[rfc][icedtea-web] run on any open/oracle jdk (and ibm jdk!)

Omair Majid omajid at redhat.com
Thu May 15 22:24:56 UTC 2014


* Jiri Vanek <jvanek at redhat.com> [2014-05-15 06:56]:
> Please threat this as regular review request :)

This isn't a patch review; I am just commenting on the overall approach.

> On 05/13/2014 08:43 PM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
> >This patch allows ITW to run on any openjdk or oracle jdk(I have not yet tested with IBM, but will do)

This is fantastic to hear!

> >This is probably not final version of the patch - as it break all
> >tests using PluginAppletMocks - Its easy - tests do not run on
> >bootclassapth, so the Ancestor of my Access class is in different
> >classlaoder.
> >
> >Moving tests to bootclassapth[2] do not help, as then even worse
> >things happens. But it should be solution-able. Anyway I think that
> >removing those 9 tests is small cost for get rid of dependence on
> >icedtea (plugin-hole patch)

Yeah, there are upsides and downsides to most changes. Losing a few test
for ability to build/run against unpatched OpenJDK sounds like a net win
to me.

> >There is nasty override of run method. Inside is copypasted code and it is vulnerable.  I will try
> >to propose the change
> >
> >
> >-  private runLoader()
> >+          runLoader()
> >
> >to upstream. If they accept,  then actually no hacking will be needed and the hook will be pretty
> >clear (except refelction based getters and setter, which is quite ok...)

Good luck! The impression I got was that changes to sun.* packages are
simply not allowed.

> >(yah it really worked on plain upstream oraclejdk7 or openjdk7 :) )

> Oh! It even worked on IBM JDk!


> checking if sun.security.provider.X509Factory is available... no
> configure: error: sun.security.provider.X509Factory not found.

Yeah, this is used in only one place: to dump the certificate

> checking if sun.security.x509.X500Name is available... no
> configure: error: sun.security.x509.X500Name not found.

This one is more important: it's used in verifying SSL certificates.
It's accessed through HostNameChecker. I wonder if there is a public API
for this.

> and same for ValidatorException

This one is used in VariableX509TrustManager.java, to catch exceptions
thrown by the methods in X509TrustManager. These methods declare a public
exception class CertificateException, though. Perhaps we should use

> then compilation fails, because  classes like String or so are missing.
> This is quite clear because IBM java is split to much more parts then oracle/open JDK.
> To make compilation work, we have to extend our bootstrap JDK.

I think this is the right approach. Instead of overriding the
bootclasspath that's part of the JRE (using -Xbootclasspath), maybe we
should append to it (using -Xbootclasspath/p).

> (which is a
> bit broken, it still calls itself like jdk-1.6 - but should call itself
> jdk-1.7) OR maybe we can get rid of it?

This was done in the earlier icedtea-web days and it was simply copied
from icedtea. Maybe we should get rid of this build cruft and simply use
JDK_HOME/bin/java(c) and friends directly.

> But we have to change javwas and plugin luncher  bootclassapth a bit...

If done correctly, this might just be a cleanup.

> How worthy is IBM java support?

Personally, I would consider OpenJDK support the priority. If anything
else works, I think that's a bonus.
> Well - if we agrred on IBM support or at least "support" then
> I'mnotsure if we should try to push also

I wouldn't mind cleaning some code if it makes other JDKs work too, but
I am not sure if we can even think about "supporting" other JDKs. How
would we, for example, check that calling a certain piece of
undocumented code works the same in IBM JRE as it does in OpenJDK?

> path to Openjdk. Well insome time it will bubble to Oracle bits, but
> when to Ibm bits? maybe never....

I can only speculate here, but I believe that the IBM JRE uses the same
class library as the proprietary Oracle JDK. Just a different VM. If
it is included in the proprietary Oracle JDK, it should become part of
the IBM JDK too.


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