prerelase of icedtea-web 1.8

Jiri Vanek jvanek at
Wed Mar 6 16:28:46 UTC 2019

On 3/6/19 5:16 PM, Lars Herschke wrote:
> Hi,
> attached a new separate windows registry patch.

Wou. Interesting approach.  As you had not replied if you will elaborate on it, I had in meantime
did simialr patch (attached, not tested, literally just finished writing right now, and started to
warm up windows VM) - absed on yours, jsut with the pooling of registry.

My patch looks  a bit more rustlike - especailly it uses chain of match instead of loop, and TBH I
do not understand half of yours :)
What are the regQuery and RegEnumKeyExW for?
I do tt see versions in the query.. What is the pooled order? SHould be
Do you mind to comapre with mine patch? (and honestly say that it is garbage and yours is more
bulletproof - I do not expect more)

 I disagree with Your change to JAVA_HOME and PATH - because it can already be jre.  On contrary, if
it si jdk, then it is already valid. HAve that part bitten you somewhere?

Really thanx!

> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Lars Herschke
> Data-Service GmbH
> Beethovenstraße 2a
> 23617 Stockelsdorf
> Amtsgericht Lübeck, HRB 318 BS
> Geschäftsführung: Wilfried Paepcke, Dr. Andreas Longwitz,
>                   Dr. Uwe Szyszka, Dr. Hans-Martin Rasch
> Tel. (0451) 49 00-188
> Fax. (0451) 49 00-123
> e-mail: lhersch at
> Jiri Vanek schrieb:
>> On 3/5/19 2:29 PM, Lars Herschke wrote:
>>>> Ok. Then I would suggest the following steps:
>>>> - Does it have sense to check both jre and jsk keys? jre first, and jdk as fallback? If not, then
>>>> I'm happy with ou jre from registy patch. Do you mind to post it as separate patch? In both cases
>>>> (jre->jdk fallback, jre search only) I will push for you asap.
>>> If you plan to check more than one regkey than you should check in the
>>> following order.
>>> 1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment
>>> 2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Development Kit
>>> 1. for the last pre-JPMS-jre (max Java 9)
>>> 2. for the last pre-JPMS-jdk (max Java 8)
>>> 3. for the last     JPMS-jdk (    Java 11+)
>>> 4. for the last     JPMS-jre (max Java 10)
>>> Starting with Java 11 you have to check the jdk first, because there is
>>> nor jre anymore.
>> Are you willing to code that? I would promiss you a beer on fosdem :)
>>> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
>>> Lars Herschke
>>> Data-Service GmbH
>>> Beethovenstraße 2a
>>> 23617 Stockelsdorf
>>> Amtsgericht Lübeck, HRB 318 BS
>>> Geschäftsführung: Wilfried Paepcke, Dr. Andreas Longwitz,
>>>                   Dr. Uwe Szyszka, Dr. Hans-Martin Rasch
>>> Tel. (0451) 49 00-188
>>> Fax. (0451) 49 00-123
>>> e-mail: lhersch at
>>> Jiri Vanek schrieb:
>>>> On 3/5/19 1:54 PM, Lars Herschke wrote:
>>>>> Hi Jiri.
>>>>>>> I'm wondering why the acinclude hunk is necessary -  Do you intend to ship..or whatever custom
>>>>>>> itw-binaries built on windows? The build is the only thing I do seriously on windows, and thus I'm
>>>>>>> wondering why I had never needed it.
>>>>> I have installed my jdk direct in windows and not inside cygwin. So my
>>>>> path inside cygwin is /cygdrive/c/Program\
>>>>> Files/ojdkbuild/java-1.8.0-openjdk- This path isn't found by
>>>>> configure without jdk-home-configure-switch.
>>>> I have it installed to in windows, but something must go differently. Will push this hunk for you asap
>>>>>>> The unittest++  targets are for plugin only,. You should not even hit them.
>>>>> Without my changes i get the following error when i make "make clean".
>>>>> "make: *** No rule to make target 'clean-unittest++', needed by
>>>>> 'clean-tests'.  Stop."
>>>>> clean-unittest++ is commented out in the generated Makefile because i
>>>>> build without native plugin.
>>>> Hm interesting, I'm running cleanow and iot works. Anyway will test you changeset, and if ti do not
>>>> break anything (which I dubt) will push it for you asap.
>>>>>>> Dunce is an problem - ITW, being distribution friendly, can not rely on random cargo pulled from
>>>>>>> web. Sorry. If it is really doing such a troubles, then I'm afraid it must go in in way, it can be
>>>>>>> ifouted on linxu. Do you mind to elaborate on this?
>>>>> If you have an jdk on windows without registry entries and set without
>>>>> JAVA_HOME, than jdk from path is trying. This path is canonicalized and
>>>>> leads to an unc-path. I have in a test spawn() persuaded (with
>>>>> current_dir) to use this unc-path, but java.exe don't like unc-path in
>>>>> his classpath.
>>>>>>> Last hint - if I install JDK on windows. Will it still be found in registry in way you changed the
>>>>>>> search?
>>>>> When you install openjdk with ojdkbuild it will be found. When you
>>>>> install oracle-jdk and you don't disable "Public JRE" in the installer,
>>>>> than it would also be found.
>>>> Ok. Then I would suggest the following steps:
>>>> - Does it have sense to check both jre and jsk keys? jre first, and jdk as fallback? If not, then
>>>> I'm happy with ou jre from registy patch. Do you mind to post it as separate patch? In both cases
>>>> (jre->jdk fallback, jre search only) I will push for you asap.
>>>>  - Please provide dunce changeset as separate changeset. We have to discuss, how to make it
>>>> disable-able.
>>>> Please reconsider fx patch. I dont think it is necessary. If it is, I would liek to know your case.
>>>> Thanx!
>>>>  J.
>>>>> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
>>>>> Lars Herschke
>>>>> Data-Service GmbH
>>>>> Beethovenstraße 2a
>>>>> 23617 Stockelsdorf
>>>>> Amtsgericht Lübeck, HRB 318 BS
>>>>> Geschäftsführung: Wilfried Paepcke, Dr. Andreas Longwitz,
>>>>>                   Dr. Uwe Szyszka, Dr. Hans-Martin Rasch
>>>>> Tel. (0451) 49 00-188
>>>>> Fax. (0451) 49 00-123
>>>>> e-mail: lhersch at
>>>>> Jiri Vanek schrieb:
>>>>>> Hi Lars!
>>>>>> Thank you very much for eyballing the windows state.
>>>>>> I'm wondering why the acinclude hunk is necessary -  Do you intend to ship..or whatever custom
>>>>>> itw-binaries built on windows? The build is the only thing I do seriously on windows, and thus I'm
>>>>>> wondering why I had never needed it.
>>>>>> The unittest++  targets are for plugin only,. You should not even hit them.
>>>>>> Dunce is an problem - ITW, being distribution friendly, can not rely on random cargo pulled from
>>>>>> web. Sorry. If it is really doing such a troubles, then I'm afraid it must go in in way, it can be
>>>>>> ifouted on linxu. Do you mind to elaborate on this?
>>>>>> Last hint - if I install JDK on windows. Will it still be found in registry in way you changed the
>>>>>> search?
>>>>>> hmm. The jfxrt is shameful bug, as the path is crippled also in shell  and bat launchers an I keep
>>>>>> wondering how it could hapened it was not hit.
>>>>>> again, thanx a lot for this set of fixes!
>>>>>>  J.
>>>>>> On 3/5/19 11:32 AM, Lars Herschke wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> attached a patch that cause the following changes.
>>>>>>> acinclude.m4:
>>>>>>> - configure-switch --with-jdk-home acts on windows
>>>>>>> - windows-fix for changeset 1565:7010aa9d9309
>>>>>>> - fixes for make clean with native plugin disabled
>>>>>>> rust-launcher:
>>>>>>> 1. Use cannonicalize from crate dunce, because std::fs:canonicalize
>>>>>>>    return on windows unc-paths like this \\?\C:\foo. This paths doesn't
>>>>>>>    work with spawn() from std::process::Command.
>>>>>>> 2. Correct path for jfxrt.jar
>>>>>>> 3. Use JRE-path instead of JDK-path from registry and don't panic if
>>>>>>>    this regkey doesn't exist, because jfxrt.jar, rt.jar and nashorn.jar
>>>>>>>    are only in the JRE-directory on openjdk. In addition users, that
>>>>>>>    have only installed JRE don't have the JDK-regkey in your registry.
>>>>>>> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
>>>>>>> Lars Herschke
>>>>>>> Data-Service GmbH
>>>>>>> Beethovenstraße 2a
>>>>>>> 23617 Stockelsdorf
>>>>>>> Amtsgericht Lübeck, HRB 318 BS
>>>>>>> Geschäftsführung: Wilfried Paepcke, Dr. Andreas Longwitz,
>>>>>>>                   Dr. Uwe Szyszka, Dr. Hans-Martin Rasch
>>>>>>> Tel. (0451) 49 00-188
>>>>>>> Fax. (0451) 49 00-123
>>>>>>> e-mail: lhersch at
>>>>>>> Jiri Vanek schrieb:
>>>>>>>> TYVM. Pushed.
>>>>>>>> Prerelase binraries will be updated on demand.
>>>>>>>> J.
>>>>>>>> On 2/25/19 10:39 AM, Olesya Gerasimenko wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello!
>>>>>>>>> Please find attached the updated Russian translation.
>>>>>>>>> 22.02.2019 14:15, Jiri Vanek пишет:
>>>>>>>>>> Hello all!
>>>>>>>>>> Please see the pre-release of icedtea-web 1.8:
>>>>>>>>>> If you can push it through your cases, it would be  awesome. There are native portable builds for
>>>>>>>>>> both win and Linuxes. There is also multiplatform portable build based on shell/bat launchers only.
>>>>>>>>>> I had also updated (not released!) fedora builds to this pre - see "fedora" text file:
>>>>>>>>>> While this prerelase is in testing, I would like to call alive translators - Russian and Czech - to
>>>>>>>>>> update theirs translations in
>>>>>>>>>> In
>>>>>>>>>> addition, I will start backporting of non-native patches to 1.7 so 1.7.2 can follow 1.8 very soon.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.8 will be released once translations are in place. Of course anything wrong reported with
>>>>>>>>>> pre-released tarballs will be fixed.
>>>>>>>>>> Windows testing:
>>>>>>>>>>   *
>>>>>>>>>>   *
>>>>>>>>>>   * itw-installer.msi
>>>>>>>>>>   + icedtea-web-1.8pre.tar.gz (sources for custom builds - optional)
>>>>>>>>>>   +
>>>>>>>>>> Linux testng:
>>>>>>>>>>   *
>>>>>>>>>>   *
>>>>>>>>>>   * icedtea-web-1.8pre.tar.gz (sources for distributions and custom builds - mandatory)
>>>>>>>>>>   * fedora
>>>>>>>>>>   +
>>>>>>>>>> Note for JRE search:
>>>>>>>>>>   * windows shell scripts reads java_home or or registry
>>>>>>>>>>   * linux shell scripts reads java_home or defualt system jdk
>>>>>>>>>>   * native launchers reads in addition system paths
>>>>>>>>>> TBH, I doubt I covered all combinations when I run my suites
>>>>>>>>>> Cases (if you have lack of them, but many of them may be already dead):
>>>>>>>>>>   *
>>>>>>>>>>   *
>>>>>>>>>> Known bugs:
>>>>>>>>>> 3705 ---     Webstarted application tries to load resources from server incorrectly
>>>>>>>>>> 3704 ---     IcedTeaWeb doesn't run SAP PI web start interface - LAZY_CLASSLOADING_FAILED
>>>>>>>>>> 3697 ---     Custom JRE/JDK within UTF-8 folder name ( key deployment.jre.dir in in
>>>>>>>>>> ) are not properly handled
>>>>>>>>>> 3689 ---     DownloadService2 not implemented
>>>>>>>>>> 3672 ---     Classloader doesn't load jar correctly from JNLP extension
>>>>>>>>>> 3461 ---    (still) Cannot run HP ILO4 remote console application
>>>>>>>>>> Windows desktop shortcuts are suspected to not work with jdk11 and up
>>>>>>>>>> On Linux side, except native launchers and few bug fixes, not much changed. But for windows support
>>>>>>>>>> this is giant leap to be finally proper replacement for oracle javaws.
>>>>>>>>>> For 1.9 the plan is to remove plugin completely, and to move to github and under the wings of
>>>>>>>>>> AdoptOpenJDK....
>>>>>>>>>> Looking forward for both  positive and negative feedbacks
>>>>>>>>>>    J.

Jiri Vanek
Senior QE engineer, OpenJDK QE lead, Mgr.
Red Hat Czech
jvanek at    M: +420775390109
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