[rfc][icedtea-web] Resource/ResourceTracker clean up
Omair Majid
omajid at redhat.com
Fri May 9 17:31:23 UTC 2014
* Andrew Azores <aazores at redhat.com> [2014-05-07 12:02]:
> >ugh... I would like to stop this being pushed until the unitttest for
> >*original* behavior are done. And then they are adapted to new "behavior".
> >This part of itw is lacking the tests, so here is actually no trace if
> >behvaiour was preserved.
> >
> >Otherwise the patch is ok.
> Alright. I've attached tests for Resource#status and for
> ResourceTracker.selectByFlag in their current state. They can be fairly
> easily reworked for the EnumSet patch once you verify that the tests are
> sufficiently guarding against behaviour changes (or find that they aren't
> and I fix it so they are!). These new tests should apply to HEAD and all
> pass currently.
Looks okay to me. Some of utility functions in the test class are
unused. I assume that's intentional; please remove them if it's a
> +++ b/tests/netx/unit/net/sourceforge/jnlp/cache/ResourceTest.java
> @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
> + private static final Version VERSION1 = new Version("1.0");
This is used in one one method, and the actual version is insignificant.
Maybe call it SOME_VERSION or A_VERSION and move it to the method
> + @Test
> + public void testNewResourceIsUninitialized() throws Exception {
> + Resource res = getDummyResource("NewResource");
> + assertTrue("Resource should not have had any status flags set", hasFlag(res, UNINITIALIZED));
This test reads a little funny. Normally names like 'dummy' (and 'stub',
'fake', 'temp') are for an object which is mostly incidental to the
test. So a function named `getDummyResource` that returns the very thing
this test is looking at seems a little odd. Maybe call it
`createResource` or something?
> + private static Resource getDummyResource(String testName) throws MalformedURLException {
> + URL dummyUrl = new URL("http://example.com/applet" + testName + ".jar");
> + return Resource.getResource(dummyUrl, VERSION1, UpdatePolicy.ALWAYS);
This doesn't create a global, right? Calling this method with the same
argument multiple times returns new objects, right?
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