[rfc][icedtea-web] PolicyEditor gains a real parser
Andrew Azores
aazores at redhat.com
Thu Jun 4 21:04:33 UTC 2015
On 30/04/15 07:49 AM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
> ...snip...
> This is cool stuff!
> I like the ideas inside. however...
> Several issues with user experience popped up which should be fixed:
> When you start jsut prefix/bin/policyeditor with no args, then it
> immediately complains about :can not open file"
> - imho it should not complain:)
> I see two possibilities - open default file (but it may be tricky),
> or work on no file, and then inform (it was like that, wasn't it? I'm
> for this one...)
> when you open "no file" then save as(or open file later ) then saving
> is popuping many errors.. and file seems to not be saved
> opening of default file seems to be doing noting (or the app is saving
> the file strangly)
> save is broken "the file was not on disk, creating new" -> saved ->
> :error during saving" Some save dialogue missing perhaps??
> (whole this saving/laoding seems to be completly broken - you can open
> file but hte content do not repalce and so on... Also is this
> changeset counting with "open default file" afaik not)
I think this has been fixed by a different changeset... trying the same
patch earlier today seems to have worked fine.
> escape button (and cross in dialogue) from that dialogue with
> codebasese/principals/signedby... is annoying with forcing to fill
> something in. Afaik The cross/ecape button should be related to
> cancel. Not ok :)
Oops, fixed I think.
> I can see you have added modify codebas/signed/principals as three
> separate menu entries. its good and +1 for keeping it. But what about
> general "modify? Also hitting "remove" is pretty simple... One may
> regret hitting it by accident. As the " 'add new' dialogue" is the
> only good viwer - then what about this : instead of "remove" put
> "view" button here, which allwos general modification and/or removal.
I've added a confirmation on hitting "remove". Personally I think it
would be a little bit more difficult to figure out how to remove entries
if it's hidden within the "modify" functionality. I like the idea of
using the "Add New" dialog as also a viewer though... but as that's just
a UI tweak and not functional, can it be put off for a later changeset?
> the to string used in list is nasty :) I think it can safel ignore
> (notshow) unspeciffied fields.
> so policy without principals and with null signedBy will show only
> codeabase. and so on.. Jsut dont show unspecified.
Fixed. It does look much nicer this way!
> Al above seems serious enough to be fixed before push.
> Maybe "view filter" - "clever" "all" "selected" + checkboxes like
> codebase/principals/signed by - but this can go as another changeset
> Maybe also the "general modify button" can go as another changeset.
> One question - how it behaves/should behave when only one (or two)
> from codebase signedby principals are specified?
> I was not able to try it, because I was not able to save/load my
> changes (related to above)
> in case of selection I'm probably for "choose first matching"
> in case of creating new one - it is pretty clear.
> Teh issue is rising, when some partially amtching is already
> found. Then it should update it?
Right now it just looks for exact matches. If no exact match exists then
it creates a new entry with the specified attributes. If a match does
exist then it simply selects it in the UI but no changes are made to the
entry's properties.
> Now - when run in sandbox is used - only codebase is sent to policy
> editor - isnt better to sent also prinsipals and signed by? afaik you
> know them both in this time...
The temporary permissions button calls a factory method and receives a
PolicyEditor instance, and then on that instance it calls addNewEntry,
which takes a PolicyIdentifier. So this way the security dialog is able
to send all relevant applet identification details to the PolicyEditor
> Also I think run in sandbox is now broken, because applications which
> depends on reflection, but were working in sadnbox (with reflection on
> - like geogebra) now dont work.
Very odd. Are you sure that it's this patch that breaks them? If you
haven't already tested to verify this then I can do so later on.
> Hoping to see this in soon, but as it is, is broken
> J.
Andrew Azores
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