[rfc][icedtea-web] Fix support for signed applets with sandbox permissions in manifest

Andrew Azores aazores at redhat.com
Thu Jun 19 14:38:55 UTC 2014

On 06/19/2014 10:23 AM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
> On 06/19/2014 04:11 PM, Andrew Azores wrote:
>> On 06/18/2014 01:44 PM, Andrew Azores wrote:
>>> On 06/18/2014 12:01 PM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
>>>> On 05/27/2014 06:23 PM, Andrew Azores wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> This patch allows signed applets with sandbox permissions 
>>>>> specified in
>>>>> their manifests to actually
>>>> How it is dealing with mixed (signed + unsigned code) apps?
>>> I don't have any examples of mixed signing apps with a Permissions 
>>> manifest attribute, but a
>>> reproducer could be prepared for this case.
>> Quick progress update: I'm working with Lukasz on creating this 
>> reproducer, since it's a good
>> example of a fairly complicated reproducer test. Once that's ready 
>> then it can go into a changeset
>> along with the already provided test. This will cover fully signed 
>> and partially signed applets,
>> both with Permissions: sandbox in the manifest.
>> Which other possible combinations of Signing x Manifest x Plugin/JNLP 
>> are worthy of testing? Plugin
>> vs JNLP does have a distinction in the Permissions attribute spec, so 
>> that should probably be
>> tested. Signing of course needs to be done, but fully vs partially is 
>> probably sufficient, since
>> unsigned applets are only allowed to be sandboxed anyway. Do we also 
>> want to have tests for
>> Permissions: all-permission in the manifest? And the case of no 
>> manifest permissions attribute at
>> all is pretty well covered already by a lot of other reproducers (eg 
>> MixedSigningApplet and
>> CustomPoliciesTest) IMO.
> There can be nitpicks like jnlp app diverged to be lunched as 
> applet/app and also html applet which can be lunched via jnlp href.
> It is another x 3 :(
>> So {Fully Signed, Partially Signed} x {Permissions: sandbox, 
>> Permissions: all-permission} X {Plugin,
>> JNLP} ?
> Well this is really a lot of work. On one side I would be happy to 
> have them all, on second, I would call it to much work (but may be 
> good practice for Lukas ;) ).
> Please dont forget to closing listeners otherwise the testsuite will 
> run another 10minutes longer;)
> Well all 12 reproducers  (+ 6*4 for applets)is ideal world. If you 
> will have them all it really will be nice, but do not waste more time 
> then is necessary.
> Ty!
> J.

Yes, that is definitely a lot of work. It is an important region to have 
rigorous testing for though.

> hmm Jsut crossed my mind - Most of the reproducers have no manifest at 
> all. (So issiing permissions attribute). The "daily" report  runs with 
> the manifest check off. And on low security. I'm guessing it will not 
> be affected by your chnageser (I'm pretty sure, but confirming)
> J.

Yea, that's a big concern. Disabling the manifest checks means that none 
of the reproducer tests will ever be auto-sandboxed, regardless of 
what's in the manifest, so all the tests are invalidated :(


Andrew A

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