[icedtea-web] URLPermission in Java 8

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Wed Jun 18 14:59:58 UTC 2014

On 06/18/2014 04:03 PM, Andrew Azores wrote:
> Hi,
> There's a new permission in Java 8 known as URLPermission [0]. It's used to restrict access to,
> well, URL resources. Some of our manual test case applets are affected by this, for example, Oasis [1].

Thank you very much for investigations.

> I can't find any documentation on how exactly Oracle grants applets URLPermissions, eg what kind of
> path they're allowing the applets to access, or which HTTP methods and headers they may use, etc. So
> determining sane defaults on these is the primary point of discussion for this thread. We could just
> try to ask Oracle what they're granting as well and mirror that.

The Oracle NEVER EVER responded to any of my emails about unclear specification. I even twice tried 
"directly to person" email, and no reply. So I would gave up here. But you may have more luck :)

I would say to grant all URL permissions  and be happy. W can not afford more "proprietary plugin is 
running this applet , why is ITW not ?" And perhaps restrict it later if needed.

> To confirm that Oasis is impacted by this new permission:
> (1) (using openjdk7) Build IcedTea-Web.
> (2) Launch browser from terminal
> (3) Go to Oasis URL
> (4) Observe that applet launches successfully
> (5) system-switch-java to openjdk8
> (6) Repeat 1-3 and observe that Oasis no longer launches due to SecurityExceptions from missing
> URLPermissions
> As a sort of proof of concept, I've attached a small patch. Applying this patch to HEAD and
> repeating the Oasis test procedure with Java 8 in use should allow Oasis to run again. This patch
> can't compile with Java 7, however, and is also probably too lenient about the URLPermission it's
> granting, which allows any request method with any headers to any resource recursively and
> inclusively in the applet codebase. So the second point of discussion for this thread is how to
> resolve actually adding this permission to the default sandbox permission set.
> [0] http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/net/URLPermission.html
> [1] https://oasisweb.uga.edu/oasis.html

Jsut implementation note - does it have sense to have itw compiled by 7, running on 8? I would say 
it have sense. Then reflection will have to come to word:(
If it do not have sense, we can use same trick as for jdk7 trust manager.

Thanx again,

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