javaws CLI with Icedtea-web

Jiri Vanek jvanek at
Mon Jun 30 14:45:57 UTC 2014

On 06/30/2014 04:02 PM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
> On 06/30/2014 03:09 PM, Chris Lee wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Firstly the usual.. hope this is the right place to ask. If not, I would appreciate it if somebody can point me in the right direction.
> Yes.  This is correct list.
>> I am currently using Icedtea-web version 1.4.1 and I am trying to get use the javaws cli to launch an application with a specific set of deployment properties.
> 1.4.1 is outdated. If you need for some reason to stay with 1.4, please update to 1.4.2, however - please swap to 1.5. It was released few month ago, is stable, and a a lot of fixes was fixed here.
>> If I put these into the ~/.icedtea/ file, everything works as expected. However trying something as follows, keeps on failing and I am to 100% certain I am getting the syntax correct?
> It is long time since somebody was playing with -property switch, TBH it was forgotten to be tested, but it should be supported.
> In meantime  (before I look into it more deeply) maybe you can elaborate with -DpropertyName=value instead of -property propertyName=value and/or -Xnofork - each of those 4 (3new) combinations may lead to different results.

I meant  ith -J-DpropertyName=value not just -D
//reading your new email now
>> /javaws -verbose -property deployment.proxy.type=1 -property -property deployment.proxy.http.port=3128 http://mywebsite/launch.jnlp/
>> /
>> /
> In verbose mode,  the arguments should be reprinted. May you post the logs?
> In 1.5 you have developer console. It is providing better logs then 1.4 stdouts/errs.
> J.

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