[icedtea-web] RFC: change download window to a jdialog

Andrew Azores aazores at redhat.com
Fri May 2 20:48:31 UTC 2014

On 05/02/2014 04:34 PM, Omair Majid wrote:
> Hi,
> The current download progress indicator window in icedtea-web is a
> JFrame. Some window managers in Linux assume it's an actual application
> window and try to handle it's size and position in a more appropriate
> way. A tiling window manager, for example, will stretch it to fill the
> screen size.
> The attached patch makes it a JDialog so it's treated as a dialog and
> it's size and position are respected.
> Thanks,
> Omair


There are other places that we should probably consider making this 
change as well. For example, the "could not launch" dialog. Reproducer - 
just hit cancel on the security prompt for Elluminate or something. At 
least with i3, that error dialog also appears to actually be a frame and 
is treated as a new application window. Likewise, the ITW splash screen 
does the same, although perhaps this one should be treated as an 
application window? Would you care to investigate those as well and roll 
it up into one patch since it's all probably the same thing over again? 
If not, then feel free to just push this one alone (with backport too 
probably) and the rest can just be fixed separately.


Andrew A

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