[icedtea-web] URLPermission in Java 8

Omair Majid omajid at redhat.com
Wed Jun 18 16:59:18 UTC 2014

* Andrew Azores <aazores at redhat.com> [2014-06-18 12:55]:
> Do we really want to exclude this permission from the reported set of
> permissions in the applet's SecurityDesc?

I am not sure what you mean by 'reported set'.

If you mean keeping this permission separate from others, then
Code-wise, it's not ideal.  But this might be better for performance if
we stop icedtea-web from re-computing the same permissions multiple
times and only apply the static permissions once, at class creation

> Because setting it directly in the ClassLoader instead means that
> further attempts to determine the sandbox set applied to the applet
> will be incomplete if done through SecurityDesc, which doesn't sound
> good to me.

I don't follow. What is the 'sandbox set'?


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