[rfc][icedtea-web] fixing CacheReproducerTest and improving VersionedJarTest

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Fri Mar 20 09:49:22 UTC 2015

On 03/19/2015 09:32 PM, Jie Kang wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> On 03/04/2015 06:13 PM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
>>>>> Well please fix this as soon as possible.
>>>> sure. Probably today.
>>>>> Please make sure to get both use-cases below:
>>>>> 1) user changes cachedir to custom location using itweb-settings : this
>>>>> is broken with your patch (bug in PathsAndFiles?)
>>>> Sure!
>>> Hmm. Looking to it now, it stopepd to gave sense to me.
>>> The cahe si already selectable via XDG variables. Why to make it more
>>> complicated by completly custom value?
>>> Same is valid for logging.
>>> Is the chengable target of those two really desirable?
>> ping??
>> I really am for dropping support of dual-setup-able cache and config. However
>> it is definitely not something minor.
> Hello.
> I'm not sure what to say to continue this discussion :\ I think that the ability for users to set a custom location for their cache is useful and good to have.

for what? You can set it ia xdg variables. Its standartized behaviour.

 > Prior to this patch we had this feature, but now it's not working so I think a fix would be nice. 
What's wrong with allowing users to choose custom locations? We had this feature before already, I 
am just asking for a fix that makes it work again.
> Otherwise, if you want to to remove this feature, a patch that removes it all would be nice. Just leaving it broken is the main issue for me.

Sure. I will fix it or remove it. this+localizations is main blocker for release. Also Lukas's fix 
for attributes is awaited.
>> The resurrection of setupable paths may be tricky, but should be doable. Stil
>> it do not gave sense for me....
> CacheUtil tests will test the caching system and will deal with the cache on the filesystem. I think it makes sense to use a temporary cache location to do this.
> ResourceTracker/ResourceDownloader/PluginBridge/other tests that touch resources in the cache will deal with the cache on the filesystem. I think it also makes sense to use a temporary cache location to do this.
> The main reason for setupable paths is for these tests.

yes. But those test can now use fake instance of the singleton, or not?
> Thoughts? I am open to alternatives;
> Regards,
>>> J.
>>>>> 2) for unit tests : we need to be able to set cache to a temporary
>>>>> location : CacheUtil unit tests need to test caching functions
>>>>> (clearCache, etc.), but not in user's cache.
>>>> I thought you were working on this? I guess I made this a bit more
>>>> complicated now...
>>>> I'm not sure if this feature is desirable, however Most easy solution will
>>>> be to create false CacheLruWrapper, or not? (Now I guess You know why it
>>>> s probably better to not copy its value into static field...)
>>>> J.

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