Time line for IcedTea with JDK7u60?

Andreas Wundsam andreas.wundsam at bigswitch.com
Fri Jun 13 20:00:04 UTC 2014

Hello all,

I was wondering if there is already a timeline for an IcedTea release that
includes the changes from JDK7u60?

I am asking because a project I am working on is seriously affected by a
Bug in JDK7 before u60 (
http://bugs.java.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6900441, time
primitives hang when the system wallclock time is set back).

I noticed that the bug has been fixed in the recently released in the
recently released Oracle JDK based on JDK7u60.

Any thoughts on when this change may propagate to IcedTea?


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