icedtea-sound and java9

Fridrich Strba fridrich.strba at
Fri Nov 3 07:10:33 UTC 2017

Hello, Andrew,

On 02/11/17 19:13, Andrew Hughes wrote:
> Thanks for the patch. It's certainly interesting. I do think we could support
> OpenJDK >= 9 without destroying support for earlier versions though. I'll
> look into it when I get chance to look at 9 / IcedTea 4.x.

It should be actually possible to compile with source/target 9 only the file and the rest of the classes with source/target 6.
It should be even possible to create a non-modular jar file and then
upgrade it to modular one in another target that would depend on whether
we have java9 or not:

jar --update --file icedtea-sound.jar -C wrapper/module-info.class

This would still need to detect the version of jdk used and maybe leave
in the stuff around JAVAH even though it is deprecated, only to be able
to build with lower versions of jdk.



P.S.: As to the module name, I used in the patch org.icedtea.sound, but
in my last spec file I have just "icedtea-sound", since the package name
does not have to follow any particular pattern.

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