Several bug fixes for the arm32JIT

Edward Nevill edward.nevill at
Fri Feb 27 10:54:56 UTC 2015


The following patch fixes several bugs in the arm32jit.

These bugs were found while resolving an issue with eclipse giving SEGVs although only one of them is actually responsible for the SEGV in eclipse.

Eclipse now seems to run OK.

I have put the patch at

Below is a summary of these bug fixes.

Ok to push these?

Bug 1:

     loc >>= 2;
     offset = dest - loc;
     uoff = offset;
-    if (offset >= -(1<<22) && offset < (1<<22))
+    if (offset >= -(1<<23) && offset < (1<<23))
       return out_32(codebuf, A_BL(cond, uoff));

The offset was wrong for ARM BL instruction which has 24 bits offset, not 23.

Bug 2:

        ldrb    r1, [jpc, lr]
         bic     ip, ip, #7
         ldr     pc, [ip, r1, lsl #2]
+       .set    dispatch_state, 0

This fixes a compile time error when compiling with FAST_BYTECODES disabled. The error was generate by the VOLATILE_VERSION macro.

        .error "VOLATILE_VERSION macro used before non-volatile DISPATCH_FINISH."

This was occurring because DISPATCH_BYTECODE was not setting the dispatch_state back to 0.

Bug 3:

        Opcode  if_acmpeq
         POP    r2, r3
         ldrsb   r1, [jpc, #1]
+        cmp     r3, r2
         ldrb    r2, [jpc, #2]
-        cmp     r3, r2
        beq     branch_taken
        DISPATCH        3

(and also in if_acmpne, if_icmplt, if_icmpge, if_icmpgt, if_icmple)

I am slightly surprise this one has remained undetected for so long! Essentially it was comparing against the bytecode it had just loaded rather that the TOS element which means that whether the branch was taken or not is essentially random.

However, this is only in the safepoint version of these bytecode, the non safe version was OK, so I guess when it was running to safepoints it just didn't encounter these. I only noticed this when I disabled NOTICE_SAFEPOINTS for debugging which tells it to always use the 'safe' version which actually turns out to be not very safe.

Bug 4:

        ldr     tmp1, [r2, #4]                          @ rcvr->klass()
-       tst     r3, #flag_methodInterface
+       tst     r3, #flag_is_forced_virtual
        bne     .invokeinterface_methodInterface

and the corresponding definition of flag_is_forced_virtual in asm_helper.cpp.

This is the bug that was causing the SEGV in eclipse.

This bug was caused by the renaming of the flag from flag_methodInterface (bit 24) to flag_is_forced_virtual (bit 25) which meant that it was trying to do an invokeinterface lookup on a vfinal method and getting a SEGV.

The change was introduced to bytecodeInterpreter.cpp in change 4066:1d7922586cf6.

changeset:   4066:1d7922586cf6
parent:      4041:aba91a731143
user:        twisti
date:        Tue Jul 24 10:51:00 2012 -0700
summary:     7023639: JSR 292 method handle invocation needs a fast path for compiled code

However, this change was not reflected in cppInterpreter_arm.S.

Bug 5:

        // Common code for fast_aldc and fast_aldc_w
 # r0 = constpool cache entry
        .macro  aldc    opc, seq_len
@@ -3060,7 +3063,6 @@
         add     r0, constpool, r1, lsl #4
        aldc opc_fast_aldc_w, 3

 # r2 = [jpc, #1]
 # r1 = [jpc, #2]

Another build failure with FAST_BYTECODES disabled

Bug 6:

+       // Ensure that any literals generated in the stubs are output here
+       // as this code is copied to the bottom of the code buffer
+       .ltorg
        .global Thumb2_stubs_end
        .type Thumb2_stubs_end, %function

This bug occurred with the volatile version of get_static. Basically, when build for ARMv6 this need to call _kernel_dmb because there is no DMB instruction. The code to call _kernel_dmb did

	ldr	r2, =_kernel_dmb
	blx	r2

This creates an assembler literal which the assembler will dump at the next .ltorg (or at the end of the file if no .ltorg).

However, because the run time stubs are copied to the bottom of the code buffer in order to make them reachable from the compiled code, the literal was not being copied because the literals were only being dumped after the end of the stubs.

The solution is simply to dump the literal pool before the end of the stubs so the literals get copied as well.

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