IcedTea for Java 8

Guillaume Alaux guillaume at
Fri Apr 4 14:10:40 UTC 2014

On 3 April 2014 08:15, dalibor.topic at
<dalibor.topic at> wrote:
> And if you have questions about the up streaming process for 8u, let me know directly, here or on jdk8u-dev.
> Cheers,
> Dalibor
> --
> Oracle <>
> Dalibor Topic | Principal Product Manager
> Phone: +494089091214<tel:+494089091214> | Mobile:+491737185961<tel:+491737185961>
> Oracle Java Platform Group
> ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG | Kühnehöfe 5 | 22761 Hamburg
> ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG
> Hauptverwaltung: Riesstr. 25, D-80992 München
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> Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Kunz
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> Green Oracle <> Oracle is committed to developing practices and products that help protect the environment
> On 02.04.2014, at 23:36, Omair Majid <omajid at> wrote:
> Hi,
> * Guillaume Alaux <guillaume at> [2014-03-30 14:43]:
> We are talking among Arch Linux devs as to what should be shipped in
> our repos (if any) until the IcedTea 3.0 release you mention is out.
> I think this depends on what you want to ship. Do you mostly care just
> about OpenJDK proper and hotspot? Or are you also interested in all the
> additional stuff IcedTea provides (additional ports, VMs)?
> If you need all that stuff, then I recommend not shipping anything until
> IcedTea 3.0 is out. Current IcedTea 3 is quite old and very incompatible
> with OpenJDK8. If you just need OpenJDK 8 proper, then perhaps you can
> try shipping OpenJDK 8 itself (with some patches, at least until IcedTea
> 3 is released).
> Over in Fedora, we have packaged OpenJDK 8 directly [1]. It's not as
> complete as IcedTea, because various patches from IcedTea are not
> upstream yet. We are carrying some IcedTea patches (some directly
> copied, some adjusted for 7 -> 8 differences) locally until we can
> upstream them.
> Thanks,
> Omair
> [1]
> --
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Great, thank you very much.


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