checking for a JDK home directory... configure: error: "A JDK home directory could not be found. "

Jiri Vanek jvanek at
Thu Dec 14 15:03:49 UTC 2017

On 12/14/2017 03:51 PM, Albretch Mueller wrote:
>   after downloading the checking the hash signatures of icedtea web I
> got a "JDK home not found" kind of error message:
> ./configure
> checking for a JDK home directory... configure: error: "A JDK home
> directory could not be found. "
> ~
>   I found on the askubuntu site and explanation about why does it happen:
>   but when I try their suggestions I find not reason for that error to
> bomb the configuration since there is only one java installation:
> # uname -a
> Linux IBMThnkPdT60 3.16.0-4-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 3.16.36-1+deb8u1
> (2016-09-03) i686 GNU/Linux
> $ which java
> /usr/bin/java
> $ java -version
> java version "1.7.0_111"
> OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.6.7) (7u111-2.6.7-1~deb8u1)
> OpenJDK Client VM (build 24.111-b01, mixed mode)
> # update-alternatives --config java
> There is only one alternative in link group java (providing
> /usr/bin/java): /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/jre/bin/java
> Nothing to configure.
>   How can I troubleshoot that problem?

You did nto wrote version of ITW. Since 1.6 jdk 7 is no longer suported and you shoudl run jdk8

Still, the configure message is about founding jdk.   The paths where jdk is searched for are 
hardcoded. If you belive you can live with jdk7 you have shown, you can pass  --with-jdk-home  to 
configure script (eg `sh configure  --with-jdk-home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/`

HTH, feel free to keep asking!

Jiri Vanek
Senior QE engineer, OpenJDK QE lead, Mgr.
Red Hat Czech
jvanek at    M: +420775390109

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