Adapting IcedTea for the new OpenJDK build system (build-infra)

Magnus Ihse Bursie magnus.ihse.bursie at
Mon Feb 3 01:40:37 PST 2014

On 2014-01-22 22:43, Omair Majid wrote:
> Speaking for myself, I have actually added a non-IcedTea8 build of
> OpenJDK8 to Fedora [1]. It is missing lots of things that are maintained
> in IcedTea, though. Still, as a proof of concept, it seems like it is
> mostly working.

That's good to know!

> IMO, the answer is a big "YES". The new build system (thanks to it's
> autotools nature) is both familiar and sensible when it comes to
> adding/removing and modifying things.
I'm glad to hear that. :) One of the goals of the new build system was 
to make it more "community friendly".

> I have found most fixes rather
> straight-forward. If I have been a little slow in trying to upstream
> them, it's because I was hesitant to re-implement the build fixes in
> both the old build system and the new build system.

The old build system is gone now (in JDK 8 and JDK 9), so bring 'em on. :)


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