Accessing java applet public variables

Jiri Vanek jvanek at
Wed Feb 19 01:48:21 PST 2014

On 02/18/2014 07:50 PM, JvR O wrote:
> I sent values to the signed applet.
> On html:
>          <applet
>                  id='appletid'
>                  codebase="/demo/"
>                  code='appletpkg.appletclass'
>                  archive='./sapplet.jar'
>                  width=1 height=1>
>             <param name="valuename1" value="value1">
>          </applet>
> In the applet public class:
>      public String[] str = new String[100];
>      @Override
>      public void init() {
>          nstr = this.getParameter("valuename1");
>          //TODO
>          this.str[0]= "appletstringvalue1";
>      }

 From your description is not clear whats wrong.

The access from applet is 100% working.
We have eg this tests 
and it is long term passing one.

> At javascript:
>       var a = document.getElementById('appletid');
>       var jstr = a.str;
>       alert('jstr: '+jstr[0]);

 From html - it is working to. But it is the question for browser then. Or not?

                   width="100px" height="100px">
              <param name="valuename1" value="value1">
function myFunction()
var a = document.getElementById('appletid');
var b = a.getElementsByTagName('param');
        alert('jstr: '+b[0].getAttribute("value"));


<button type="button" onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>

> If I use a similar script with ORACLE JRE on windows or mac the alerts shows a string.
>      jstr: appletstringvalue1
> But if I use similiar script on ubuntu with OPENJDK I receive.
>      jstr: undefined
> The java.log shows the value of jstr if I print to the log in both cases.
> Why Javascript is not receiving the applet values on linux or openjdk?

tbh this is the first time I'm seeing this approach. Not sure if it is standart on[1]
> The conversion of the objects (Java/Applet to JS) works correctly in the ORACLE JRE but with OPENJDK
> wich comes with linux (Ubuntu or Fedora, etc) is not working, or maybe I need to access to JavaArray
> in a different way?
> Any suggestion?
yes - use the DOM:)

But it donot exclude that this is bug in ITW.


..well they could not make it simpple...

This approach is heavily tested in ITW... But yes. The arrays have sometimes probelms.

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