[rfc][icedtea-web] Add netx-dist-dist-tests-whitelist to .hgignore

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Wed Feb 18 17:18:00 UTC 2015

On 02/18/2015 06:12 PM, Jacob Wisor wrote:
> On 02/18/2015 03:37 PM, Jie Kang wrote:
>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> On 02/13/2015 02:36 PM, Jie Kang wrote:
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> On 02/12/2015 10:38 PM, Jacob Wisor wrote:
>>>>>> On 02/12/2015 at 05:29 PM Jie Kang wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> Title says it all. I think given the usage of the file, and the
>>>>>>> extremely
>>>>>>> low possibility of it
>>>>>>> having committed changes, it'd be nice for developers to have it
>>>>>>> included
>>>>>>> in the .hgignore. This
>>>>>>> is really just for convencience.
>>>>>>> What do you think?
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> +1
>>>>> For record, this will not work as intendid:
>>>>>     http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2339716/hgignore-not-working-for-mercurial
>>>>>     http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15699917/mercurial-hg-ignore-does-not-work-properly
>>>> Aw good catch. That's annoying :\
>>>>> But satill I'm for doing it. Wheter forget this file in future or
>>>>> workaround
>>>>> with -x ...
>>>> A template could work too but that seems like overkill. How about making
>>>> the file part of configure/make process?
>>>> I'd prefer forgetting over using -X
>>> Sop actually the solkution will be your original patch with:
>>> --- a/.hgignore    Fri Feb 13 12:48:24 2015 +0100
>>> +++ b/.hgignore    Fri Feb 13 14:42:20 2015 +0100
>>> @@ -11,4 +11,11 @@
>>>    netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/resources/COPYING.html
>>>    netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/resources/ChangeLog.html
>>>    netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/resources/NEWS.html
>>> +# the netx-dist-tests-whitelist is tracked but ignored
>>> +# adjust your .hgrc configuration file:
>>> +# [defaults]
>>> +# status = -X netx-dist-tests-whitelist
>>> +# diff = -X netx-dist-tests-whitelist
>>> +# commit = -X netx-dist-tests-whitelist
>>> +# accordingly
>>>    netx-dist-tests-whitelist
>>> oook? :))
>>> If it works forks for you, feel free to push
>> I'm not sure if these comments are very useful to have.
>> How about replacing the whitelist file with a template? Then devs just copy + rename to
>> netx-dist-tests-whitelist and there won't be issues with changes to the actual whitelist file. See
>> the attached patch.
>> We could add comments to the template teaching people how to use it too (but might need to edit
>> makefile to skip comments). And/or we could create the netx-dist-tests-whitelist as some part of
>> autogen.sh, configure or make...
>> Thoughts?
> I think, if ain't used then we should actually remove it from the repo (and the respective comments
> in .hgignore too). Tracking a file but not using it does not make sense to me. If I am missing
> something then please explain it to me.
> As I understand netx-dist-tests-whitelist has something to do with whitelisting tests to build and
> run. So, this information should go into the "Building" section of the README file. Anyway, if this
> file is required by or used only for tests then it should be auto generated instead of being
> tracked. It is no source file per se, but seems to be rather a configuration file for building or
> testing.

You understand it right. The reason to keep the file was to make it simple. I'm 50/50 to remove the 
file. Then, if file is not found, use default ".*". If its found, then it is used (no metter what is it)

The only I ssue I have is that I will quickly forget  the name, then create the file with typo, and 
will be debugging why it was not used for hours... (well exaggerate a bit, but you should see my 
point... )


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