[rfc][icetea-web] Resource Setter/Getter Refactoring

Andrew Azores aazores at redhat.com
Tue May 20 15:09:25 UTC 2014


On 05/20/2014 10:54 AM, Lukasz Dracz wrote:
> Hello,
> I took Andrew, Jiri and Omair's suggestions and revised our previous patch.
> Thanks,

Please check your editor/IDE's formatting settings - you have mixed tabs 
and spaces in this patch. Indentation should be four spaces per indent 
level. The ITW wiki should have the correct Eclipse settings.

testSetSize also doesn't take into account Omair's suggestion of using a 
constant rather than the literal '10' directly, which I would also like 
to see changed.

Otherwise I think this is good to go. Please send a new version with 
fixed formatting and testSetSize.


Andrew A

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