javaws CLI with Icedtea-web

Chris Lee chris.lee at
Mon Jun 30 15:33:43 UTC 2014

On Jun 30, 2014, at 4:51 PM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
> Ouch that sad.  Well 1.5 should be *more* secure then 1.4 :) But *should* is the word here.
Sad it is, though what I am stuck with at the moment, unless I can find a compelling argument to have it updated. 

> Well thats obvious that your property is not used when used form COmmandline,
> I'm quite sure that -J-Dproperty=value will work for you, but it still mean that -proeprty is not propagated in time or not used at all. And well it loosk liek -Xnofork will not help you.
> May you also try to create empty /atlas-home/1/chlee/.icedtea/ and then try to use various properties  style declarations?

The empty file at least makes things easier to read, but it still seems to be ignoring the CLI options, I"ll keep on trying with others

[chlee at pc-atlas-cr-35 .icedtea]$ javaws -verbose -J-Dproxy.http.port=3128
Loading User level properties from: /atlas-home/1/chlee/.icedtea/
Starting security dialog thread
Using firefox's profiles file: /atlas-home/1/chlee/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini
Found preferences file: /atlas-home/1/chlee/.mozilla/firefox/4mi0hwbe.default/prefs.js
Read 77 entries from Firefox's preferences
JNLP file location:
call privileged method: getCodeBase
        result: null
Status: CONNECT STARTED +(CONNECT STARTED) @ /dipbrowser/launch.jnlp
Status: CONNECT DOWNLOAD STARTED +(DOWNLOAD) @ /dipbrowser/launch.jnlp
Status: CONNECTING DOWNLOAD STARTED +(CONNECTING) -(CONNECT) @ /dipbrowser/launch.jnlp
All possible urls for location= state=CONNECTING DOWNLOAD STARTED : [,]
Selecting proxy for:
Browser proxy option "4" (Automatic) not supported yet.
Browser selected proxies: [DIRECT]
Selected proxies: [DIRECT]
Selecting proxy for: socket://
Browser proxy option "4" (Automatic) not supported yet.
Browser selected proxies: [DIRECT]
Selected proxies: [DIRECT]

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