Icedtea-web: Enable debug+logging from applet <object> params?

helpcrypto helpcrypto helpcrypto at
Wed May 7 12:36:58 UTC 2014

Hi Jiri, thanks for your reply.

As most of your explanation seems to question the purpose of this, I'll try
to be clear on that.

Using Oracle JRE ControlPanel you can view/hide the console and enable 3
levels of debug. As you said, ITW does something similar.
Many times, users don't have such settings, and they have default (no debug
enabled/hidden console) so logs are smaller or there isn't a log file.

I was trying to enable -using applet params- tracing/debuglevel for my
applet, so being able to ask the user for the log-file (and having a full
one, not a short one). In other words: let developers being able to enable
per-applet debuglevel.

Did I explanied myself properly this time?


On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 1:26 PM, Jiri Vanek <jvanek at> wrote:

> On 05/07/2014 12:36 PM, helpcrypto helpcrypto wrote:
>> Hi.
>> According to [1] it could be possible to enable trace and logging for the
>> jvm using /defines/ "-D".
>> Also, [2] states that any "safe" argument could be provided using
>> "java_arguments".
>> With both resources in mind and using ORACLE JRE, have tried to enable
>> logging by default, to being
>> able to get a full debug log for users which havent enabled -manually-
>> debugging on their control
>> panel. Tried things like:
>> <param name="java_arguments" value="-verbose:gc" />
> this is jvm switch. It should work. properly. But note it is affecting
> behaviourour of JVM - not of plugin or javaws - no metter of itw od plugin.
> Also note, that to have efect, the JVM must be forked (intiial jvm read
> jnl, and start second jvm with new parameter added)
> This logging/trace can be controlled by all way JVM's  debug can be
> controlled.
>  or
>> <param name="java_arguments" value="-Ddeployment.trace.level=all" /> \
> I dont know his one:(
>  or
>> <param name="java_arguments" value="-Djavaplugin.trace=true
>> -Djavaplugin.logging=true" />
>> or
>> <param name="java_arguments" value="-Djavaplugin.trace.option=liveconnect"
>> />
> No, those - plugin specific - params are not supported by ITW ....
>> But none seems to work.
>> Do Icedtea supports something similar? Is this possible? Should I fill a
>> bug, cause its an
>> interesting/unimplemented feature on Icedtea?
>> To sum-up: I'll love to get a debug log, no matter if users have enabled
>> tracing/debug on their Java
>> Control Panel.
> ... we do it differently.
> So the question is what you wont to achieve?
> In ITW, right now, all the debug is ON by default. Just hidden. It is
> logging into hidden console.
> Pleade note, we are now speaking about controlin of output of itw (and
> application run inside it)
> In itw settings, or by environment variable you can
>  - enable  level of ST/ERR out ( just three levels, nothing, errors, all)
>  - same for logging into file
> The console always receive everything. You are filtering it in runtime.
>  - The file is disabled by default
>  -  std/err outs are showing erros
>  - console is receiving all
> So first question  - do you care about output of jvm? There ishrdly
> something what we cna do.
> If you care about applications/itw output, then there is a lot what we can
> do.
> To manipulate with debug settings of itw from applet tag/jnlp file - tbh
> I'mnot fan of it:( What is it good for? Do you need to send the logs to
> your machine? Shouldnt then users just send what they wont to sent?
> J.
>> Thanks a lot!
>> [1]
>> deployment/deployment-guide/tracing_logging.html
>> [2]
>> applet/applet_deployment.html
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