[rfc][icedtea-web] do not dye if jnlp's icons points to nothing (eg 404)

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Mon Feb 2 12:57:54 UTC 2015

This patch is fixing state, when icon is expected to be downlaoded, but its location do not exists. 
Then when this code expect it to be found, NPE is thrown.

Hmm.. Looking to this after break,

- location = CacheUtil.getCachedResource(uiconLocation, null, UpdatePolicy.SESSION)
-                     .toString();
+ locationURL = CacheUtil.getCachedResource(uiconLocation, null, UpdatePolicy.SESSION);
+ if (locationURL == null) {return null;}
+ location = locationURL.toString();

Is probably much more suitable (need to test it)

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