Image is cropped so only south-west quarter of it is rendered.
+     * 
+     * @param image
+     *            image used as a destination for BitBlt-type operations
+     * @param graphics2d
+     *            graphics canvas
+     * @return test result status - PASSED, FAILED or ERROR
+     */
+    public TestResult testBitBltCheckerBufferedImageTypeByteBinaryCropSW(TestImage image, Graphics2D graphics2d)
+    {
+        // create new buffered image and then perform BitBlt test using crop operation.
+        return CommonBitmapOperations.doBitBltTestWithCheckerImage(image, graphics2d, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY,
+                        BitmapCropRegions.CROP_REGION_SW);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test basic BitBlt operation for checker buffered image with type
+     * TYPE_BYTE_BINARY. Image is cropped so only south-east quarter of it is rendered.
+     * 
+     * @param image

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