[rfc][icedtea-web] use tagsoup (if avaible) also for signing jnlps.

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Fri Apr 10 16:05:41 UTC 2015

I recently got https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1207437

The jnlp is invalid, but tagsup cleans it so it runs. However the jnlp files inisde jars contains
the same error, so they are not parsed, and so verification fails.

I think, that those files should be treated as any other jnlp file used by app. That means to use
tagsoup if used also for them, And dont if it is not used.

The patch is doing four (very tightly connected) things:

1) Remove a lot of garbage in JNLPMatcher. The loading of xml can be done on two lines, not in
twenty as it was.
2) use tagsoup(if used) on them
3) convert test to try-with-resources (and of course adapt to new design)
4) duplicate set of tests one set with tagsoup off and new set with tagsoup on.

testTemplateComments with tagsouop *ON* is failing!

Currently I don't know why, and today I have not found it. It have to be fixed before release.

This change (ad also the passwords for keystores) should go t 1.6 there is no need to postpon them
to 1.7 And as they are change in behaviour, they should not go as minor update.


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