[rfc][icedtea-web] Refactor of LiveConnect Tests Version 2

Jie Kang jkang at redhat.com
Wed Jun 18 18:16:24 UTC 2014

> Well you are thinking about the shared code as about some library, which
> appelts/apps will reuse.
> That must not happen. The reproducers myust be as isolated as possible.

If you see the first version of Refactor of LiveConnect tests we have reproducers completely isolated. However Omair suggested we start to implement the functionality required to launch single reproducers with their own dependencies with a shared folder. 

I think the hack to put a single shared file in a dummy test in reproducers/simple is pretty ugly and I would prefer either complete isolation or a designated shared folder, instead of a small hack just for these tests. Complete Isolation or Shared Properly, in-between seems like a bad idea.

Maybe another alternative hack is to copy-paste the shared JS into their own JS files and so there aren't any duplicate files (but have lot's of duplicate code).

However I will prepare a patch for your suggested change.

> Even more we are speaking about this,. even more I'm sure the shared dir, as
> was introduced can nto
> go in.
> But Patch, which will add the functionality to lunch single reproducer (and
> be able to handle its
> dependeces) may come in as separate (quite a big one I would guess)
> changeset.

Yes I agree that it should be a separate fix for the test suite but we could make a small start towards this with the shared folder?

> J.


Jie Kang

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