[rfc][icedtea-web] offline support

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Thu Aug 7 16:33:30 UTC 2014

On 08/06/2014 05:29 PM, Andrew Azores wrote:
> On 08/06/2014 08:43 AM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
>> On 08/05/2014 05:04 PM, Andrew Azores wrote:
>>> On 08/05/2014 11:01 AM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
>>>> On 08/05/2014 04:50 PM, Andrew Azores wrote:
>>>>> On 08/04/2014 11:34 AM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
>>>>>> +    public static boolean isOnline() {
>>>>>> +        if (isOfflineForced()) {
>>>>>> +            return !isOfflineForced();
>>>>>> +        }
>>>>>> +        return onlineDetected;
>>>>>> +    }
>>>>> This hunk is a little bit silly IMO :) that first return can just be "return false".
>>>> will be fixed:
>>>>  public static boolean isOnline() {
>>>>         if (isOfflineForced()) {
>>>>             return false;
>>>>         }
>>>>         return isOnlineDetected();
>>>>     }
>>>> (there was hidden NPE)
>>>>> I'm also not a fan (and I'm sure you're not surprised here) of onlineDetected being a Boolean, but
>>>>> since the null value is only ever used in internal state and all the outward facing accessors use
>>>>> plain boolean, I guess it's okay.
>>>> I thought you will be complaining and I had this internall usage as ace in sleeve.
>>>>> Otherwise... I can't find much else to complain about. It seems to work fine and I generally like
>>>>> the patch. There is one thing I'm wondering about though. Using this patch with a large
>>>>> application
>>>>> (in this case Elluminate), the application still takes quite some time to start up. Is this simply
>>>>> because of how many local JARs there are to verify? Or maybe ResourceTracker is still sending HEAD
>>>>> requests to try to check if the JARs are up to date... ?
>>>> Yes. If you enable debug/show console. You wills see that *all* this time is consumed by
>>>> cerverifier.  Once offline is detected, no attempts  to verify cahce are done. It should not
>>>> touch network at all. However, there are few url.openConnections in ITW about which usages I'm not
>>>> sure what to do. I will investigate them later and try to replace them (during testing, I have not
>>>> seen them used when implementing this patch)
>>>> I have run Elluminate during testing:)
>>>> I have jsut found this method:
>>>> /**
>>>>      * Return true if the Environment is Offline
>>>>      */
>>>>     @Override
>>>>     public boolean isOffline() {
>>>>         URL url = findFirstURLFromJNLPFile();
>>>>         URLConnection conn = null;
>>>>         try {
>>>>             conn = url.openConnection();
>>>>             conn.getInputStream().close();
>>>>             return false;
>>>>         } catch (IOException exception) {
>>>>             return true;
>>>>         } finally {
>>>>             if (conn != null && conn instanceof HttpURLConnection) {
>>>>                 ((HttpURLConnection) conn).disconnect();
>>>>             }
>>>>         }
>>>>     }
>>>> I will shorten it via new is offline detection:
>>>>     @Override
>>>>     public boolean isOffline() {
>>>>         URL url = findFirstURLFromJNLPFile();
>>>>         JNLPRuntime.detectOnline(url);
>>>>         return !JNLPRuntime.isOnline();
>>>>     }
>>>> Ok for head? I will prepare 1.5 version (much shorter) later today.
>>>> J.
>>> All looks/sounds good to me, ok for HEAD.
>>> Thanks,
>> Here is 1.5 version. Head's one did not applied at all so I wrote it again. I hope I did not
>> messed it.
>> In this version the Xservice is untouched, Xoflfine is missing and so allowOflfine can not be
>> avoided.
>> The forceOffline was kept for debuging purposes and is missing the setter
>> Otherwise it *should* be same.
>> J.
> Looks OK to me.
I hope you are sure :)

/me freazing branch

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