javaws CLI with Icedtea-web

Chris Lee chris.lee at
Mon Jun 30 15:41:37 UTC 2014

Hi Jacob,
On Jun 30, 2014, at 5:23 PM, Jacob Wisor wrote:

> On 06/30/2014 04:39 PM, Chris Lee wrote:
>> Hi Jiri
>> Thanks so much
>> To explain as well, what I am trying to do is use a specific proxy server and port for a specific website.
>> I had thought that a link to the CLI might be the quickest if I can get it working, If there is an easier way to configure, then I am open to suggestions.
> Try using Java's network configuration properties like http.proxyHost, http.proxyPort, https.proxyHost, https.proxyPort, ftp.proxyHost, ftp.proxyPort, gopher.proxyHost, gopher.proxyPort, socksProxyHost, socksProxyPort with the -J-D switch. For more information have a look into
> <JRE_HOME>/lib/
Assuming that they can/should be applied in the same manner as the properties from before, but I appear to be having the same issue where it is not being applied.

[chlee at pc-atlas-cr-35 .icedtea]$ javaws -verbose -J-Dhttp.proxyPort=3128
Loading User level properties from: /atlas-home/1/chlee/.icedtea/
Starting security dialog thread
Using firefox's profiles file: /atlas-home/1/chlee/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini
Found preferences file: /atlas-home/1/chlee/.mozilla/firefox/4mi0hwbe.default/prefs.js
Read 77 entries from Firefox's preferences
JNLP file location:
call privileged method: getCodeBase
        result: null
Status: CONNECT STARTED +(CONNECT STARTED) @ /dipbrowser/launch.jnlp
Status: CONNECT DOWNLOAD STARTED +(DOWNLOAD) @ /dipbrowser/launch.jnlp
Status: CONNECTING DOWNLOAD STARTED +(CONNECTING) -(CONNECT) @ /dipbrowser/launch.jnlp
All possible urls for location= state=CONNECTING DOWNLOAD STARTED : [,]
Selecting proxy for:
Browser proxy option "4" (Automatic) not supported yet.
Browser selected proxies: [DIRECT]
Selected proxies: [DIRECT]
Selecting proxy for: socket://
Browser proxy option "4" (Automatic) not supported yet.
Browser selected proxies: [DIRECT]
Selected proxies: [DIRECT]
>>> 1.4.1 is outdated. If you need for some reason to stay with 1.4, please update to 1.4.2, however - please swap to 1.5. It was released few month ago, is stable, and a a lot of fixes was fixed here.
>> This installation is for the ATLAS experiment at CERN. For security reason, we are usually compelled to use what is available in the SLC repos, which unfortunately for me right now is 1.4.1
> If security is key to you, you shouldn't probably be using IcedTea-Web yet. Instead, resort to Oracle's Java Web Start implementation. This product is feature and specification complete, in contrast to IcedTea-Web. Java Web Start has most probably received far more security fixes and screening than IcedTea-Web. Personally, at the current stage of IcedTea-Web I would advise any enterprise or security aware user not to use IcedTea-Web.
I believe we had a number of issues with the Oracles Javaws. somethings like the latest updates forced us to keep things current all the time, and while we are in production runs, things can be locked down for months at a time or we could lose data taking at our experiment.
Right now this is me testing to see if I can get this to work

> Regards
> Jacob

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