Announcing the Birth of IcedTea-Sound

Andrew Hughes gnu.andrew at
Thu Jun 12 17:09:29 UTC 2014

Hi all,

I've finally split off the PulseAudio provider from IcedTea into
its own project, IcedTea-Sound:

At the moment, this is just home to the PulseAudio provider but
other sound-related contributions are welcome. An initial 1.0
release will appear very soon, and will coincide with the 2.5.0
release, the first to not include the provider.

This will avoid the duplication of the code in IcedTea 1.x, 2.x,
3.x and the forthcoming 4.x when we fork to support OpenJDK 9.
The version in 3.x HEAD is already outdated compared to the other
two, so this seemed a suitable time to bite the bullet and finally
fix this.

You can achieve much the same setup as before by pointing the
IcedTea-Sound configure script to the appropriate JDK directories
for --libdir and --datadir. However, it is now also possible to
install the code completely independently as well, and documentation
is now also generated, if enabled.

Happy hacking,
Andrew :)

Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (

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