OMG: It's full of console

helpcrypto helpcrypto helpcrypto at
Mon Apr 7 08:28:52 UTC 2014

During these years I have run several times my firefox from console to be
able to view the console log. Today, when testing with
Ubuntu14.04+icedtea1.4 an strange window appeared.


I didn't notice when this awesome (desesperately desired) feature was born
(switch from LTS to LTS), but thanks a lot for making it.

I haven't filed a bug 'cause this probably need some discussion.

Current console have 2 separate text areas: one for system.out and another
for system.err.
Could they be merged into 1, hightlighting -for example- system.err in red?

On the bottom there are several buttons which, in my case, I find quite big
and annoying.
Did you consider having them on top and making them smaller?

Last but not least: although I have tracing enabled seems I get fewer lines
than using Oracle. Is that the desired behaviour?

Thanks a lot!
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