[rfc][icedtea-web] Option Parser

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Mon Aug 25 12:14:11 UTC 2014

On 08/22/2014 04:44 PM, Lukasz Dracz wrote:
> Hello,
> I refactored the way Boot parses arguments by creating an Option Parser to use. The reason is that this code could be reused in other parts, instead of writing duplicate code. I have also added unit tests for the parser.
> 2014-08-22  Lukasz Dracz  <ldracz at redhat.com>
>      Refactored parsing in Boot to use a new class Option Parser
>      * netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/runtime/Boot.java:
>      (getOption, getOptions): removed
>      (OptionParser): added
>      * netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/util/OptionParser.java:
>      new class (getArgs, checkOption, isOption, getOptionValue)
>      * tests/netx/unit/net/sourceforge/jnlp/util/OptionParserTest.java:
>      added unit tests for OptionParser (testGetSingleOptionValue,
>      testGetSingleOptionMultipleValues, testGetDifferentOptionValues,
>      testUnsupportedOptionValue, testSupportedOptionValueWithNoUse,
>      testOptionValueWithNoArgument, testOneOptionMultipleTimesMultipleValues,
>      testMultipleOptionsMultipleValues, testCheckOptionExists,
>      testCheckOptionExistsAsNotFirstArg, testCheckOptionNotExists,
>      testGetArgs, testGetArgsCantModifyValue)
> Thank you,
> Lukasz Dracz


I like this  patch, but as omair pointed out, soem stuff needs to go elsewhere.

You need to get rid of doubleArgs, and of thet terrible Enum.

I would suggest you to change
public OptionParser(String[] args)


public OptionParser(String[] args, OptionParserConfig cfg)

Where  OptionParserConfig will be wrapper around list of
OptionParserConfigItem. You Will have threeinstances of it avaiable via factory method:

OptionParserConfigItem will consists from
getParamID - returns eg "-Xoffline"
getParamDescription - based on hardcoded key, will return description aded via Transaltor.R()
isDual  - needed for reading input String[]
getParam - some  params are in form "key" then  get param will return null. Some are in form "key" 
"value"  and osme in "key=value".
validateParam ? May check if last two of above are valid.

Otherwivese I'm really happy with this patch., It covered  boot's code which was really lacking any 



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