[rfc][icedtea-web] https probing

Omair Majid omajid at redhat.com
Tue Aug 19 14:25:43 UTC 2014

* Jiri Vanek <jvanek at redhat.com> [2014-08-19 04:20]:
> On 08/18/2014 08:54 PM, Omair Majid wrote:
> >* Omair Majid <omajid at redhat.com> [2014-08-18 14:47]:
> >>This isn't SSv2, though. It's a SSLv2 hello packet wrapping an SSLv3
> >>packet: http://bugs.java.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4915862
> >>
> >>It's actually part of the TLS 1.0 spec:
> >>https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2246.txt, Appendix E.
> >
> >Just to clarify, this is *not* a +1 for the patch. I haven't read it
> >through completely, but I really hope it can be simplified.
> >
> What kind of simplification are you suggesting?

There's two fixes in this patch, right? As far as the support for
SSLv2Hello goes, I really hope it becomes a 1-line fix (adding the right
system property at startup). As it is, 'probing' and threading and
blocking and thread-sleeping are all making me rather uncomfortable with
how much is going on globally. The less isolation there is between
threads and (in general) state, the less it's obvious what's going on
and the harder it becomes to debug anything.


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