[rfc][icedtea-web] Resource Status Rename (super small patch)

Jie Kang jkang at redhat.com
Fri Aug 15 18:56:00 UTC 2014


When studying the ResourceTracker I found the Status names and what they meant were not completely obvious. I have changed the names:

Connect -> Preinitialize  and Download -> Predownload
  The new names are more informative of the resources state.

Connecting -> Initializing Connected -> Initialized

The connect->connecting->connected state refers to the process of initializing the resource. A connection does occur within initializing but there is much more being done than that. As such I think the name preinitialize -> initializing -> initialized is more accurate.

Started -> Processing
  The STARTED state afaik means that the resource is either currently connecting, or downloading, or in queue waiting to be connected and/or downloaded. I think Processing is more informative than started.

Of course when I wrote this patch I feel like the easiest response against is that there isn't much point to changing the names but I think it's helpful to have code that is quickly understandable.


Jie Kang
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