[rfc][icedtea-1.4] Cache viewer cleanup backport

Jacob Wisor gitne at gmx.de
Thu Feb 6 01:51:20 PST 2014


This patch is a backport of the cache viewer cleanup changeset 
for 1.4 which has already been pushed into trunk.

I was not sure about one thing here:

--- a/netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/controlpanel/CachePane.java
+++ b/netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/controlpanel/CachePane.java
@@ -260,13 +272,137 @@
+            private void updateRecentlyUsed(final File f) {
+                final File recentlyUsedFile = new File(location + 
File.separator + "recently_used");

Since you have touched net.sourceforge.jnlp.cache.CacheLRUWrapper due to the XDG 
Specification (which is unsupported on 1.4) changeset for 1.5 this line could or 
should have read

final File recentlyUsedFile = new File(location + File.separator + 

In 1.4, CacheLRUWrapper.CACHE_INDEX_FILE_NAME is a "recently_used" constant 
indeed. But, the CacheLRUWrapper enum has default instead of public access (as 
in 1.5), so CacheLRUWrapper.CACHE_INDEX_FILE_NAME is not accessible from 
CachePane either, although this member constant itself has public static access. 
In 1.5, CacheLRUWrapper has gotten public access since that XDG Specification 
changeset, so I was not sure whether it would be permissible to change 
CacheLRUWrapper's access to public in 1.4 too or rather to use the 
"recently_used" literal as this has been the case in 1.4 ever since. In fear of 
that some of the CacheLRUWrapper enum's vital data could possibly get exposed, I 
have resorted to using the literal.
So, what do you think?

Thank you for any reviewing efforts. :-)

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