[rfc][icedtea-web][policyeditor] CustomPolicyEditor method extractions and tests added

Andrew Azores aazores at redhat.com
Fri Jun 6 14:47:43 UTC 2014


In the same vein as the previous patch to PolicyEditor which extracted 
some methods to allow unit testing, this attached patch does the same 
for CustomPolicyViewer. Additionally, CustomPolicyViewer no longer holds 
a reference of its own to the PolicyFileModel, instead using appropriate 
methods exposed through its parent PolicyEditor. CustomPolicyViewer now 
also uses CustomPolicy.fromString() rather than its own "parsing" 
solution, and also no longer allows duplicate permissions to be added to 
the user interface (which was a bug since the actual collection 
modelling this is a Set anyway, so the JList and Set could become out of 


Andrew A

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