[rfc] added preprocessing to rust launchers

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Tue Dec 5 16:11:28 UTC 2017

This patch is adding the possiblity to pas classapth and simialr to the rust luncher.
If there is enybody knowing the better way, and especially how to get rid of this duplicated 
(triplicated x triplicated) snipept of
+	MAIN_CLASS=net.sourceforge.jnlp.runtime.Boot ;\
+	BIN_LOCATION=$(bindir)/$(javaws).sh ;\
+	PROGRAM_NAME=$(javaws) ;\
+	$(edit_launcher_script) < $< > $@

And turn it into function of call(name, suffix)  < $< > $@, that would be awesome. I tried many 
times, various ways, but if I get rid of those three lines, I always duplicated  targets:(


Jiri Vanek
Senior QE engineer, OpenJDK QE lead, Mgr.
Red Hat Czech
jvanek at redhat.com    M: +420775390109
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