[rfc][icedtea-web] Add new PL localized messages

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Wed Jun 25 09:59:04 UTC 2014

On 06/24/2014 06:27 PM, Jacob Wisor wrote:
> On 06/24/2014 02:38 PM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
>> On 06/23/2014 05:48 PM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
>>> On 06/20/2014 01:58 PM, Jacob Wisor wrote:
>>>> Hello there!
>>>> Sorry for delaying this for so long, but it's finally here.
>>>> As always, the comments in Messages_pl.properties are for your convenience
>>>> during review only and
>>>> will get removed before push into repo.
>>>> Thank you for reviewing
>>>> Jacob
>>> Hi!
>>> Attached are results of the testruns.
>>>  From quick glance I have no objections against messages as they are.
>>> Feel free to fix+push. discus/fix/push, discus/push  ir just push how time
>>> permits you.
>>> J.
>>> //hmmm the files are somehow strange, I hope you will be able to read them :(
>> Here are fixed and cleaned files.
>> The files which are redundant in 1.5 can be skipped (but well can be safely
>> deleted)
>> Other errors should be fixed for head and 1.5.


yes, I'm aware of this.  Feel free to keep it up-to-date for 1.5 state.

Well - repeating myself - I'm not forcing (not even "forcing" or whatever)  you to fix any of the 
errors/warnings.  I'm *really* *really* graceful you provided  those translations and they are good 
as they are. Anybody (Me..) can make some cleanup(removal of redundant lines) on my own later, when 
those are pushed.
> Although these test result files are difficult to read, my overall impression is that for the most
> part everything is okay. The errors that are reported for head are due to even newer additional
> messages. My intention so far has been to only get localization up to date with 1.5 (as initially
> requested). So, the proposed PL patch seems to be up to the task and does not require any technical
> fix (please feel free to correct me if I am wrong).

Yes, sorry. I would clean them up for you, but I'm little bit overlaoded too this times:(
> As a side note: The overall quality and usefulness of the test could be increased by making the
> results (warnings/errors) more legible (comprehensible) and by only doing comparison tests regarding
> default (EN) vs non-default languages. DE vs CS or PL vs DE tests bear little or no useful
> information at all, or are even rather counter productive because the produced results only cause
> confusion.

> The test should check mainly only for (1) completeness, that is whether all messages in the default
> language have /existing/ equivalents in every non-default language, and for (2) inequality of
> message values for the same message (assuming unequal message values as having been localized).
> There also may be a third test for (3) pruned messages where no messages exist for the default
> language but "orphan" messages exist for the non-default language.
> Such simple tests with readable results would greatly ease the task of keeping track of new,
> forgotten, overlooked, or pruned messages.

Most of the tests in this group is comparing only against the main.
The one who doeas all x all, was initially for something  a bit different then is now. The attached 
patch is fixing it.

The patch for 1.5 is much more readable. (as do the same except cosmetic changes)

Thank you!


hmm. Looking to the patch just before the send-click. The NB did the refactoring of the loop, so the 
logical change is not visible.

It is:

-        bundles.add(main);
- for (int j = 0; j < bundles.size(); j++) {
-                LocalesIdentifier resourceBundle2 = bundles.get(j);
-                if (resourceBundle1.getLanguage().equals(resourceBundle2.getLanguage())) {
-                    //do not compare same language groups
-                    allLog("Skipping same language " + resourceBundle1.getLocale() + " x " + 
resourceBundle2.getLocale() + " (should be " + resourceBundle1.getIdentifier() + " x " + 
resourceBundle2.getIdentifier() + ")");
-                    break;
-                }
+            LocalesIdentifier resourceBundle2 = main;

only. The rest re foeach loops, diamonds and the unlucky reformanting which NB did, but They are 
closed now And I can not do undo :(

One aditional logic change is

+                if (val1.length() > 1000) {
+                    errLog("Skipping chek of: " + key + " too long. (" + val1.length() + ")");
+                    continue;

This get rid of the 12k long help line (which no one will ever translate :) )

Attached are also results of those two test runs for 1.5 and head.

Again, thank you very very much, feel free to use the results as informative only.

Any changes to pl/de ( as it is now, or possible celaning) is ok to go to head+1.5

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Testsuite: net.sourceforge.jnlp.resources.MessagesPropertiesTest
Checking for redundant keys in cs (should be cs) compared with default
Error! There is value for cs, key APPEXTSECguiTableModelTableColumnAction, but for default is missing
1 findKeysWhichAreInLocalisedButNotInDefault errors for cs
Checking for redundant keys in de (should be de) compared with default
Error! There is value for de, key STempPrintOnly, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for de, key STempAllFileAndPropertyAccess, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for de, key STempPermNoFile, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for de, key STempSoundOnly, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for de, key STempReflectionOnly, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for de, key STempNoFileOrExec, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for de, key STempPermNoNetwork, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for de, key STempNoFileOrNetworkOrExec, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for de, key SAppletTitle, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for de, key APPEXTSECguiTableModelTableColumnAction, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for de, key STempReadLocalFilesAndProperties, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for de, key STempNoExecOrNetwork, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for de, key STempPermNoExec, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for de, key STempNoFileOrNetwork, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for de, key STempClipboardOnly, but for default is missing
15 findKeysWhichAreInLocalisedButNotInDefault errors for de
Checking for redundant keys in pl (should be pl) compared with default
Error! There is value for pl, key STempPrintOnly, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for pl, key STempAllFileAndPropertyAccess, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for pl, key STempPermNoFile, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for pl, key STempSoundOnly, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for pl, key STempReflectionOnly, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for pl, key STempNoFileOrExec, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for pl, key STempPermNoNetwork, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for pl, key STempNoFileOrNetworkOrExec, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for pl, key SAppletTitle, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for pl, key APPEXTSECguiTableModelTableColumnAction, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for pl, key STempReadLocalFilesAndProperties, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for pl, key STempNoExecOrNetwork, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for pl, key STempPermNoExec, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for pl, key STempNoFileOrNetwork, but for default is missing
Error! There is value for pl, key STempClipboardOnly, but for default is missing
15 findKeysWhichAreInLocalisedButNotInDefault errors for pl
Checking for missing  strings in cs (should be cs) compared with default
0 warnForNotLocalisedStrings errors for cs
Checking for missing  strings in de (should be de) compared with default
0 warnForNotLocalisedStrings errors for de
Checking for missing  strings in pl (should be pl) compared with default
0 warnForNotLocalisedStrings errors for pl
Checking for empty items in   (should be default)
0 noEmptyResources errors for default
Checking for empty items in cs  (should be cs)
0 noEmptyResources errors for cs
Checking for empty items in de  (should be de)
0 noEmptyResources errors for de
Checking for empty items in pl  (should be pl)
0 noEmptyResources errors for pl
Checking for same items between cs x unknown_so_default_UNKNOWN_SO_DEFAULT (should be cs x default)
Warning! Items equals for: AboutDialogueTabGPLv2 = GPLv2 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: COPstdOut = std. out but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: ButOk = OK but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: PEViewMenuMnemonic = 73 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: PEReflection = Java Reflection but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: PEOkButtonMnemonic = 65 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: PEOpenMenuItemMnemonic = 79 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: APPEXTSEChelpHomeDialogue = Dialogue but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: PEExitMenuItemMnemonic = 88 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: PESaveMenuItemMnemonic = 83 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: APSLabelFTP = FTP but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: APPEXTSECguiPanelAppletInfoHederPart1 = {0} {1} but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: PEAddCodebaseMnemonic = 78 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: APSLabelSocks = Socks but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: SPLASHurlLooks = http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/IcedTea-Web but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: COPjava = java but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: SPLASHurl = http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/IcedTea-Web#Filing_bugs but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: PETitle = Policy Editor but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: PEFileMenuMnemonic = 70 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: PECustomPermissionsItemMnemonic = 85 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: PECancelButtonMnemonic = 67 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: COPstdErr = std. err but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: PESaveAsMenuItemMnemonic = 65 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: COPitw = IcedTea-Web but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: APSLabelHTTP = HTTP but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: PERemoveCodebaseMnemonic = 82 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: NSPort = Port but are in allowed subset
Error! Items equals for: PERenameCodebaseItem = Rename codebase
Error! Items equals for: APPEXTSECguiTableModelTableColumnActionMatchALACA = Library Action
Error! Items equals for: PEAccessThreads = Modify threads
Error! Items equals for: PEPasteCodebaseItem = Paste codebase
Error! Items equals for: PEAccessThreadGroupsDetail = Allow applets to start, stop, and otherwise manage thread groups
Error! Items equals for: PECopyCodebaseItem = Copy codebase
Skipping chek of: APPEXTSEChelp too long. (12470)
Error! Items equals for: PEFileMissing = The policy file was missing from disk. A new file has been saved with the same name.
Error! Items equals for: APPEXTSECguiTableModelTableColumnActionUA = Unsigned applet Action
Error! Items equals for: APPEXTSECunsetAppletAction = This applet has not yet asked for this action
Error! Items equals for: STempNetwork = Allow incoming and outgoing network connections
Error! Items equals for: STempAllMedia = All media (printing, audio, clipboard access)
Error! Items equals for: STempReflectionAndExternal = Java Reflection and external code access
Error! Items equals for: PERenameCodebase = Rename codebase to:
Warning! Items equals for: PEEditMenu = Edit but are in allowed subset
Error! Items equals for: PECopyCodebaseToClipboardItem = Copy codebase URL to clipboard
Error! Items equals for: PEAccessThreadsDetail = Allow applets to start, stop, and otherwise manage threads
Error! Items equals for: PEPasteCodebase = Paste copied codebase as:
Warning! Items equals for: PEEditMenuMnemonic = 69 but are in allowed subset
Error! Items equals for: PEAccessThreadGroups = Modify threadgroups
Error! Items equals for: STempWriteFilesAndProperties = Write-only access to all files and properties
Error! Items equals for: STempReadFilesAndProperties = Read-only access to all files and properties
19 errors allResourcesAreReallyDifferent fo cs x default
Checking for same items between de x unknown_so_default_UNKNOWN_SO_DEFAULT (should be de x default)
Warning! Items equals for: AboutDialogueTabGPLv2 = GPLv2 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: ButOk = OK but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: LSFatal = Fatal but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: COPcode = Code but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: CVSystem = System but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: COPinfo = Info but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: CVDetails = Details but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: PEOpenMenuItemMnemonic = 79 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: PEExitMenuItemMnemonic = 88 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: PESaveMenuItemMnemonic = 83 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: APSLabelFTP = FTP but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: APPEXTSECguiPanelAppletInfoHederPart1 = {0} {1} but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: PEAddCodebaseMnemonic = 78 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: APSLabelSocks = Socks but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: SPLASHurlLooks = http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/IcedTea-Web but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: COPjava = Java but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: SPLASHurl = http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/IcedTea-Web#Filing_bugs but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: Version = Version but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: SPLASHhomepage = Homepage but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: CVCPColName = Name but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: COPitw = IcedTea-Web but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: APSLabelHTTP = HTTP but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: Name = Name but are in allowed subset
Error! Items equals for: PERenameCodebaseItem = Rename codebase
Error! Items equals for: APPEXTSECguiTableModelTableColumnActionMatchALACA = Library Action
Error! Items equals for: PEAccessThreads = Modify threads
Error! Items equals for: PEPasteCodebaseItem = Paste codebase
Error! Items equals for: PEAccessThreadGroupsDetail = Allow applets to start, stop, and otherwise manage thread groups
Error! Items equals for: PECopyCodebaseItem = Copy codebase
Skipping chek of: APPEXTSEChelp too long. (12470)
Error! Items equals for: PEFileMissing = The policy file was missing from disk. A new file has been saved with the same name.
Error! Items equals for: APPEXTSECguiTableModelTableColumnActionUA = Unsigned applet Action
Error! Items equals for: APPEXTSECunsetAppletAction = This applet has not yet asked for this action
Error! Items equals for: STempNetwork = Allow incoming and outgoing network connections
Error! Items equals for: STempReflectionAndExternal = Java Reflection and external code access
Error! Items equals for: PERenameCodebase = Rename codebase to:
Warning! Items equals for: PEEditMenu = Edit but are in allowed subset
Error! Items equals for: PECopyCodebaseToClipboardItem = Copy codebase URL to clipboard
Error! Items equals for: PEAccessThreadsDetail = Allow applets to start, stop, and otherwise manage threads
Error! Items equals for: PEPasteCodebase = Paste copied codebase as:
Warning! Items equals for: PEEditMenuMnemonic = 69 but are in allowed subset
Error! Items equals for: PEAccessThreadGroups = Modify threadgroups
Error! Items equals for: STempWriteFilesAndProperties = Write-only access to all files and properties
Error! Items equals for: STempReadFilesAndProperties = Read-only access to all files and properties
18 errors allResourcesAreReallyDifferent fo de x default
Checking for same items between pl x unknown_so_default_UNKNOWN_SO_DEFAULT (should be pl x default)
Warning! Items equals for: AboutDialogueTabGPLv2 = GPLv2 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: ButOk = OK but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: CVSystem = System but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: COPinfo = Info but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: APSLabelFTP = FTP but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: APPEXTSECguiPanelAppletInfoHederPart1 = {0} {1} but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: APSLabelSocks = Socks but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: SPLASHurlLooks = http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/IcedTea-Web but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: COPdebug = Debug but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: COPjava = Java but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: SPLASHurl = http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/IcedTea-Web#Filing_bugs but are in allowed subset
Error! Items equals for: PECodebaseFlag = Specify (a) codebase URL(s) to add and/or focus in the editor
Warning! Items equals for: COPpostInit = post-init but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: APSLabelHTTP = HTTP but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: NSPort = Port but are in allowed subset
Error! Items equals for: APPEXTSECguiTableModelTableColumnActionMatchALACA = Library Action
Error! Items equals for: PEAccessThreads = Modify threads
Warning! Items equals for: PEViewMenuMnemonic = 73 but are in allowed subset
Error! Items equals for: PEAccessThreadGroupsDetail = Allow applets to start, stop, and otherwise manage thread groups
Warning! Items equals for: PEOkButtonMnemonic = 65 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: CBCheckUnsignedFail = The application's codebase does NOT match the codebase specified in its manifest, but the application is unsigned. Continuing. See: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/jweb/security/no_redeploy.html for details. but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: PEOpenMenuItemMnemonic = 79 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: CBCheckOkSignedOk = Codebase matches codebase manifest attribute, and  application is signed. Continuing. See: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/jweb/security/no_redeploy.html for details. but are in allowed subset
Skipping chek of: APPEXTSEChelp too long. (12470)
Error! Items equals for: PEFileMissing = The policy file was missing from disk. A new file has been saved with the same name.
Error! Items equals for: APPEXTSECguiTableModelTableColumnActionUA = Unsigned applet Action
Warning! Items equals for: CBCheckSignedFail = Application Codebase does NOT match the Codebase specified in the application's manifest, and this application is signed. You are strongly discouraged from running this application. See: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/jweb/security/no_redeploy.html for details. but are in allowed subset
Error! Items equals for: APPEXTSECunsetAppletAction = This applet has not yet asked for this action
Error! Items equals for: STempNetwork = Allow incoming and outgoing network connections
Warning! Items equals for: PEExitMenuItemMnemonic = 88 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: PESaveMenuItemMnemonic = 83 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: PEAddCodebaseMnemonic = 78 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: CBCheckFile = The application is a local file. Codebase validation is disabled. See: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/jweb/security/no_redeploy.html for details. but are in allowed subset
Error! Items equals for: STempReflectionAndExternal = Java Reflection and external code access
Error! Items equals for: CVCPCleanCacheTip = Some errors may be caused by old files in your cache. Before submitting the bug, you may clear cache and try to run application again. \
 You can clear cache by javaws -Xclearcache or via itw-settings Cache -> View files -> Purge
Warning! Items equals for: PEFileMenuMnemonic = 70 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: COPpreInit = pre-init but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: CBCheckSignedAppletDontMatchException = Signed applets are not allowed to run when their actual Codebase does not match the Codebase specified in their manifest. Expected: {0}. Actual: {1}. See: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/jweb/security/no_redeploy.html for details. but are in allowed subset
Error! Items equals for: PEAccessThreadsDetail = Allow applets to start, stop, and otherwise manage threads
Warning! Items equals for: CVCPCleanCache = Purge but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: PECustomPermissionsItemMnemonic = 85 but are in allowed subset
Error! Items equals for: SPLASHmainL2 = Additional information may be available in the console or logs. Even more information is available if debugging is enabled.
Warning! Items equals for: PECancelButtonMnemonic = 67 but are in allowed subset
Error! Items equals for: APPEXTSecunsignedAppletActionSandbox = This applet was visited and allowed to run with restricted privileges
Warning! Items equals for: PEEditMenuMnemonic = 69 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: CBCheckNoEntry = This application does not specify a Codebase in its manifest. Please verify with the applet's vendor. Continuing. See: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/jweb/security/no_redeploy.html for details. but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: BAboutITW = The IcedTea-Web project provides a Free Software web browser plugin running applets written in the Java programming language and an implementation of Java Web Start, originally based on the NetX project. Visit the IcedTea-Web homepage: http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/IcedTea-Web . Use "man javaws" or "javaws -help" for more information. but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: PESaveAsMenuItemMnemonic = 65 but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: CBCheckUnsignedPass = Codebase matches codebase manifest attribute, but application is unsigned. Continuing. See: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/jweb/security/no_redeploy.html for details. but are in allowed subset
Warning! Items equals for: COPitw = IcedTea-Web but are in allowed subset
Error! Items equals for: PEAccessThreadGroups = Modify threadgroups
Warning! Items equals for: PERemoveCodebaseMnemonic = 82 but are in allowed subset
Error! Items equals for: STempWriteFilesAndProperties = Write-only access to all files and properties
Error! Items equals for: STempReadFilesAndProperties = Read-only access to all files and properties
16 errors allResourcesAreReallyDifferent fo pl x default
Tests run: 4, Failures: 2, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.736 sec

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