Proposed incorporation of specification change for present/directly present/etc. terminology into javax.lang.model

Alex Buckley alex.buckley at
Wed May 22 12:52:07 PDT 2013

- For readability the definition of "associated" could use an "and" 
before "<i>C</i> is a class".

- The definition of "indirectly present" is missing a "the" before 
"result", and wrongly implies that multiple annotations will always be 
reported by calling the value() method ("A is one of the annotations 
included in ...").

I updated JDK-8010680 to incorporate the edits I suggested earlier in 
this thread plus the note you added to "directly present" ("Typically, 
..."). It's the text I will add to the PDF for long-term memory about 
these definitions. If it's not what you want to put in javadoc, please 
edit the bug.


On 5/21/2013 9:38 PM, Joe Darcy wrote:
> Hello,
> On 05/21/2013 05:20 PM, Alex Buckley wrote:
>> - "directly present" and "present" are OK.
>> - "indirectly present" still doesn't bind A strongly enough ... it's
>> necessary but not sufficient that an annotation of type ATC is
>> directly present on C ... the sufficient clause is that the ATC-typed
>> annotation must have a value element which contains A.
>> - "associated" is almost OK except for a type error: the final clause
>> must be "and <i>A</i> is associated with the superclass of <i>C</i>."
>> (The domain of "associated" is annotations, not annotation types, so
>> AT is never associated with anything.)
> Hopefully final iteration; edits to "indirectly present" and
> "associated" definitions compared to the current code:
> + * An annotation <i>A</i> is <em>indirectly present</em> on a construct
> + * <i>C</i> if both:
>    *
>    * <ul>
> - *  <li> <i>A</i> is <em>directly present</em> on <i>E</i>; or
>    *
> - *  <li> <i>A</i> is not <em>directly present</em> on <i>E</i>, and
> - *  <i>E</i> is an element representing a class, and <i>A</i>'s type
> - *  is inheritable, and <i>A</i> is <em>present</em> on the element
> - *  representing the superclass of <i>E</i>.
> + * <li><i>AT</i> is a repeatable annotation type with a containing
> + * annotation type <i>ATC</i>.
> + *
> + * <li>An annotation of type <i>ATC</i> is directly present on
> + * <i>C</i> and <i>A</i> is one of the annotations included in result
> + * of calling the {@code value} method of the directly present
> + * annotation of type <i>ATC</i>.
> + *
> + * </ul>
> + *
> + * An annotation <i>A</i> is <em>associated</em> with a construct
> + * <i>C</i> if either:
> + *
> + * <ul>
> + *
> + * <li> <i>A</i> is directly or indirectly present on <i>C</i>.
> + *
> + * <li> No annotation of type <i>AT</i> is directly or indirectly
> + * present on <i>C</i>, <i>C</i> is a class, and <i>AT</i> is
> + * inheritable, and <i>A</i> is associated with the superclass of
> + * <i>C</i>.
>    *
> Full new webrev at
> Thanks,
> -Joe
>> Alex
>> On 5/20/2013 10:35 PM, Joe Darcy wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> On 05/16/2013 11:56 AM, Alex Buckley wrote:
>>>> 1. "directly present" says the annotation @Foo(x=1) is directly
>>>> present if any annotation of type Foo is present. (Assuming an int
>>>> element x in type Foo.) So is @Foo(x=2). And @Foo(x=3). And @Foo(x=4).
>>>> And so on. I know we only have type-based lookup for annotations
>>>> today, but we should not open the door to weirdo answers for "tell me
>>>> all the annotations of type Foo which are directly present". Try this:
>>>> --
>>>> An annotation A is directly present on a construct C if either:
>>>> - A is explicitly or implicitly declared as applying to the source
>>>> code representation of C; or
>>>> - A appears in the executable output corresponding to C, such as in
>>>> the RuntimeVisibleAnnotations attribute of a class file.
>>>> --
>>>> (The "declared" in "explicitly or implicitly declared" does not
>>>> pertain to solely declaration annotations. If you repeat a type
>>>> annotation, then the type annotations' container annotation will be an
>>>> implicitly declared type annotation.)
>>>> 2. The "present" and "associated" definitions both use the type AT but
>>>> it's not bound to anything.
>>>> 3. The "indirectly present" definition also has AT spring out of
>>>> nowhere, but also it's important to say "... if both of the following
>>>> conditions are true:" rather than just "... if:" because it's easy to
>>>> assume the bullet point are alternatives as in the other three
>>>> definitions.
>>> Reworked portions of the patch below; full webrev at
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Joe
>>> --- a/src/share/classes/javax/lang/model/ Fri May
>>> 17 13:48:41 2013 -0700
>>> +++ b/src/share/classes/javax/lang/model/ Mon May
>>> 20 22:34:23 2013 -0700
>>> @@ -39,35 +39,72 @@
>>>    * are on a <em>declaration</em>, whereas annotations on a type are on
>>>    * a specific <em>use</em> of a type name.
>>>    *
>>> - * The terms <em>directly present</em> and <em>present</em> are used
>>> + * The terms <em>directly present</em>, <em>present</em>,
>>> + * <em>indirectly present</em>, and <em>associated </em> are used
>>>    * throughout this interface to describe precisely which annotations
>>> - * are returned by methods:
>>> + * are returned by the methods defined herein.
>>>    *
>>> - * <p>An annotation <i>A</i> is <em>directly present</em> on a
>>> - * construct <i>E</i> if <i>E</i> is annotated, and:
>>> + * <p>In the definitions below, an annotation <i>A</i> has an
>>> + * annotation type <i>AT</i>. If <i>AT</i> is a repeatable annotation
>>> + * type, the type of the containing annotation is <i>ATC</i>.
>>> + *
>>> + * <p>Annotation <i>A</i> is <em>directly present</em> on a construct
>>> + * <i>C</i> if either:
>>>    *
>>>    * <ul>
>>>    *
>>> - * <li> for an invocation of {@code getAnnotation(Class<T>)} or
>>> - * {@code getAnnotationMirrors()}, <i>E</i>'s annotations contain
>>> <i>A</i>.
>>> + * <li><i>A</i> is explicitly or implicitly declared as applying to
>>> + * the source code representation of <i>C</i>.
>>>    *
>>> - * <li> for an invocation of {@code getAnnotationsByType(Class<T>)},
>>> - * <i>E</i>'s annotations either contain <i>A</i> or, if the type of
>>> - * <i>A</i> is repeatable, contain exactly one annotation whose value
>>> - * element contains <i>A</i> and whose type is the containing
>>> - * annotation type of <i>A</i>'s type.
>>> + * <p>Typically, if exactly one annotation of type <i>AT</i> appears in
>>> + * the source code of representation of <i>C</i>, then <i>A</i> is
>>> + * explicitly declared as applying to <i>C</i>.
>>> + *
>>> + * If there are multiple annotations of type <i>AT</i> present on
>>> + * <i>C</i>, then if <i>AT</i> is repeatable annotation type, an
>>> + * annotation of type <i>ATC</i> is implicitly declared on <i>C</i>.
>>> + *
>>> + * <li> A representation of <i>A</i> appears in the executable output
>>> + * for <i>C</i>, such as the {@code RuntimeVisibleAnnotations} or
>>> + * {@code RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations} attributes of a class
>>> + * file.
>>>    *
>>>    * </ul>
>>>    *
>>> - * <p>An annotation A is <em>present</em> on a construct E if either:
>>> + * <p>An annotation <i>A</i> is <em>present</em> on a
>>> + * construct <i>C</i> if either:
>>> + * <ul>
>>> + *
>>> + * <li><i>A</i> is directly present on <i>C</i>.
>>> + *
>>> + * <li>No annotation of type <i>AT</i> is directly present on
>>> + * <i>C</i>, and <i>C</i> is a class and <i>AT</i> is inheritable
>>> + * and <i>A</i> is present on the superclass of <i>C</i>.
>>> + *
>>> + * </ul>
>>> + *
>>> + * An annotation <i>A</i> is <em>indirectly present</em> on a construct
>>> + * <i>C</i> if both:
>>>    *
>>>    * <ul>
>>> - *  <li> <i>A</i> is <em>directly present</em> on <i>E</i>; or
>>>    *
>>> - *  <li> <i>A</i> is not <em>directly present</em> on <i>E</i>, and
>>> - *  <i>E</i> is an element representing a class, and <i>A</i>'s type
>>> - *  is inheritable, and <i>A</i> is <em>present</em> on the element
>>> - *  representing the superclass of <i>E</i>.
>>> + * <li><i>AT</i> is a repeatable annotation type with a containing
>>> annotation type <i>ATC</i>.
>>> + *
>>> + * <li>An annotation of type <i>ATC</i> is directly present on
>>> <i>C</i>.
>>> + *
>>> + * </ul>
>>> + *
>>> + * An annotation <i>A</i> is <em>associated</em> with a construct
>>> + * <i>C</i> if either:
>>> + *
>>> + * <ul>
>>> + *
>>> + * <li> <i>A</i> is directly or indirectly present on <i>C</i>.
>>> + *
>>> + * <li> No annotation of type <i>AT</i> is directly or indirectly
>>> + * present on <i>C</i>, <i>C</i> is a class, and <i>AT</i> is
>>> + * inheritable, and <i>AT</i> is associated with the superclass of
>>> + * <i>C</i>.
>>>    *
>>>    * </ul>
>>>    *
>>>> Alex
>>>> On 5/15/2013 11:22 PM, Joe Darcy wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I've been working to update the javadoc specification in
>>>>> javax.lang.model.* with the new present / directly present / etc.
>>>>> terminology from the latest 8misc.pdf file.
>>>>> Proposed patch is below.
>>>>> Full webrev of the change available from
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> -Joe

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